
Terms containing serve | all forms | exact matches only
tech.a tractor serves several purposes一机多用
el.mach.air powered serve气压伺服装置
tenn.American twist serve发美国式旋转球
gen.as occasion serves一有机会
gen.as occasion serves得便
econ.as time serves在时间适宜的时候
voll.authorization to serve允许发球
tab.tenn.backhand backspin serve发反手下旋球
tab.tenn.backhand topspin serve发反手上旋球
voll.best serve最佳发球
fin.better serve the real economy更好地为实体经济服务
commer.brown-and-serve sausage预制香肠
voll.carry out serve执行发球
expl.category of re serves储量级别区分和衡量储量精度的等级标准。我国煤炭储量按精度依次为A,B,C,D 四级
voll.ceiling serve发顶棚球
voll.ceiling serve发高吊球
anim.husb.chill-and-serve food冷却食品
voll.choice of serve发球选择
tenn.choice of side or the right to serve选择场区或发球权
el.computer serve system计算机服务系统
China, lawconsecutively serve连续任职
tab.tenn.deep backspin serve发下旋底线球
tab.tenn.deep backspin serve发急下旋球
badm.deep high serve发高远球
badm.deep serve发深球
voll.delay in serve发球延误
tenn.deliver the serve发球
econ.depreciation serve output产量折旧
econ.depreciation serve output method产量折旧法
gen.Dinner has been prepared for you. We will inform you before we serve it我们已经为您准备好了晚餐,供餐时我们将用广播通知您
telecom.directory serve agent目录服务系统代理程序
avia.domain name serve域名服务
voll.drive serve发前冲球
voll.drive serve发急球
voll.drive serve大力发球
econ.ever ready for serve百问不厌
econ.ever ready for serve百叫不厌
busin.ever ready for serve百拿不厌
tab.tenn.fast cross table serve发斜线急球
econ.first come, first serve先来先办
econ.first come first serve先来先服务
busin.first come, first serve先来先办理
tenn.first serve第一次发球
badm.first serve第一发球
tenn.first serve average一发成功率
voll.flank underhand serve侧面低手发球
voll.flank upper exert great efforts serve侧面大力发球
voll.flank upper flap serve侧面上手飘发球
voll.flank upper serve侧面上手发球
tab.tenn.flat serve发平击球
badm.flat serve发平球
badm.flick serve抖腕发球
voll.forbid screening on the serve不得发球掩护
spaceforce-reflecting serve control力反射伺服性控制
tab.tenn.forehand backspin serve发正手下旋球
tab.tenn.forehand topspin serve发正手上旋球
voll.front underhand serve正面低手发球
voll.front upper exert great efforts serve正面大力发球
voll.front upper waft serve正面上手发飘球
busin.futures serve payment远期未来债务还本付息额
cook.heat-and-serve alfoil container快餐食品铝箔包装
tab.tenn.heavy spin serve发快速旋转球
tab.tenn.heavy spin serve发加旋球
tab.tenn.heavy spun serve加转发球
gen.Here you go. We serve a wide range of desserts. Here they are给您。我们这里的点心花样繁多,在这里
badm.high serve发高球
tab.tenn.hit through the opponent's serve接发球得分
sport.hold one's serve保持发球权
voll.hold serve保持发球权
voll.hold up opponent's serve拦截对方发球
voll.hook-float serve钩手飘球
gen.I am afraid we only serve lunch until 2:00 in the afternoon我们餐厅午餐时间到下午两点
archit.in-serve behavior工作状态
archit.in-serve behavior使用情况
archit.in-serve behavior作用
archit.in-serve behavior功效
tech.in-serve behavior使用品质
China, lawissue and serve颁发、送达
tenn.kick serve发急转球
el.last come, first served后来先服务
busin.length of serve pension服务年限养老金
badm.level serve发平球
tab.tenn.long backspin serve发下旋长球
badm.long high serve发高远球
tab.tenn.long knuckle serve发不旋转长球
badm.long serve长发球
badm.long serve发远球
tab.tenn.lose one's serve发球失误
sport.losing serve失发球权 (squash)
econ.make foreign experience in economic construction serve China借鉴国外的经济建设经验服务中国
tech.make foreign things serve China洋为中用
fin.make globalization serve the needs of the people使全球化服务于人们的需求
econ.make the past serve the present古为今用
gen.make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China洋为中用
gen.make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China古为今用
voll.Not serve!裁判用语不允许发球!
telecom.object-relational serve对象关系服务系统
tab.tenn.oblique line the table serve发斜线球
gen.occasion serves一有机会
gen.occasion serves一有适当时机
nautic., tech.oil-serve-motor伺服机
tab.tenn.opposite angle line serve发对角球
voll.overhand float serve发上手飘球
proj.manag.Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务
voll.pinch serve关键时刻上场发球的队员
wind.pitch serve motor调节伺服马达
tenn.placement serve落点好的发球
commer.plan serves as orders指令性计划
tech.plan serves suggestions参考性计划
gen.Please serve two slices of carrot cake as dessert请来两片胡萝卜蛋糕当甜点
handb.power serve大力发球
tab.tenn.quick backspin serve发下旋底线球
tab.tenn.quick backspin serve发急下旋球
food.ind.quick-serve meal快餐食品
tab.tenn.quick topspin serve发急上旋球
tab.tenn.Ready, serve!准备、发球!裁判术语
tab.tenn.Ready serve!裁判用语准备发球!
agric.ready-to-serve备用[盘菜] (dish)
agric.ready-to-serve准备好供食用的[盘菜] (dish)
anim.husb.ready-to-serve food现成食品
anim.husb.ready-to-serve food熟食品
anim.husb.ready-to-serve meats立即可食的肉食
anim.husb.ready-to-serve meats熟肉制品
tenn.reverse serve发急下旋球
tab.tenn.right to serve发球权
badm.right to serve发球权
tab.tenn.right to serve receive first发球接发球
voll.roundhouse serve抡臂发球
voll.roundhouse serve大力勾手发球
tenn.second serve第二发球
badm.second serve第二发球
securit.securities and properties in trust serve信托储备中的证券和不动产
oilself-serve station自动加油站
construct.self-serve station自助加油站
voll.sequence of serve发球顺序
econ.serve a formal document递交正式文件
interntl.trade.serve a formal legal document on the defendant将正式文件送达被告
textileserve a loan提供贷款
busin.serve a loan提供货款
China, lawserve a maritime litigation document海事诉讼法律文书的送达
econ.serve a purpose符合目的
econ.serve a sentence服刑
econ.serve a summons on把传票送达 (sb., 某人)
sport.serve a winner发球得分
econ.serve a writ on下令状给 (someone, 某人)
badm.serve above hand过手
badm.serve above the waist过腰
badm.serve above the waist高于腰部的发球
badm.serve above the waist过腰发球
voll.serve ace发球得分
tab.tenn.serve again重发球
tenn.serve-and-volley game发球上网的打法
tenn.serve-and-volley game发球上网打法
sport.serve another term连任
manag.serve one’s apprenticeship当学徒
gen.serve one's apprenticeship at跟〔在〕…做学徒
gen.serve one's apprenticeship with跟〔在〕…做学徒
econ.serve asM 起 M 的作用
gen.serve asM 作为M
gen.serve asM 用做M
gen.serve asM 表现为 M
gen.serve asM 起M的作用
gen.serve asM 供作M之用
gen.serve asM 充当M
gen.serve asM 担任 M
gen.serve asM 充当 M
China, lawserve as a defender提供辩护
China, lawserve as a defender for him or her为其提供辩护
gen.serve as a foil to做…的陪衬
China, lawserve as a record备案
busin.serve as a substitute用以代替
China, polit.serve as Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee担任全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长
China, lawserve as chief judge担任审判长
busin.serve as collateral security作为担保
busin.serve as cover作为担保
busin.serve as cover用作担保
China, lawserve as lawyers兼任律师
footb.serve as the linesman担任巡边员
footb.serve as the referee担任裁判
manag.serve at table当招待员
voll.serve attacking发球攻击性
securit.serve consecutive term连续任职
securit.serve consecutive term连任
voll.serve cut发斜线球
tenn.serve deep发深球
China, lawserve documents送达文书
China, lawserve documents on the country's citizens of the said county向该国公民送达文书
tenn.serve error球开出界
tenn.serve error发球失误
gen.serve forM 作为M
gen.serve forM 充当M
gen.serve forM 起M的作用
gen.serve forM 担任 M
gen.serve forM 供作M之用
gen.serve forM 用做M
voll.serve foul发球犯规
tenn.serve from a wrong service court发球位置错误
badm.serve from the wrong court发球位置错误
badm.serve from the wrong service court站错位发球
badm.serve from the wrong service court在错误方位发球
badm.serve grip发球握拍法
cook.serve hatch递菜小窗
tenn.serve high高发球
econ.serve in a department store在百货店当营业员
tenn.serve in rotation for two consecutive points轮流发两个球
China, lawserve in the officers reserve服军官预备役
China, lawserve in the soldiers reserve服士兵预备役
dril.serve life工作寿命
billiar.serve line开球线
tab.tenn.serve machine发球机
busin.serve mechanism伺服机构
busin.serve mechanism服务机构
el.serve motor伺服电动机
el.serve motor伺服马达
gen.serve one's need有〔合,够〕用
China, polit.serve no more than two consecutive terms连续任职不得超过两届
gen.serve no purpose不能解决问题
gen.serve no purpose没有用
gen.serve oneself ofM 利用 M
tech.serve-operated control非直接调节
avia.serve operated oxygen regulator伺服式供氧调节器
ITserve-oriented analysis and design面向服务的分析和设计
ITserve-oriented architecture面向服务的体系结构
gen.serve out
gen.serve out
gen.serve out报复
gen.serve out
tenn.serve out a match发球取胜
tenn.serve out a match发球连续得胜
tenn.serve out a match连续发球得分
voll.serve out of order发球次序错误
badm.serve out of turn发球次序错误
tenn.serve out of turn发球次序错误
badm.serve out of turn不按次序发球
sport.serve over重发球
sport.serve over换发球
refrig.serve-over counter with integrated storage带有贮藏室的他助式柜台
China, lawserve one's own need自我服务
gen.serve penalty受罚
voll.serve point发球得分
gen.serve one's point满足…的需要
gen.serve one's point适应…的目的
gen.serve M purpose有M用途
gen.serve M purpose可用来达到M目的
sport.serve receive接发球
voll.serve-receive formation接发球阵式
voll.serve receive formation接发球站位
gen.serve refreshments供应点心与饮料
gen.serve round捆在…上
gen.serve round挨次分派
manag.serve round rations挨次发给食粮
China, lawserve sentence in prison监内服刑
China, lawserve socialism为社会主义服务
USA, spaceserve storms observational satellite强风暴观察卫星
comp.serve surface伺服面
spaceserve system伺服系统
econ.serve the clients with good service为顾客提供优质服务
gen.serve the function ofM 有…功用
gen.serve the function ofM 起 M作用
China, polit.serve the fundamental interests of both sides符合双方的根本利益
fin.serve the fundamental interests of China -U.S. peoples符合中美两国人民的根本利益
el.serve the load使适合于荷载
el.serve the load满足负荷需求
hockey.serve the penalty执行处罚
China, lawserve the people为人民服务
China, polit.serve the people and rely on the people坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政
China, polit.serve the people and socialism为人民服务、为社会主义服务
econ.serve the purpose能解决问题
econ.serve the purpose管用
commer.serve the purpose符合目的
gen.serve the purpose解决问题
gen.serve the purpose合〔管〕用
gen.serve the purpose ofM 适用于M
gen.serve the purpose ofM 用做M
gen.serve the purpose ofM 用做充当M
China, lawserve the remaining part of criminal punishment执行未执行完毕的刑罚
China, lawserve the resident为居民服务
econ.serve the right to recourse保留追索权
China, polit.serve the sentence服刑
China, lawserve the sentence outside prison监外执行
gen.serve the turn合〔管〕用
tenn.serve tight发内角球
hockey.serve time受罚时间
hockey.serve time受罚
math.serve to + inf.足以做某事
math.serve to起…作用 (+ inf.)
math.serve to作用是使 (+ inf.)
math.serve to + inf.用来做某事
gen.serve one's turn合…之用
gen.serve one's turn有用
gen.serve one's turn适合…的需要
gen.serve one's turn有助于达到…目的
gen.serve one's turn有〔合,够〕用
China, lawserve twice with a summons according to law经两次依法传唤
China, lawserve twice with summons两次传票传唤
gen.serve two ends一举两得
gen.serve two ends达到两个目的
gen.serve up预备
gen.serve up安排
tenn.serve-vol ley frequency average发球上网使用率
tenn.serve-vol ley point average发球上网得分率
tenn.serve-volley direct point average发球上网直接得分率
tenn.serve-volley frequency average发球上网使用率
tenn.serve-volley point average发球上网得分率
tenn.serve wide发外角球
gen.serve M with把N给M (N)
econ.serve sb. with a summons把传票送达 (某人)
econ.serve someone with a writ下令状给 (某人)
badm.serve with both feet in a stationary position两脚立定发球
badm.serve with both feet in a stationary position两脚立定发球
tab.tenn.serve without spin发不转球
tab.tenn.serve without spin发不旋转球
tab.tenn.short backspin serve发下旋短球
tab.tenn.short cut serve发近台球
badm.short low serve发短低球
badm.short serve发网前球
tab.tenn.short serve发短球
tab.tenn.short serve发网前球
badm.short serve发短球
voll.show serve指示发球
tab.tenn.sidespin serve发侧旋球
voll.sink serve发下坠球
voll.six-man serve reception6 人接发球阵式
voll.six-man serve reception六人接发球阵形
voll.six-person serve reception六人接发球阵形
voll.sky serve"插蜡烛"
voll.sky serve发顶棚球
voll.sky serve发高吊球
tenn.slice serve发下旋球 (service)
tenn.slice serve发削球 (service)
voll.slide serve发飘球
voll.slide serve侧旋发球
voll.smooth and quick serve平快发球
badm.soft serve发网前球
badm.soft serve发短球
gen.soft serve cone甜桶
gen.Sorry, I need to check with the kitchen. We usually serve baked apples and tiramisu on weekends对不起,我要问一下厨房。我们一般在周末为客人准备烤苹果和提拉米苏
busin.step -serve motor步进伺服电机
tab.tenn.straight along the table serve发直线球
China, polit.strive to serve the people努力为人民服务
voll.team to serve发球队
badm.team to serve发球方
voll.tennis serve正面上手发球
voll.tennis serve网球式发球
econ.The design and colour submitted do not serve the purpose of the customer所提交的图案和颜色均不符合顾客要求
cook.They serve excellent sour and sweet pork steak他们的糖醋排骨棒极了
econ.They serve the food in individual portions他们出售的食品,每份供一人食用
commer.This restaurant serves nice food这家餐馆供应的饭菜不错
tab.tenn.topspin serve发上旋球
sport.toss serve抛起发球
auto.Toyota Quality Serve丰田优质服务
sport.twist serve发旋转球
tenn.two-on-one serve and volley drill2 打 1 练习
tenn.two-on-one serve and volley drill两人从同一方轮流发球上网的二打一练习
voll.underhand serve低手发球
heavy.eq.waist serves as axis以腰为轴
gen.We also serve Italian flan我们还有意大利馅饼
gen.We also serve Spanish flan我们也有西班牙馅饼
gen.We serve a wide range of low-fat desserts. Pineapple tart is low in fat. It's new on the menu我们有很多低脂点心。菠萝塔就不含脂肪,还是新推出的
gen.We serve buffet 24 hours a day我们一天 24 小时提供自助餐
gen.We serve Cantonese, Sichuan, Shanghai, and Beijing cuisine. Which cuisine would you prefer?我们有粤菜、川菜、沪菜和京菜,您喜欢哪一种呢?
gen.We usually serve baked apples and tiramisu on weekends周末,我们通常给客人准备烤苹果和提拉米苏
gen.What kind of food do you serve?你们都有什么食物?
sport.wicked twisted serve发刁转球
tab.tenn.wicked-twisted serve发刁转球
telecom.wide area information serve广域信息服务器用关键词检索的数据库,数据库的数据库,因特网的一种检索手段
telecom.wide area information serve广域信息服务系统
China, polit.work hard to serve the people努力为人民服务
gen.Your muscatel, sir. May I serve you now?先生,您的麝香葡萄酒。我现在为您斟上好吗?