
Terms containing tax payment | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.additional tax payment notice补税通知书
busin.current tax payment act现行纳税法
tech.current tax payment act现期纳税法
fin.substitution of tax payment for profit delivery利改税
busin.tax payment by self-assessment自估申报纳税
busin.tax payment by substitute以代用品纳税
textiletax payment date纳税期限
tech.tax payment date纳税日期
textiletax payment day纳税日
fin.tax payment documentation完税凭证
tech.tax payment in kind实物纳税
tech.tax payment place纳税地点
econ., int. law.tax payment receipt纳税凭证
tech.tax payment receipt完税凭证
tech.tax payment receipt纳税收据
China, lawtax payment withheld代扣的税款
fin.withholding and tax payment affairs代缴税款情况
fin.withholding and tax payment affairs代扣税款情况