
Terms for subject Finances containing roles | all forms | exact matches only
accountant’s role会计的作用
dominant role主导角色
give full play to the role of monetary policy充分发挥货币政策的作用
give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用
increase renminbi's global role提高人民币国际地位
incubator role孵化器作用
make full use of the basic role of the market in allocating resources充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用
play a bigger role in international economic affairs在国际经济事务中发挥更大作用
play a constructive role发挥建设性作用
play a core role发挥核心作用
play a critical role发挥关键作用
play a guiding role发挥引领作用
play a key role发挥重要作用
play a key role in crisis response在应对危机中发挥重要作用
play a larger international role发挥更大的国际作用
play a pivotal role扮演关键性角色
play a positive role发挥积极作用
play a responsible role扮演一个负责任的角色
play a sizeable role发挥重大作用
play a unique role发挥独特作用
play an important and constructive role发挥重要的建设性作用
play an important role发挥重要作用
play the role of government发挥政府作用
play the role of making counter-cyclic adjustments发挥货币政策逆周期调节作用
regulation role of market市场调节作用
role of interest rates in resource allocation利率杠杆的调节作用
take a more central role on the world stage在世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色
undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy承担与自己能力和在全球经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务