
Terms containing refund | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a refund annuity退回本金
econ.an income refund notice收入退还通知
busin.appropriation refund预算拨款冲回
fin.appropriation refund预算支出冲回
fin.appropriation refund岁出冲回数
fin.appropriation refund拨款退回
busin.appropriation refund拨款退还
tech.bank refund guarantee银行偿付保证书
adv.cash refund现金返还
fin.cash refund annuity现金即偿年金
busin.cash refund annuity年金付现
busin.cash refund annuity现金退还年金
securit.cash refund annuity现金偿还年金
fin.cash refund guarantee现金偿还担保
adv.cash refund offer现金退款优惠
adv.cash refund offer给回邮顾客的退款
textileclaim a refund索赔
interntl.trade.claim for refund要求退款
econ.claim for refund索取退款
textileclaim for refund索偿
econ.claim for refund要求偿还
busin.claim for refund of charge申请退费
proj.manag.claim for refund of property tax申请发还物业税
textileclaim for tax refund请求退税
tech.claim for tax refund申请退税
telecom.coin refund退币口
busin.coin "refund""退币口"
busin.coinbox refund making投币电话退币
textilecommodity export refund商品岀口退税
China, lawdefraud a tax refund for exports骗取出 口退税
plann.deposit refund system押金-退还机制
plann.deposit refund system押金退款制度
tech.deposit/refund system押金退款制度
tech.deposite/refund system押金退款制度
econ.export refund出口补贴
exhib.export refund出口退税
textileexport refund岀口退税
econ.export refund出口补偿
commer.export refunds出口返还
China, lawexport tax refund出口退税
tech.fee for refund退赔费
telecom.full refund全部退费
interntl.trade.general average refund共同海损退费
fin.guarantee for refund of advance payment退款保函
qual.cont.guarantee of repair, replacement and refund of substandard product三色包修,包换,包退
busin.guarantee of repair, replacement and refund of substandard product包修、包换、包退
gen.I'd like a refund on this ticket我要退这张票
gen.If you request refund after purchase, please contact us within the validity period of the ticket您购票后如要求退票,应在客票有效期内提出
econ.income refund notice收入退还通知
econ., int. law.income refund notice收入退还书
corp.gov.income tax refund所得税退款
corp.gov.income tax refund所得税偿还
account.income tax refund receivable应收所得税退税款
busin.installment refund annuity分期偿还年金
fin.installment refund guarantee分期退还担保
gen.I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?我在阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?
interntl.trade.lay up refund停船退费
textilelay up refund停泊退费
interntl.trade.lay up refund停航退费
logist.lay-up refund停航退费
econ.make a claim for refund要求退款
tech.money refund货币退回
securit.no-claim refund无退赔费
textilenotice of refund退税通知书
busin.obtain a refund of a deposit获得保证金退款
China, laworder to refund责令退还
telecom.partial refund部分退费
econ.patronage refund会员分红
econ.patronage refunds向借款人提供的资助偿还金
fin.procedure for refund退费手续
fin.procedures for refund退费手续
busin.reduction of legal capital without any refund无偿减资
securit.reduction of legal capital without any refunds无偿减资
busin.refund a debt还债
textilerefund and rebate退款和回扣
tech.refund and rebate回扣
interntl.trade.refund and rebates回扣
econ.refund annuity退回年金
busin.refund annuity人寿险按年偿付款
tech.refund bond偿付保函
tech.refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year亏损转回退税
tech.refund check退款票据
securit.refund cheque退货还款单
securit.refund cheque退款支票
econ.refund credit还款信贷
econ., int. law.refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency多退少补
telecom.refund gate投币电话退币口
China, lawrefund in a disguised form变相返还
telecom.refund key投币电话退币键
commer.refund ment bond偿还保证书
busin.refund one's money退款
econ.refund mortgage bonds归还有担保的债券
econ.refund mortgage bonds归还抵押债券
China, lawrefund of a commodity purchase price退还货款
econ.refund of a part of the income taxes already paid多退缴纳的部分所得税
tech.refund of a part of the income taxes already paid退还缴纳的部分所得税
el.refund of a sum总额偿还
fin.refund of amount overpaid多付金额退还
proj.manag.refund of brokerage退还经纪佣金
IMF.refund of charges退还手续费
cust.refund of duties船舶退税
busin.refund of duties退税款
interntl.trade.refund of duty退税
commer.refund of duty关税退税
fin.refund of expenses支出费用吟退款
busin.refund of expenses支岀费用的退款
textilerefund of expenses退还所付费用
fin.refund of expenses支出退款
busin.refund of expenses支出费用的退款
interntl.trade.refund of fare退还价款
textilerefund of fare票价退回
interntl.trade.refund of fare退还所付费用
econ.refund of fare退还所付车、船费用
textilerefund of overpayment of tax退还溢缴税款
proj.manag.refund of rates退还差饷
textilerefund of tax退税
econ.refund of tax退税 (对溢征而言)
busin.refund of the amount overpaid退还溢付金额
busin.refund of the amount paid退还全部付出款
textilerefund offset退税补偿
interntl.trade.refund order退款单
exhib.refund policy退款政策
China, lawrefund pro rata the insurance premium按比例返还保险费
securit.refund protection还债保护
tech.refund retroactive to the past taxable years退还以前年度税款
busin.refund the excess amounts paid退还多付款
econ.refund the excess amounts paid索回退还多付的款额
securit.refund the excess amounts paid索回多付款项
commer.refund the excess on a tax归还多收税款
footb.refund the fee归还手续费
China, lawrefund the insurance premium退还保险费
China, lawrefund the paid-in capital返还股款
textilerefund the price退还价款
interntl.trade.refund the price照原价偿还
busin.refund the purchase price退回原购买价款
fin.refunds and rebate回扣
commer.refunds and rebates退款与回扣
busin.refunds and rebates回扣
tech.refunds and rebates退款和回扣
fin.report of expenditure refunds支出冲回报告
econ.retained patronage refund会员留存红利
econ.She got a refund after she sent back the faulty goods to the shop她把有缺陷的货物退回商店后,得到了退款
gen.She took the faulty tablet back to the shop and demanded a refund她将有毛病的平板电脑拿回商店,要求退款
gen.Sorry, the receipt is overdue. We can't refund for you. How about an exchange?抱歉,您的收据已超期了,换一件怎么样?
interntl.trade.stamp duty refund退还印花税
corp.gov.tax refund归还税款
IMF.tax refund退税
busin.tax refund receivable应收税金退款
textiletax refunds税金退款
textiletax refunds退税
tech.tax-free or tax-refund无税或退税
econ.the appropriation refund拨款退回
econ.The money will be refund-ed if the goods can't be supplied如不能供应此货,则应退款
econ.the refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency多退少补
commer.The taxpayer was notified of the disallowance of his claim for refund纳税人接到他退税请求未获准许的通知
avia.tuition refund program助学金计划
hydroel.st.value added tax refund for exported goods出口退税
econ.water pollution charge refund返回排污费
econ.water pollution charge refund退回排污费
tech.water pollution charge refund返还排污费
gen.We can't give you a refund for this ticket这张票我们不能退钱
econ.We enclose a check for the sum of $4838 as a refund of your overpayment兹附上我方支票一张,计4838 美元,作为退还你方多付的款额
gen.We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with your purchase如果您对购买的商品不满意,我们保证退款
gen.Well, you can bring it back for a refund within a week嗯,一个星期内您可以拿回来退
commer.Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还
econ.With regard to your request for a refund we have referred the matter to our manager关于你方要求退款的事,我们已交我方经理处理