
Terms for subject Space containing strip | all forms | exact matches only
balloon-towed aluminum foil strips气球拖曳的铝箔条 (用于电子战干扰)
bimetallic strip双金属条
bimetallic strip双金属片
bimetallic strip gage双金属片热传导式真空计
bumper strip缓冲垫
continuous strip camera连续条带式相机
continuous strip camera连续航摄像机
coupled strip transmission line耦合带状传输线
electrical strip heater电热丝式加热器
emergency landing strip应急着陆跑道
heater strip加热带
landing strip着陆带
landing strip着陆跑道
lift-off claming strip起飞压板
light-emitting strip发光带
light-emitting strip光辐射条
metal-strip delay line金属带延时线
metallic strip金属带
moleskin strip头盔内衬带
notched biaxial strip specimen双轴缺口板条试样
pulsation instability strip脉动不稳定带
rough strip粗糙带
rubber strip橡胶垫圈
rubber strip橡皮垫
softening strip软化带
strip camera航线[航带]式相机
strip-chart recorder窄带记录仪
strip coordinates带坐标
strip extrusion带扳挤压
strip frame camera条带画幅相机
strip grating带状栅条
strip, inspect and rebuild拆开、检查并再组装
strip line带状线
strip mapping条带状测绘
strip of imaging航带成像
strip SAR条带式合成孔径雷达
strip stock带材 (呈带状的金属原材料)
triple-plate strip line module三板微带线组件
triple-plate strip line module三板线组件
wrist strip腕带 (一种静电泄放装备)