
Terms for subject Space containing strength | all forms | exact matches only
adhesion strength黏着[黏合]强度
adhesive strength胶接[黏结]强度
air-tight strength test气密强度试验
antidetonation strength抗爆强度
antiknocking strength抗爆强度
antitank strength反坦克实力
antitank strength反坦克能力
average breaking strength平均断裂强度
average fracture strength平均断裂强度
beam of constant strength等强度梁
bearing strength承载能力
bending strength弯曲强度
bonding strength焊接强度
bonding strength黏接强度
breakdown strength破坏强度
breaking strength断裂[抗断]强度
buckling strength翘曲强度
cipher strength密码强度 (密码被破译的难易程度)
constant strength beam等强度梁
creep rupture strength蠕变破裂强度
creep strength蠕变强度
criterion of strength强度准则
cross-breaking strength挠曲强度
cycling strength test循环强度试验
dielectric breakdown strength介质击穿强度
dry strength干强度
dry tensile strength干拉力
dry tensile strength干抗拉强度
dry tensile strength干断裂强度
dynamical theory of strength强度动力学理论
endurance strength耐久强度
field strength measurement场强测量
field strength meter场强测量仪
field-strength pattern场强图
flex strength挠曲强度
flexure strength抗挠〔弯〕强度
flexure strength挠曲强度
high-strength aluminum alloy高强度铝合金
high strength aluminum alloy高强度铝合金
high-strength composite高强度复合材料
high-strength corrosion-resisting chromium-nickel steel高强度耐蚀铬镍钢
high-strength fiber高强度纤维
high-strength graphite/epoxy高强度石墨/环氧树脂
high-strength hydrogen peroxide高浓度过氧化氢
high-strength low alloy高强度低合金 (钢)
high-strength low alloy高强度低合金钢 (steel)
high strength low alloy高强低合金
high-strength low alloy steel高强度低合金 (钢)
high strength propellant powder高强度发射药
high-strength stainless steel高强度不锈钢
high strength steel高强钢
high strength synthetic fibre高强度合成纤维
high strength thermal resista nt alloy高强度耐热合金
high strength-to-density ratio高强度-密度比[率]
high-temperature bond strength高温连[黏]接强度
high-temperature soaking strength高温浸润强度
impact strength冲击[撞击]强度
initial bond strength初期结合力
interfacial strength界面强度
inter-laminar shear strength层间剪切强度
jamming strength干扰强度
joint strength接头强度
joint strength连接强度
lateral tensile strength横向拉伸强度
long fatigue strength life抗疲劳耐久性
loss in strength强度损失
military engineering compression strength军事工程抗压强度
military strength target军事实力目标
missile structural strength导弹结构强度
no strength temperature test无强度温度试验
notched impact strength切口冲击强度
peel strength剥离[抗剥]强度
polluting strength污染强度
practical strength实际强度
proof strength验证强度
pull-off strength拉脱强度
pulse strength脉冲强度
radiation strength辐射强度
radio signal strength indication无线信号强度指示
radioactivity strength放射性强度
residual shear strength残余剪切强度
residual strength剩余强度
rupture strength抗裂[断裂]强度
scale strength比例强度
shock strength激波强度
signal strength信号强度
spacecraft structural strength航天器结构强度
specific strength比强
standard field strength method标准场强法
static strength静强度
static-strength test静压力试验
static-strength test静强度试验
static-strength testing静压力试验
static-strength testing静强度试验
statistical strength统计强度
strength analysis强度分析
strength computation强度计算
strength distribution强度分布
strength limit强度极限
strength margin强度容限
strength of operation运算强度
strength of source flow源流强度
strength of the echo回声强度 (声呐的)
strength specification强度规范
strength-to-density ratio比强度 (材料强度与密度的比值)
strength weight ratio强度重量比 (对材料,即"比强度";对结构件,通常为断裂应力与重量之比)
structure static strength test结构静强度试验
tack strength黏着强度
tearing strength撕破强力
tensile strength抗拉[拉伸]强度
tensile strength拉伸[抗张]强度
tensile strength of fiber纤维拉伸强度
tensile surface strength表面抗张强度
tensile yield strength抗拉屈服强度
thermal mechanical strength热机械强度
thermal strength test热强度试验
transverse strength横向强度
ultimate compression strength极限抗压强度
ultimate strength of the laminate叠层的极限强度
ultimate tensile strength极限抗张[拉伸]强度
ultra high strength Al alloy超高强度铝合金
ultra high strength steel超高强度钢
uniform strength等强度
yield strength屈服强度[应力]
zero strength time强度消失时间
zero strength time零强度时间
zone of equal signal strength等信号强度