
Terms for subject China containing to power | all forms
all power of the state belongs to the people一切权力属于人民
have decision-making power with regard to operation and management自主经营权
elect and have the power to recall选举并有权罢免
exercise power scientifically, democratically and according to law科学执政、民主执政、依法执政
exercise the State's power to make laws行使国家立法权
have the power to alter有权改变
have the power to alter or annul有权改变或者撤销
have the power to order an autopsy有权决定解剖
have the power to remove from有权罢免
have the power to try有权审理
major powers granted to people's congresses in the Constitution and other laws宪法和法律赋予人大的重要职权
power to manage affairs事务执行权
power to propose bills for amendments修改提案权
procedure to exercise the power of supervision行使监督职权的程序
share the feelings of the people and work for the good of the people, exercise power for the people, show concern for the people and bring benefit to the people权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋
the power to amend the Constitution修宪权
the power to appoint and remove officials of state organs from office国家机关组成人员的任免权
the power to carry out investigations调查权
the power to decide major issues of state国家重大事项决定权 (key state issues)
the power to enact state laws国家立法权
the power to interpret the Constitution and other laws宪法和法律的解释权
the power to oversee the enforcement of the Constitution监督宪法实施权
the power to remove from office罢免权
with regard to a matter that falls within the limits of power of two or more departments under the State Council涉及两个以上国务院部门职权范围的事项
within the limits of power and according to the procedures as provided for by law依照法律规定的权限和程序