
Terms for subject Electronics containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
Association of Electrical Machinery Trades机电行业协会英国
batter trade易货贸易
bond trade analysis program证券交易分析程序
China External Trade Development Council中国对外贸易促进会
corporate trade exchange企业贸易交换
dollar trade-off费用折衷方案
electronic trade efficiency program电子贸易效率系统
Federal Trade Commission联邦贸易委员会美国
General Agreement on Trade in Service服务贸易总协定 (WTO)
global trade point network联合国全球贸易站网络
hardware-software trade-off硬件-软件协调
hardware-software trade-off硬件-软件折衷
Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港贸易发展委员会
International Rules for Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易条件解释通则
International Trade Commission国际贸易委员会美国
international trade logistics国际贸易物流
Japan External Trade Research Organization日本贸易振兴会
Japan External Trade Research Organization日本对外贸易研究组织
Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade商业贸易联合委员会
Korea Foreign Trade Association韩国对外贸易协会
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade对外经济关系与贸易部中国
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation对外贸易与经济合作部中国
Ministry of International Trade and Industry日本
Ministry of Trade and Industry工贸部韩国
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy工贸能源部韩国
North American Free Trade Association北美自由贸易协会
nuclear trade核贸易【核】
SEMI International Trade Partners Conference半导体设备与材料协会国际贸易伙伴会议
Semiconductor Trade Agreement美-日半导体贸易协定
State Economic and Trade Commission国家经贸委
through trade直接贸易
trade centre商贸中心
trade electronic data interchange system贸易电子数据交换系统
trade mark注册商标
trade-off analysis协调分析
trade-off analysis折衷选择分析
trade-off evaluation system综合评估系统
trade off studies经营研究
trade off studies市场销售研究
trade partnership agreement markup language贸易合作伙伴协议标记语言
trade point engine贸易点计算机系统
Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee贸易促进协调委员会美国
Trade Related Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights与贸易有关的知识产权协定 (WTO)
trade representative商务代表处
trade safeguarding act贸易保护法
trade turnover商品周转
trade turnover商品交易额
United Nations communication interactive trade data联合国通信交互贸易数据
United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory联合国贸易数据要素总目
United Nations Trade Data Interactive Document联合国贸易数据交换手册
United States trade representative美国贸易代表
VMEbus International Trade AssociationVMEbus 国际贸易协会
World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Group世界半导体贸易统计组织
World Trade Centers Association世界贸易中心协会
World Trade Information Center国际贸易情报中心
world trade teletypewriter terminal世界贸易电传打字机终端