
Terms containing thing | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things钢条和橡胶的名次居前
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things在各种弹性物体当中
gen.a cell is not a simple thing, and so is a surface - any surface细胞不是一个简单的事物,一个面任何一个面也是如此
gen.a close thing千钧一发
gen.a close thing险些发生的事
inf.a near thing千钧一发
inf.a near thing险些发生的事
econ.a priceless thing无价之宝
gen.a thing of naught没价值〔没用〕的东西
gen.above all things最主要的是
gen.above all things尤其〔首先〕是
expl.All living things are afraid of fire生物都怕火
IMF.all other things being equal如果其他情况都一样
IMF.all other things being equal在其他条件相同的情况下
IMF.all other things being equal如果其他条件均保持不变
gen.all things considered综合各方面情况来看
gen.all things considered考虑到所有情况
gen.all things considered从全面考虑
gen.all things considered全面地考虑
gen.all things considered把一切情况和可能性都考虑进去以后
gen.among many other things其中包括
gen.among many other things格外
gen.among many other things尤其
gen.among many other things亦在其中
gen.among other things除了别的以外
gen.among other things尤其
gen.among other things就中
gen.among other things其中
gen.among other things其中包括
gen.among other things尤其
gen.among other things格外
gen.among other things亦在其中
gen.amount to the same thing并无差异
gen.amount to the same thing仍旧一样
gen.amount to the same thing结果相同
gen.amount to the same thing结果,意义一样
gen.an electric iron may be marked 400W or, which means the same thing, 0.4kW电烙铁上可能标明是400瓦或标上0,4千瓦,都是一回事
gen.and things之类
gen.and things等等
gen.and things like that等等
gen.another thing另一回事
gen.Are there any unusual things produced in this town这个镇有什么特产吗?
textileartistic things艺术品
gen.as a general thing通常
gen.as a general thing通例
gen.as a general thing照例
busin.As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about关于保险我还有很多事情不清楚
gen.as things are既然如此
gen.as things are照目前情况
gen.as things are在目前形势下
gen.as things are按照目前情况
gen.as things are在现状下
inf.as things go从一般情况来看
gen.as things stand在目前形势下
gen.as things stand按照目前情况
gen.as things stand照目前情况来看
econ.assimilate good things from foreign countries学习外国的好东西
milk.At that time, I thought the cream cake is the most delicious thing in the world那时候,我以为奶油蛋糕就是世界上最美味的东西了
China, lawattribution of a thing物的归属
gen.be up to a thing or two明白事理
gen.be up to a thing or two很有经验
econ.Because of the interference from the third party, things became more complicated由于第三方的介入,事情变得更复杂了
gen.beyond all things首先
gen.beyond all things第一
busin.big thing风行商品
busin.brass far thing小钱
China, polit.bribe a voter or deputy with money or other things of value以金钱或者其他财物贿赂选民或者代表
proj.manag.But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次
fash.But it still felt solid enough to her, or as solid as such a fine-woven thing could ever feel她感觉到这确实是真实的,摸起来是很好的织物的质感
interntl.trade.buy a thing sight unseen不看现货买东西
busin.buy a thing sight unseen未看现货便买
gen.by the nature of things必然
gen.by the nature of things在道理上
gen.by the very nature of things当〔必〕然
gen.by the very nature of things理所当然地
gen.Caffeine is in some of our favorite things like coffee beans, tea leaves and chocolate咖啡因存在于一些我们喜欢的物质中,例如咖啡豆、茶叶和巧克力
gen.Canvas is strong, heavy cloth that is used for making things such as tents, sail, and bags帆布是一种结实耐用的布料,主要用于帐篷、帆以及包的制作
gen.check every little thing检査每一个细节
gen.clean thing应当做的事 (to do)
inf.close thing千钧一发
inf.close thing险事
adv.Coca-Cola, "It's the real thing"可口可乐、"真材实料"、麦肯广告公司、1970 (McCann-Erickson)
China, lawcollect money or things收取财物
gen.come to the same thing产生同样结果
gen.come to the same thing并无差异
gen.come to the same thing结果,意义一样
gen.come to the same thing仍旧一样
gen.come to the same thing结果相同
gen.come to the same thing相同
gen.coming thing萌芽状态
gen.coming thing新事物
econ.concrete thing实物
China, lawconfiscation of unlawful property or things of value没收非法财物
busin.contribute things as investment实物投资
gen.course of things趋势
gen.course of things事态
manag.create a attitude for doing things新风气的养成
China, polit.define the attribution of things明确物的归属
China, lawdeliberately make things difficult故意刁难
China, lawdemand money or thing of value索要财物
econ.determination of the nature of things事物定性
econ.discriminate one thing from another把一事物与另一事物区别开来
manag.do one thing at a time专一不二
gen.do the correct thing处理恰当
amer.do things on the big figure大规模地干某事
amer.do things on the big figure大干特干
commer.Don't judge a thing from the outside不要从外表判断事物
busin.dutiable thing应纳税货品
interntl.trade.dutiable things有税物
oilear thing接地
expl.Eating precedes all other things吃饭占据生活的优先地位
busin.effect of right over things物权效力
econ.embrace all things包罗万象
interntl.trade.embracing all things包罗万象
gen.Excuse me, but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in America ?劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款偿付我在美国买东西的费用?
lab.law.expert in one thing and good at many一专多能
busin.faked up thing捏造的事实
busin.faked up thing冒牌货
busin.faked up thing骗人的东西
busin.faked up thing假货
gen.feast of fat things山珍海味席
gen.feel out of things感到自己没份
gen.feel out of things感到格格不人
gen.the first thing作为第一件要做的
gen.the first thing立刻
gen.the first thing最先
gen.the first thing第一件事
manag.first things first先其事当先
gen.for another thing另一方面
gen.for another thing其次
gen.for another thing二则
gen.for another thing加一点是
gen.for one thing理由之一是
gen.for one thing有一个理由
gen.for one thing举一件事来说
gen.for one thing首先
gen.for one thing举个例来说
gen.for one thing一则
gen.for one thing..., for another...首先…,再者〔其次〕…
gen.for one thing... for another thing二则…
gen.for one thing... for another thing其二…
gen.for one thing... for another thing一则…
gen.for one thing... for another thing其一…
gen.friction is the rubbing of one thing against another摩擦是一物和另一物相擦
gen.from the very nature of things当〔必〕然
gen.from the very nature of things理所当然地
tech.general run of things一般情况
tech.general run of things一般趋势
gen.general thing惯例
manag.getting thing done with and through people群策群力以竟事功
gen.gloss things over含糊敷衍
interntl.trade.good thing有利的交易
China, lawguarantee for the thing物的担保
China, lawhabitat of living things生物栖息地
gen.have a lot of things to do有许多事要做
China, lawhave the right to recover a lost-and-found thing有权追回遗失物
gen.heat makes things expand热使物体膨胀
gen.how things stand实际情况如何,就是这样
gen.how things stand现状
gen.I'd like kebab, roast squid and many different things我喜欢烤肉串、烤鱿鱼和许多别的东西
gen.I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
gen.I'm through. Please take these things away我吃完了,请端走这些东西
gen.important things to watch遵循的要点
China, polit.in term of the right to things从物权的角度
gen.In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that鉴于你的情况,你得在挂号卡上填写你的年龄、性别、住址等信息
gen.in the course of things不久
gen.in the course of things事情如果顺利
gen.in the very nature of things当〔必〕然
gen.in the nature of things在道理上
gen.in the nature of things必然
gen.in the very nature of things理所当然地
gen.In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟
gen.in the ordinary course of things按事物的正常趋势
gen.in the ordinary course of things照正常的情形
tech.indefinite thing非特定物
tech.indivisible thing不可分物
econ.inherent laws of things事物的内部规律
comp., net.internet of things物联网
comp., net.internet of things engineering物联网工程
comp., net.internet of things foundation物联网基础
dentist.Is there any thing we can do for you?我能为您做什么?您有什么事吗?
gen.it weighs 100 lbs, or, what is the same thing, 45.4 kg它重 100 磅,或者,换句话说也一样,45,4 千克
gen.it's quite another thing那完全是另外一回事
gen.just the thing正合用
gen.just the thing正是所需之物
idiom.know a thing or two很有经验
idiom.know a thing or two明白事理
idiom.know a thing or two工作能力很强
idiom.know a thing or two实践经验丰富
busin.latest thing最新发明的物品
gen.learn a thing or two学到一点儿东西
gen.leave a thing as it is置之不理
gen.leave a thing as it is听其自然
gen.leave a thing undone搁置不做
gen.let things go hang听之任
gen.let things rip听其自然
gen.let things rip让它去
gen.let things slide让它去
gen.let things slide听其自然
voll.liven things up助兴
agric.living thing生物
gen.living things有生命的东西
refrig.living things vessel生物容器
econ., int. law.loan secured by things以物品担保的贷款
busin.loan secured by things实物抵押放款
gen.look below the surface of things看到事物的里面〔本质〕
gen.look beneath the surface of things看到事物的里面〔本质〕
gen.look on the dark side of things孢悲观的态度
gen.look on the dark side of things看事物的阴暗面
China, lawlost thing遗失物
China, lawlost-and-found thing遗失物
gen.make a good thing ofM 从 M 中获得很大好处〔很多利润〕
tech.make foreign things serve China洋为中用
gen.make the best of things随遇而安
gen.make the best of things在不如意时不失望
gen.make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China洋为中用
gen.make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China古为今用
China, lawmake things clear说明情况
China, lawmake things convenient to the mass方便群众
gen.make things difficult for为难
agric.material thing物品
gen.May I move the things on your desk so that I can dust it?为了清洁书桌,我可以移动您桌子上的物品吗?
corp.gov.model a representation of the real thing模型现实的一个代表
corp.gov.model-to demonstrate what a thing is like指出这个现实象什么
corp.gov.model-to demonstrate what a thing is like模型表明
China, lawmoney and things of value财物
econ.money answers all things钱能通神
busin.money answers all things金钱万能
fin.mortgage things抵押品
fin.mortgage things担保品
busin.mulling things over开动脑筋
tech.newborn thing新生事物
econ.next best thing仅次于最好的东西
gen.no such thing没有这样的事
gen.no such thing哪里会
tech.non-fungible thing不可代替之物
securit.non-fungible thing不可替代物
tech.non-living thing非生物
gen.not a thing but what changes除…这点之外就不
gen.not a thing but what changes未必不
gen.not a thing but what changes没有不变化的东西不变化的东西是没有的 b 表示可能性或不确定性说不定
gen.Nowadays, people even use chocolate and other sweet things人们如今甚至用巧克力和其他的甜食
tech.objective things客观事物
earth.sc.objects thing客体
gen.of all things第一
gen.of all things首先
gen.One more thing, could you tell me how to guarantee my reservation?还有一件事,你能告诉我怎样才能确保我的预订吗?
gen.one of those things不可避免 〔无法挽回〕的事
gen.for one thing一则
gen.for one thing举个例来说
gen.for one thing理由之一是
gen.for one thing首先
gen.ordinary run of things一般情况
IMF.all other things being equal其他条件 〔情形〕都相同时
IMF.all other things being equal在所有其他条件 〔其他各点〕都相同的情况下
IMF.other things being equal如果其他条件均保持不变
jewl.Other things being equal, a diamond with a higher clarity-grade has a higher value在其他条件相同的情况下,高净度级别的钻石价值较高
IMF.other things equal如果其他条件均保持不变
gen.outward things外界
busin.outward things周围世界
gen.outward things周围的事物
China, lawpile things up堆放物品
China, lawpreserve the diversity of living things维护生物多样性
gen.pretty much the same thing差不多一样
econ.priceless thing无价之宝
China, lawprivately divide the money or things of value collected or distrained私分收缴、扣押的财物
China, lawpublish a notice of the finding of the lost thing发布招领公告
gen.put things in order整理
gen.put things straight整顿局面
gen.quite the thing流行
gen.quite the thing时新
gen.quite the thing被认为是正确的东西
econ.real thing原装货
tech.real thing上等产品
interntl.trade.real thing上等货
interntl.trade.real thing上等质、道地质、原装质
econ.real thing上等化
econ.real thing地道化
tech.real thing真材实料
busin.real thing真货
gen.real thing上等〔原装〕货
China, lawreceipt of the thing requisitioned征用单据
libr.records of things seen and heard见闻录
China, lawrecover a lost-and-found thing追回遗失物
railw.repair and utilize old or discarded thing修旧利废
tech.repair and utilize old or discarded things修旧利废
tech.retained thing留置物
China, lawreturn the property or things of value to the victim返还被侵害人财物
tech.reuse of old and discarded things废旧物资回收利用
busin.right of things物权
busin.right over things物权
expl.safety thing安全设施炸药库或生产炸药车间一旦发生意外事故着火爆炸时,为减少损失和保护相邻建筑物的安全而采取的措施,如防爆门、土围堤等等。安全距离和安全设施,是设计炸药库和生产炸药车间时应予重视的两个要素
hist.scheme of things事物的规律
hist.scheme of things物质的概念
China, lawsecurity for the things物的担保
gen.see things in their true colours看穿事物真相
gen.see things through a mist模模糊糊地看东西
busin.sell things below cost亏本出售货物
gen.set forth facts and reason things out摆事实讲道理
econ.set things to rights使一切有条不紊
gen.Some things are duty-free有一些商品是免税的
earth.sc.subjects thing主体
gen.Supermarkets have plenty of things for a reasonable price超市里的商品比较丰富,价格也很便宜
gen.sure thing一定
gen.sure thing当然
gen.sure thing确实
busin.sure-thing principle"确实"原则
tech.sure-thing principle确实原则
econ.take all things together整个说来
gen.take one thing with another考虑各种情况
gen.take these things back把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take these things in把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take these things on your back把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take these things to him把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take these things up把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take these things upstairs把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
gen.take things easy不要紧张
gen.take things easy从容
gen.take things in order依次做事
gen.take things light不在乎
gen.take things seriously认真对待
gen.take things too seriously大认真了
gen.take things too seriously把事情〔情况〕看得太严重
gen.taking all things together总而言之
gen.taking all things together一般说来
gen.taking all things together总起来说
gen.taking all things together整个说来
tech.tea things茶具
gen.that is the last thing to try那东西不值一试
gen.that style of thing那样的事 (说法,做法,事件)
gen.that's the one thing needed那是最需要的东西
gen.that's the one thing needed那是所需要的唯一东西
gen.The airport will consider a depreciated value of items and often ask for receipts for things you claim to have been in the baggage机场通常会低估物品价值,并要求出示丢失物品的收据
gen.the best thing to do最上策
gen.the best thing to do最好的办法
gen.The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is wine想到法国,脑子里出现的第一件东西就是葡萄酒
gen.the fitness of things事物合情合理
spaceThe Internet of things物联网 (在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的一种网络,又称物物相连的互联网)
footwearThe key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility不管是高跟鞋还是平跟鞋,最关键的是是否合脚,得不夹脚且有一定的活动余地
gen.the latest thing最新的发明
gen.the latest thing新产品
gen.the latest thing inM 最新式的M
gen.the latest thing inM M的最新式样
econ.the next best thing仅次于最好的东西
gen.the only thing we have to go on is...我们唯一所依据的是…
China, polit.the right to things物权
gen.the run of things情况
gen.the run of things动态
tech.the saving things被救场
gen.the standard with which other things are compared is called a unit用来和别的东西作比较的标准叫做单位
gen.the style of thing那样的事 (说法,做法,事件)
gen.the thing is现在要做的是
gen.the thing is目前最要紧的是
gen.the thing is目前的问题是
gen.the very thing正是那个
proj.manag.There ain't no such thing as a free lunch没有免费的午餐
telecom.There ain't no such thing as a free lunch天下无免费午餐网上用语
expl.These guys tend to explode at any moment over the least thing这些人往往会因为微不足道的琐事而大发雷霆
agric.thing aimed at目的物
textilething high boots及股长靴
lawthing in action诉讼权用合法行动索要个人财产、金钱等的一种权利
gen.thing of naught无用之物
gen.thing of naught不足道〔无价值〕的东西
gen.thing of nothing无用之物
gen.thing of nothing不足道〔无价值〕的东西
tech.thing personal动产
interntl.trade.thing pledged担保物
tech.thing possessed占有物
tech.thing real不动产
China, lawthing recorded for keeping登记保存的财物
gen.things are getting better形势〔情况〕越来越好
textilethings artistic艺术品
gen.things far off seem to be small远处的东西看上去要小
China, lawthings firmly fixed定着物
busin.things in action无体所有权
busin.things incorporeal无体物
tech.things liable to duty征税物品
gen.things like these defy enumeration不胜枚举
gen.things like these defy enumeration诸如此类
interntl.trade.things mortgaged抵押品
tech.things mortgaged抵押物
gen.things of this nature这种〔类〕事情
busin.things of/for mortgage抵押品
textilethings personal个人财产
fin.things personal动产
interntl.trade.things pledged担保物
tech.things pledged抵押物
fin.things real不动产
tech.things to be declared报关物品
gen.things went better than had been expected情况比预计的要好
busin.things with defects有瑕疵物
gen.things without us外界事物
gen.this is the last thing in labour-saving devices这是节省劳力方面的最新产品
manag.to do things right把事情做好
manag.to got the right things done做对的事情
China, polit.to reflect the true nature of things实事求是
China, polit.to see things as they are实事求是
China, polit.to take the approach that reflects the real condition of things实事求是
China, lawtransfer the property or thing of value frozen转移冻结的财物
busin.unknown person or thing未知的人或事物
China, lawunlawful property or things of value非法财物
gen.usual thing惯例
gen.way of doing or making a thing做法
econ.We appreciates your giving us the opportunity to set things right感谢贵方给予改正的机会
gen.We were so hungry that we polished off all things我们很饿,吃光了所有的东西
gen.what is the same thing换个说法也一样
gen.what is the same thing插人语同样的是
gen.What special things did you buy on your trip to England?你上次去英国旅行买了什么特产回来?
gen.What things have duty on them?哪些东西需要纳税?
gen.when things are at their worst当情况最恶劣的时候
avia.whole thing整个事情
comp., net.wireless Internet of things无线物联网
gen.with your eyes shut you can recognize hundreds of things by their sound or their touch即使闭着艮睛,你只凭其声音或触感也能辨认几百种东西