
Terms for subject Football containing team | all forms | exact matches only
attack-oriented team进攻型球队
award an indirect free kick to the opposing team判对方踢间接任意球
cheering team拉拉队
Chinese football team's new line-up中国足球队的新阵容
Chinese National Football Team中国国家足球队
Chinese National Olympic Football Team中国国家奥林匹克足球队
Chinese Women's Soccer Team中国女子足球队
competitive team有竞争力的队
first division team甲级队
first team首发阵容
first team一线队
football team足球队
football team
game team比赛队
nucleus of the team核心队员
offensively-oriented team进攻型的队
opposite team对方队
penalty team罚球队
small-sided team game小场比赛的练习
soccer team足球队
soccer team
team game分队比赛
team go连棋
team leader场上队长
team leader主导球员
team leader起指挥作用的场上队员
team uniform队服
teenage team青少年队
visiting team客队
well-balanced team攻防全面的队
women's football team女子足球队
women's soccer team女子足球队