
Terms containing tax payment | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.additional tax payment notice补税通知书
China, lawadjustment to tax payment纳税调整
tech.be in arrears with tax payment拖欠税款
tech.certificate of tax payment完税证
tech.certificate of tax payment纳税证明书
tech.certification on tax payment纳税证明书
fin.changing from profit delivery to tax payment利改税
busin.current tax payment act现行纳税法
tech.current tax payment act现期纳税法
commer.default of tax payment税款拖欠
busin.default of tax payment拖欠税款
tech.default of tax payments拖欠税款
proj.manag.deferred tax payment延缓缴纳的税款
busin.deposit for tax payments用于纳税的押金
tech.deposit for tax payments纳税住所纳税准备存款
tech.deposit for tax payments纳税准备存款
tech.deposite for tax payments纳税住所纳税准备存款
tech.deposite for tax payments纳税准备存款
tech.equalization of tax payment纳税平等
China, lawevade in tax payment偷税
China, lawfines for delaying tax payment税收滞纳金
China, lawguaranty for tax payment纳税担保
China, lawinformation on tax payment纳税资料
tech.local tax payment地方税款缴纳
tech.non-tax payment非税性负担的支付金额
tech.non-tax payment非税支付
textilenon-tax payment税外支付
textilenon-tax payment税外付款
textilenon-tax payment非征税支出
tech.non-tax payment非税款负担
econ.non-tax payments非税款负担
interntl.trade.non-tax payments非征税支出
fin.non tax payments非税性负担的支付金额
econ.non-tax payments税外负担
busin.notice of tax payment缴税通知书
oilnotice of tax payment交税通知书
interntl.trade.notice of tax payment缴税通知
busin.notice of tax payment纳税通知单
tech.notice of tax payment纳税通知书
econ., int. law.overdue tax payment滞纳税款
China, polit.perform comprehensive obligation of tax payment承担全面纳税义务
tech.place of tax payment纳税地点
China, lawpractise fraud in tax payment骗税
commer.pursue tax payment追缴税款
econ., int. law.pursue the tax payment追缴税款
China, lawrefuse to pay in tax payment抗税
tech.security of tax payment纳税保证金
China, lawspecial tax payment特别纳税
fin.substitution of tax payment for profit delivery利改税
econ., int. law.surcharge for overdue tax payment滞纳金
commer.surcharge for overdue tax payment税款滞纳金
econ.tax payment完税
fin.tax payment支付税款
corp.gov.tax payment税款
tech.tax payment纳税
busin.tax payment by self-assessment自估申报纳税
busin.tax payment by substitute以代用品纳税
textiletax payment date纳税期限
tech.tax payment date纳税日期
textiletax payment day纳税日
fin.tax payment documentation完税凭证
tech.tax payment in kind实物纳税
tech.tax payment place纳税地点
econ., int. law.tax payment receipt纳税凭证
tech.tax payment receipt完税凭证
tech.tax payment receipt纳税收据
China, lawtax payment withheld代扣的税款
econ.The delinquent tax payments shall be reported immediately for proper actions to be taken对拖欠的税款必须立即予以汇报,以便采取适当的行动
econ.the surcharge for overdue tax payment滞纳金
fin.time limitation of personal income tax payment个人所得税缴纳期限
fin.withholding and tax payment affairs代缴税款情况
fin.withholding and tax payment affairs代扣税款情况