
Terms for subject Technology containing securing | all forms | exact matches only
container securing device集装箱栓固装置
container securing fitting集装箱固定件
deck securing fitting甲板绑扎固定用具
deck securing fitting甲板固定件
double up and secure加双时挽紧
fault secure故障保险
fault secure circuit故障安全电路
fault secure circuit故障保护电路
freight securing value charges货物保价费
hatch securing bar压条
luggage and parcel securing value charges行李保价费
private and secure call保密安全呼叫
secure a bid取得递盘
secure a painter系牢艇首缆
secure an adequate supply保障供应
secure by means of screw螺钉固定
secure communication satellite保密通信卫星
secure condition of readiness三等战备状态
secure electronic payment protocol安全电子支付协议
secure for sea做好出海准备
secure hyper-text transport protocol安全超文本传输协议
secure job可靠的工作
secure line安全线 (路)
secure line保密线路
secure oneself against accidents投保人身意外险
secure printer保密打字机
secure rock稳固岩石
secure rotationally利用控制保持转动
secure sockets layer安全套层
secure speech system保密话音系统
secure system可靠系统
secure telegraph equipment保密电报设备
secure telephone保密电话机
secure the diving stations取消下潜状态
secure to double buoys系双浮
secure to single buoy系单浮
secure transactions technology安全交易技术
secure video conferencing interface equipment保密电视会议接口设备
secure visual communications保密视觉通信
secure voice保密语音
secure voice unit话密装置
securing attachments栓固元件
securing device固定装置
securing loop固定匝
securing nut扣紧螺母
securing of the profit取得利润
securing of the wires钢丝固定
securing pin安全销 (钉)
securing plant防护植物
securing rod锁定杆
securing screw固定螺钉
securing screw固定螺距
securing strap安全带
securing strap紧固索带
securing strip安全带
securing to a buoy系浮筒
securing to buoys fore and aft双浮标系泊
securing to buoys fore and aft双浮筒系泊
securing wire of adjustment screw调整螺钉的固定钢丝
side securing fitting侧向连接件
submarine secure depth sounder潜艇安全深度探测器
verifiable secure operating system检验可靠的操作系统