
Terms containing scale of production | all forms | in specified order only
econ.benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优越性
econ.benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优势
busin.benefit of large-scale production大规模生产优势
interntl.trade.benefits of large-scale production大规模生产的优越性
busin.benefits of large-scale production大规模生产优势
busin.broaden scale of production扩大生产规模
econ.diseconomy of large-scale production大规模生产的不经济
econ.economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
econ.economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济法规
busin.economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济学
econ.economy of large-scale production大规模生产的经济节约
anim.husb.economy of large-scale production大规模生产经济
econ.economy of mass scale production大规模生产的经济节约
busin.index method of production scale生产规模指数法
busin.large-scale means of production大规模生产资料
winemak.Large-scale production of vodka began in Poland in the 16th century, and it has become a major export from the 17th century伏特加大量生产始于16世纪的波兰,从17世纪起,就成为这个国家主要的出口商品
econ.law of economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
busin.law of economics of large-scale production大规模发展经济规律
busin.law of production on a large scale大规模生产法则
commer.optimal scale of production最佳生产规模
econ.scale of production生产规模
econ.scales of production生产规模
busin.superiority of large scale production大规模生产优势
econ.The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale大规模生产该项产品的成本应予评定