
Terms for subject Business containing responsibility | all forms | exact matches only
accepting responsibility承担责任
accountant's responsibility会计师职责
accounting responsibility会计责任
act without responsibility无责任行为
affix the responsibility for追究责任
age of responsibility责任年龄
amount of responsibility职责范围
assets operation responsibility资产经营责任
assets operation responsibility system资产经营责任制
assignment of responsibility职责指定
assume exclusive responsibility for profits and losses自负盈亏
assume sole responsibility for profits and losses自负盈亏
assumed responsibility承担责任
auditor's responsibility审计师责任
auditor's responsibility审计员责任
authority and responsibility embodied in a job职位所具权责
authority and responsibility embodied in a position职位所具权责
authority commensurate with responsibility权责相称
authority with responsibility有权有责
avoidance of responsibility逃避责任
bear no responsibility for any other party不负连带责任
bilateral legal responsibility双方法律责任
capacity for responsibility of juristic person法人责任能力
chain of responsibility连带责任
chain of responsibility责任链
classification of costs by responsibility成本按责任分类
collective responsibility集体责任
combination of responsibility, power and interest责、权、利相结合
combine responsibility, authority and benefit责、权、利结合
commercial management responsibility system商业经营责任制
complete economic responsibility system全面经济责任制
complete responsibility全部责任
complete responsibility for profit利润包干
contract of insurance for responsibility责任保险合同
contract system of responsibility linked to production联产承包责任制
contracted responsibility system承包责任制
contractual management responsibility for an enterprise企业经营承包责任制
contractual management responsibility system of inviting bidding secured by mortgage招标抵押承包经营责任制
control method of responsibility and price责任价格控制法
decentralization of authority and responsibility权责分散
decentralization of responsibility责任分散
decentralization of responsibility分级负责
delegation of responsibility委付任务
delegation-objective-responsibility-control system授权—目标—责任—控制体系
diminished responsibility减轻的责任
disclaim responsibility不承担责任
disclaim responsibility拒绝承担责任
distribution responsibility分摊责任
division of authority and responsibility权责划分
division of labour responsibility分工负责制
division of responsibility责任划分
divisional responsibility and profit部门责任和利润
dodge a responsibility推托责任
economic responsibility经济责任制
evasion of responsibility逃避责任
exclusive and overall responsibility统一全面负责
executive management responsibility执行管理责任
extent of responsibility责任范围
factory cost responsibility summary责任制造成本汇总表
financial responsibility law财务责任法
financial responsibility law保险财务责任法
fiscal responsibility会计职责
fixation of responsibility固定职责
full responsibility全部责任
full responsibility for profit or loss盈亏包干
functional responsibility职责
I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss我想知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责任
identification and classification of authority and responsibility权责编号与分类
individual responsibility个人责任
inspection responsibility检查责任
international legal responsibility国际法律责任
job responsibility职责
job responsibility transfer工作责任转移
joint and separate responsibility共同连带责任
joint responsibility for profits and losses共负盈亏
leadership responsibility领导责任
leasing responsibility system租赁责任制
legal responsibility of auditor审计师法律责任
limited responsibility clause限制责任范围条款
line responsibility直线职责
lines of responsibility and authority责任与权力系统
major responsibility重大责任
management's responsibility管理责任
manager responsibility经理职责
manager responsibility system in a key project under construction项目经理负责制
manager responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors董事会领导下的经理负责制
manager takes responsibility for production生产经理负责制
managerial personnel responsibility system经理责任制
managerial responsibility经理责任
mutual responsibility共同责任
operating responsibility经营责任
original responsibility原责任
own profit-and-loss responsibility自负盈亏
performance responsibility履行责任
period of the carrier's responsibility承运人责任期
principle of co-responsibility共同承担责任原则
principle of co-responsibility共同承担责任的原则
principle of joint and several responsibility连带责任原则
private responsibility个人责任
production responsibility生产责任
production responsibility insurance生产责任保险
profit responsibility unit利润责任单位
reporting by responsibility按责任报告
responsibility budgets责任预算即企业内各责任中心编制的预算
responsibility centre责任中心
responsibility costing责任成本计算
responsibility costing责任成本计算
responsibility report责任报告
shift of responsibility责任推诿
shift of responsibility推脱责任
shirk responsibility逃避责任
side-step responsibility逃避责任
social responsibility of banks银行的社会责任
social responsibility of enterprise企业的社会责任
sole responsibility for its own profits or losses自负盈亏
solo responsibility个体责任
span of managerial responsibility管理责任幅度
standard of non-responsibility免责标准
stewardship responsibility管理者责任
supervisory responsibility监督性职业
system defined authority and responsibility权责制度
system of assigning responsibility责任制度
system of assigning responsibility by post岗位责任制
system of contracted responsibility承包责任制
system of factory director's responsibility厂长负责制
system of fixed responsibility for a specified job包工制
system of fixed responsibility for a specified job岗位责任制
system of fixed responsibility in production生产责任制
system of personal post responsibility个人岗位责任制
system of personal responsibility for profit and loss个人自负盈亏制
system of personal responsibility of post岗位责任制
system of responsibility in production生产责任制
system of the director or manager assuming full responsibility厂长经理负责制
system of the economic responsibility within an enterprise企业内部经济责任制
take off the responsibility免责
tax equity and fiscal responsibility act产权和财政责任课税法
type of authority and responsibility权责类别
undivided responsibility单独承担责任