
Terms for subject International trade containing set | all forms | exact matches only
application to set aside an award申请撤销仲裁,裁决
application to set aside申请撤销仲裁裁决 (an award)
assert a set-off提出债权作为抵消
claim for set-off作为抵消的债权
claim made by way of set-off作为抵消而提出的债权
claim set-off相互抵消的债权 (against each other)
claim used for set-off用作抵消的债权
claims set-off相互抵消的债权 (against each other)
complete set整套
complete set全套
complete set of bill of lading全套提单
drawn in a set成套的汇票
full set全套
full set negotiable bill of lading正式签章的全套提单
full set of bill of lading全套提单
full set of clean B/L全套清洁提单
full set of complete set B/L全套提单
full set of documents全套单据
full set of shipping documents全套货运单据
full set or bills of lading全套提单
goods dearly set aside明显地置之一边的货物
goods set aside分别开的货物
goods set aside on behalf of the buyer为买方分别开的货物
invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权
Model Set of Arbitration Rules 1957年国际法律委员会通过的标准仲裁规则
recourse to barred claims by set-off以抵消方式要求偿还时效已完成的债权
recourse to set-off要求抵消债务的诉讼
rely on a claim for purpose of set-off援引债权作为抵销
rely on a claim for the purpose of set-off凭借债权作为抵消
requirements set by host country东道国规定
right of set-off抵销权
set aside the award取消仲裁裁决
set one's house in order使财政等上轨道
set of accounts整套账簿
set of bills成套单据
set of bills of lading整套提单
set of books成套账簿
set of exchange联单汇票
set of exchange联单汇票正副双联式或三联式
set off a barred claim in defense of an action援引自己的时效期满的债权作为对原告诉权的辩护
set off a claim抵消债权
set out展销 (for sale)
set prices预定价格
set one's self-up in business备本经商
set up a business to开业
set up in business开始营业 (commence business)
set-up stalls along the street摊售
usea claim for set-off以债务作抵消
whole set of products整套产品