
Terms for subject Finances containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
accounts payable-trade应付贸易帐款
accounts receivable trade应收客帐
achieve a more balanced trade relationship实现更加平衡的贸易关系
active trade活跃贸易
active trade balance自主贸易余额
address bilateral trade imbalances解决双边贸易不平衡问题
address trade frictions appropriately through dialogue and consultation以对话协商妥善处理贸易摩擦
adverse trade balance国际贸易逆差
agency trade代理贸易
agency trade代客买卖
all the cross-border trade settled in renminbi跨境贸易人民币结算总额
allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi允许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易
allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency允许中国企业以本币进行跨境交易结算
allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目
allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China允许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算
allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China允许非贸易资金自由出人中国
allow the renminbi to trade freely允许人民币自由兑换
allow trade to be settled in renminbi允许人民币用于贸易结算
American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition美国制造商行动联盟
annual trade deficit年度贸易逆差
Arab Bank for Investment and Foreign Trade阿拉伯投资及外贸银行 (阿联酋的商业银行,成立于1975年,行址在阿布扎比)
areas of infrastructure and trade finance基础设施和贸易融资领域
ASEAN Free Trade Area东盟自由贸易区 (指由原东盟6国(印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱)和4个新成员国(越南、老挝、缅甸、柬埔寨)共同组成的自由贸易区,陆地总面积为450万平方公里,人口达5.3亿)
ASEAN-China free trade zone中国一东盟自贸区
Australian dollar-related trades与澳元相关的交易
average number of days in transit of trade remittances collect via bank托收货款平均在途天数
avoid trade imbalance避免贸易失衡
balance of trade收支差额 (merchandise balance)
bidding trade投标买卖
big trade surplus巨额贸易顺差
board of trade交易委员会 (一个商品期货和/或者是期货期权买卖的交易场所)
bullet trade子弹式交易 (指买方买人价内看跌期权后卖空相关股份,从而可以在熊市里无须等待股价回升而获利的交易)
buy-back trade回购贸易
cabinet trade微值交易
cap and trade总量管制与配额交易
capital in trade商业资本
Caribbean Free Trade Association加勒比自由贸易协会 (加勒比共同体和共同组织的前身,成立于1968年)
carry trade利差交易 (例如:当利率偏低时,投资者便借人短息买长债,稳赚可观的息差;当美元汇价看低时,便借人美元买进看升的亚洲股、汇市)
carry trade套息交易
cash-and-carry trade买现卖期交易
champion open trade倡导开放贸易
Chicago Board of Trade芝加哥期货交易所
China and ASEAN Free Trade Area中国-东盟自由贸易区
China Foreign Exchange Trade System中国外汇交易中心
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会
China-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade中美商贸联委会
clearing agreement trade记帐贸易
clearing trade transaction清算交易
collection of trade debts托收贸易债款
compensation trade insurance补偿贸易保险
composite trade综合买卖
contract of loans in compensation trade补偿贸易借款合同
cooperate to strengthen the international trade and financial institutions合作加强国际贸易和金融机构
countries with trade deficits贸易逆差国
create conditions for balanced development of bilateral trade为双边贸易平衡发展创造条件
cross currency trade货币交叉盘买卖
cross-border renminbi trade跨境人民币贸易
cross-border renminbi trade settlement跨境人民币贸易结算
crossed trade买空卖空
currency and trade issues汇率和贸易问题
currency of international trade国际贸易货币
day trade当日平仓交易
day trade短线交易
day trade transaction短线交易
day trade transaction当日平仓交易
day trade transaction当日交易
de facto currencies of trade贸易的事实货币
designated clearing bank for renminbi trade settlement指定的人民币贸易结算清算银行
develop a more balanced trade and investment relationship发展更加平衡的贸易和投资关系
Doha Round trade negotiations多哈回合贸易谈判
dollar trade-credit shock美元贸易信贷冲击
economic, trade and financial cooperation经贸金融合作
electronic futures trade电子化期货交易
electronic trade电子贸易
emergency trade tariffs紧急贸易关税
encourage expanded trade in financial products and services刺激金融产品及服务中交易的扩展
encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi鼓励企业用人民币开展国际贸易
end-of-day trade data file transfer service收市后资料传送服务
enjoy the rights of members of the World Trade Organization享受世界贸易组织成员权利
erroneous trade错误交易
error trade错价交易
escrow L/C barter trade对开信用证易货贸易
European Center of International Trade欧洲国际贸易中心
European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易协会 (总部设于日内瓦)
European Organization of Trade Promotion欧洲贸易促进组织
European trade commissioner欧盟贸易专员
excessive trade surplus贸易顺差过大
expand free trade扩大自由贸易
expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用
fair trade公允交易
fight against trade protectionism反对贸易保护主义
financing related to trade贸易资金的筹措
fine trade bill有信用商业票据
fiscal and trade-balance crisis财政和贸易平衡危机
floor trade场内交易
foreign trade bank对外贸易银行
foreign-trade financing国际贸易财务处理
foreign trade insurance对外贸易保险
foreign trade operation rights对外贸易经营权
foster more open trade and investment globally促进更加开放的全球贸易与投资
free multilateral foreign trade多边的自由对外贸易
Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific亚太自贸区 (指亚太经合组织 (APEC)21个成员国为推动亚太地区经济一体化进程而一致同意成立的自由贸易区。将 APEC 转型为自由贸易区的提议最初是在2010年11月13日至14日在日本横滨举行的 APEC 会议上提出来的,2014年11月中旬在北京举行的 APEC 领导人非正式会议批准了亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自由贸易区路线图,标志着亚太自由贸易区进程已正式启动)
free trade system自由贸易体制
free trade tariff自由贸易关税
fuel a trade war引发一场贸易战
further expand bilateral trade and investment进一步扩大双边贸易与投资
gain trade advantages获取贸易优势
GATT trade rounds关贸总协定贸易谈判回合
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税与贸易总协定 (简称"关贸总协定")
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 19441944年关易税贸总协定
give-and-take trade对等贸易
guarantee under compensation trade补偿贸易保函
hold and trade renminbi-denominated products持有并交易人民币计价的金融产品
hold high the banner of free trade高举自由贸易旗帜
Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港贸发局
huge trade surplus with the US巨额对美贸易顺差
interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill出口汇票作担保的贷款利率
International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms《国际贸易术语解释通则》
International Trade Center国际贸易中心 (联合国开发计划署的执行机构,由联合国和世界贸易组织长期共管)
international trade settled in renminbi以人民币结算的国际贸易
international use of the currency in trade人民币在国际贸易中的使用
intra-day trade回转交易
isolated trades system已划分的买卖制度 (香港中央结算系统 (CCASS)实施的制度)
jobber trade当天交易伦敦期货市场用语
join the World Trade Organization加人世界贸易组织
Kansas City Board of Trade堪萨斯城交易所
kerb trade场外交易
last trade price最后成交价
lead to trade imbalances导致贸易失衡
legitimacy of trade transactions贸易交易之合法性
liberalize global trade and investment使全球贸易和投资自由化
long-term trade agreement长期贸易协定
long-term trade agreements长期贸易协定
long-term trade credit长期贸易信贷
mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业
maintain fiscal, monetary, trade, industry and other policy sustainability保持财政、货币、贸易、产业等政策的可持续性
manual trade非自动对盘的交易
matched trade对应交易
mock stock index futures trades模拟股指期货交易
monetary theory of trade cycle贸易周期的货币理论
National Foreign Trade Council对外贸易理事会
New York Board of Trade纽约期货交易所
non-trade barrier非贸易壁垒
non-trade settlement非贸易结算
non-discriminative trade无差别贸易
North American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区 (由美国、加拿大和墨西哥3个国家组成,1994年1月1日正式宣布成立)
note receivable from trade应收商业票据
note receivable trade应收客户票据
notes receivable from trade应收商业票据
notes receivable trade应收客户票据
nudge the trade balance微调贸易平衡
odd-lot trade零股交易
odd-lot trade零手交易
off-board trade离场交易
offer renminbi trade settlement services开通人民币贸易结算业务
offer Rmb trade settlement提供人民币贸易结算业务
offshore centre for renminbi trade settlement离岸人民币贸易结算中心
offshore derivatives trades离岸衍生品交易
offshore trade transactions海外贸易往来
old asset in trade-in旧资产扣抵
open trade and investment开放贸易和投资
opening trade开盘
oppose trade and investment protectionism反对贸易和投资保护主义
overnight trade非即日平仓交易
overnight trade隔夜交易
pairs trade捉对交易
pass trade agreements批准贸易协定
payment of international invisible trade国际无形贸易支付
payment of international trade国际贸易支付
permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency允许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度
post-trade transaction后交易指令
preferential trade agreement特惠贸易协定 (指参加协定的成员国之间在进行贸易时互相提供关税减让的特别优惠)
preferential trade area特惠贸易区
prevent companies from using phoney trade documents防止企业伪造贸易文件
prevent trade protectionism防止贸易保护主义
process of international trade and investment cooperation国际贸易和投资合作进程
profit of trade营业利润
promote more balanced trade促进更加平衡的贸易
promote the balanced development of foreign trade促进对外贸易平衡发展
properly handle economic and trade frictions妥善处理经贸摩擦
properly handle trade frictions妥善处理贸易摩擦
provide RMB trade settlement提供人民币贸易结算业务
pursue trade surplus追求贸易顺差
quarterly trade account季度商业计算
raise new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services抬高投资或货物及服务贸易新壁垒
ran a large trade surplus保持巨额贸易顺差
ratio of trade accounts payable to purchases应付帐款对购货之比率
reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures重申不采取新的贸易保护主义措施的承诺
reduce dependence on foreign trade and investment减少对外贸和投资的依赖
reduce trade advantage削减贸易优势
reduce trade and investment barriers减少各种贸易和投资壁垒
regional trade integration地区贸易一体化
renminbi cross-border trade settlement跨境贸易人民币结算
renminbi trade settlement operations人民币贸易结算业务
renminbi trade settlement program人民币贸易结算机制
renminbi trade settlement scheme跨境贸易人民币结算机制
renminbi-denominated cross-border trade以人民币计价的跨境贸易
renminbi-denominated trade人民币计价的贸易
restrictions on currency trade对外汇交易的限制
reverse cash-and-carry trade反向买现卖期交易
reversing trade反向交易
risk-profitability trade off风险与利润力之取舍
risk-return trade-off风险 - 报酬抉择
Rosario Board of Trade〈阿根廷〉罗萨里奥商品交易所
round-lot trade整手交易
round-trip trade往返交易
round-turn trade往返交易
settle cross-border trade in own currency用本币进行跨境贸易结算
settle cross-border trades in renminbi以人民币结算跨境贸易
settlement of international non-trade国际非贸易结算
settlement of international trade国际贸易结算
settlement of invisible trade无形贸易结算
settlement of trade accounts贸易账户结算
share the benefits of trade and investment liberalization共享贸易和投资自由化益处
short trade bill短期商业票据
short-term trade credit短期贸易信贷
shrink the trade surplus减顺差
Sino-US trade war中美贸易战
spot gold trade现货黄金交易
spot trade即期交易
spot trade contract即期交易合同
spread trade价差交易
stock-in-trade商品存货 (merchandise inventory)
supply of renminbi for trade settlement用于贸易结算的人民币供给
suspension of trade中断贸易
take new trade protectionist measures采取新的贸易保护主义措施
terminate the liquidity trade终结流动性交易
theory of balance of trade贸易差额论
theory of contemporary trade cycle现代贸易周期论
theory of international trade国家贸易理论
theory of intra-industry trade行业内贸易论
theory of protective trade保护贸易论
total foreign trade value外贸进出口总额
trade acceptance receivable应收商业承兑票据
trade accounts payable应付账款
trade accounts payable商业应付帐目
trade accounts receivable应收账款
trade accounts receivable商业应收帐目
trade and investment facilitation贸易和投资便利化
trade and investment liberalization贸易和投资自由化
trade and payments agreement贸易与支付协定
trade assets交易资产
trade balance贸易差额 (指货物与服务的进出口差额)
trade balance report贸易差额报告
trade books商业帐簿
trade cost sytem营业成本制度
trade credit as a means of financing以商业信用为融资之手段
trade creditor购货客户
trade creditor运付贷款
trade creditor购货债权人
trade creditors购销债权人
trade current account同业往来
trade date交易日
trade debtors应收贷款
trade debtors购销债务人
trade debtors销货债务力
trade debtors销货客户
trade deficit countries贸易逆差国
Trade Development Council贸易发展局 (简称"贸发局")
trade discount同业间折扣 (trade allowance)
trade discount商业折扣 (trade allowance)
trade-distorting government actions扭曲贸易的政府行为
trade expenses营业费
Trade Facilitation Agreement《贸易便利化协议> 2014年11月27日世界贸易组织通过了《贸易便利化协议》,这是世界贸易组织成立以来通过的首个多边贸易促进协议,从而使"巴厘一揽子协议"的落实取得了实质进展
trade figures贸易数据
trade finance experts贸易融资专家
trade-for-trade settlement逐项交收
trade imbalances贸易失衡
trade liabilities购贷债务
trade notes payable应付商业票据
trade payable应付贸易帐项
trade payable turnover period应付货款周转期
trade payables应付账款
trade payables应付贸易帐项
trade payables turnover period应付账款周转期
trade protectionist measures贸易保护主义措施
trade receivables应收贸易帐项
trade settled in renminbi以人民币结算的贸易
trade shares in Chinese companies买卖中国企业的股票
trade stock index futures进行股指期货交易
trade strategy贸易战略
trade volume交易量
trade volume indicator analysis交易量指标分析
trade wars贸易战
trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB跨境贸易人民币结算试点
Twin Cities Board of Trade双城期货交易所
two-way trade双重交易
unwind a trade对冲
unwind a trade平仓
upstairs trade楼上交易
uptick trade报升交易
uptick trade涨点交易
U.S. trade representative美国贸易代表
use exchange rate policies to take away the benefits of lower trade barriers利用汇率政策来抵消较低贸易壁垒的好处
use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade用人民币进行跨境贸易结算
use the renminbi in trade deals用人民币进行贸易结算
use the renminbi to settle international trade transactions采用人民币进行国际贸易结算
visible trade deficit有形贸易逆差
wash trade虚假交易
wash trade洗盘交易
weaker trade贸易疲弱
wholesale and retail trade批发及零售业
work proactively to resolve bilateral trade disputes积极解决双边贸易争端
World Federation of Trade Unions世界工会联盟
World Trade Centers Association世界贸易中心协会 (国际贸易促进组织,成立于1970年,总部设在纽约)
world trade deal世界贸易协议
world trade growth世界贸易增长
World Trade Organization世界贸易组织 (独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,成立于1994年4月,1995年1月1日正式开始运作,负责管理世界经济和贸易秩序,总部设在瑞士日内瓦)
world's trade imbalances世界贸易失衡
yen carry trade日元套息交易