
Terms for subject Space containing shell | all forms | exact matches only
ablating shell structure烧蚀壳结构
anisotropic shell各向异性壳
antitank shell反坦克炮弹
armor piercing high explosive shell穿甲杀伤爆破
armor piercing incendiary shell穿甲燃烧弹
atmospheric shell大气层
atomic shell原子炮弹
atomic shell原子层
base of shell弹底
body of shell弹体
chaff shell箔条弹
conical shell锥形壳体
corrugation-shell structure波纹壳结构 (一种薄壳结构)
drift shell漂移壳
earth shell地壳
elastic shell弹性壳体
electronic shell电子层
expert system shell专家系统外壳 (书写专家系统的一种软件工具)
hemispherical shell半球形壳体
instrument bay shell仪表舱壳体
interstage section shell级间段壳体
liquid filled shell充液壳体
magnetic shell磁壳
metal shell金属壳体
multi-shell curing分层固化
network shell网络外壳
nozzle shell喷管壳体
outer shell外壳
piercing shell穿甲弹
plate shell theory板壳理论
propellant of shell炮弹用推进剂
radar jamming shell雷达干扰
rocket shell火箭弹体
rocket shell火箭外壳
rocket shell火箭弹
shell construction薄壳[壳体]结构
shell mold casting壳型铸造
shell stability壳体稳定
shell star气壳星
shell structure薄壳[壳体]结构
smoke shell烟雾弹
spherical shell球形壳体
stiffening shell加劲壳结构
thin-shell structure薄壳结构
thin shell structure薄壁结构
thin-walled shell薄壁壳体
virtual environment operation shell虚拟环境操作外壳