
Terms for subject Economics containing receive | all forms | exact matches only
ability to receive orders收纳订单能力
ability to receive orders接受订货单能力
account to receive收人账目
account to receive列为收入
As soon as we receive your cable extension of the above L/C, we will effect shipment of the goods in question一收到你方上述信用证的展延电报,我方即将该货装运
estimated receive date预计收到日期
Insurance certificate will follow as soon as we receive it from the underwriters一接到保险商的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方
receive a fair sample of the bulk supply收到适当数量的散装货抽样
receive and dispatch of goods货物入仓与出仓
receive and pay out money or bills出纳现金或票据
receive as a receiver接受为保管员
receive bill of lading收讫待运提单
receive bribery payments接受贿赂款
receive broadcasts all over the world收听世界各国的广播
receive business licenses领取营业证
receive full pay工资照发
receive instruction in M from向 N 学习 M (N)
receive revenue收到应收收入
receive slip收入票据
the ability to receive orders收纳订单能力
The company hopes to receive your L/C in ample time to ca tch this steamer该公司希望接到你方信用证后能有足够的时间赶上这艘船
The company may elect to receive payment in such form as may be permitted该公司可决定以可容许的某种方式来收取款项
They receive their wages and benefits from the financial他们从财务主管那里领取工资和津贴
We assure that your offer will certainly receive our careful consideration我们保证对于你方发盘定予认真考虑
We expect to receive your reply to our enquiry by May 1我们期待 5月1曰前收到你方对我们询价的答复
We need your assurance that you will honor our draft as soon as you receive the ship ping document from the bank请保证,一经从银行取得装船单据就立即兑付我们的汇票
We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知
You will receive the remittance in compensation for your loss你将收到汇款作为对你方损失的补偿
Your intention of endeavouring to enlarge the turnover will receive our appreciation我们将感谢你方努力扩大交易额的意愿