
Terms containing scale error | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
shipb.altimeter scale error card高度计比例尺误差表
tech.error of scale缩尺误差
spaceerror of scale比例尺误差
wind.error of scale刻度误差
tech.error of scale比例误差
tech.full-scale error满标误差
tech.scale error尺度误差
tech.scale error长度变形
tech.scale error定标误差
tech.scale error比例误差
expl.scale error比例误差与测量值大小成比例的误差
spacescale error比例误差
spacescale error标度误差
manag.scale error指标误差
tech.scale error刻度误差
tech.scale error card刻度误差表
tech.scale error of gaussian projection高斯投影长度变形
avia.scale factor error尺度系数误差
tech.scale index error分划指示误差
tech.speedometer scale error card速度计刻度误差表
gen.the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时
gen.the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%
gen.the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时,功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%