
Terms for subject Statistics containing surveying | all forms
aerial survey
agricultural survey农业调查
analytic survey分析调查
anthropometric survey人体测量调查
baseline survey基准调查
cross-sectional survey截面调查
cross-sectional survey1/2孛娴鞑
design of survey调查设1/4
design of survey调查设计
design of survey调查计划
design of survey调查1/4苹r
double-count survey双重计数调查
Enhanced Work Measurement Survey强化的工作衡量调查
error in surveys普查误差
error in surveys调查误差
exploratory survey探索性调研
family-diet survey家庭膳食调查
field survey实地调查
field survey现场调查
food consumption survey粮食消费调查
food frequency survey食物频率调查
food survey by interview访谈调查
food survey by interview粮食访谈调查
food survey by interview访谈粮食调查
food survey by interview膳食调查
forest survey森林普查
household budget survey家庭预算调查
income, consumption and expenditure survey收入、消费和支出调查
institutional survey机构调查
interview survey访谈调查
interview survey粮食访谈调查
interview survey访谈粮食调查
interview survey膳食调查
labour force survey劳动力调查
method of statistical survey统计调查法
model survey典型调查
multiple indicator cluster surveys多指标类集调查
multipurpose survey多目的调查
opinion survey观点调查
overall statistical survey全面调査
overall survey普查
periodic survey周期调查
point-in-time survey截面调查
point-in-time survey1/2孛娴鞑
prevalence survey患病率调查
programme of agricultural survey农业普查方案
prospective survey前瞻调查
repeated survey重复调查
repeated surveys重复调查
retrospective survey回顾调查
sample survey抽样调查
sampling survey抽样调查
special purpose survey专门调查
special purpose survey特殊目的调查
special survey专门调查
special survey重点调查
special survey特殊目的调查
specialized survey专门调查
specialized survey特殊目的调查
statistical survey统计调査
successive surveys重复调查
survey design调查计划
survey design调查设1/4
survey design调查1/4苹r
survey frame调查结构
survey frame调查1/2峁
survey instrument调查手段
survey methodology调查方法
survey on user satisfaction用户满意度调查
survey plan调查设计
survey plan调查设1/4
survey plan调查计划
survey plan调查1/4苹r
survey research调研
telephone interview survey电话访问调研
trawl survey拖网资源调查
typical survey典型调查