
Terms for subject Textile industry containing profit | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal profits非正常利润
above target profit超额利润
above-norm profits超额利润
absolute profit绝对利润
accounting profit账面收益
accounting profit账面利润
accumulated profit累计盈余
acquisition of profit获得利润
actual profit实际利润计算法
actual profit rate实际利润率
after-tax profit税后利润
after-tax profit纳税后利润
after-tax profit rate税后利润率
after-tax profit rate纳税后利润率
analysis of profit盈利分析
analysis of profit利润分析法
analysis of profit利润分析
analysis of profit and loss盈亏分析
annual rate of profit年度利润率
appraisal profit估价利润
base profit retention基数利润留成
base profit retention基本利润留成
business profit企业利润
business profit营业利润
business profit tax商业利得税
center of profit利润中心
charging profit and loss method损益收费法
colossal profits暴利
commercial profit tax商业利润税
compensation for profit from business营业利润补偿
comprehensive profit rate综合盈利率
current year profit本年利润
deterioration of profit利润下降
differential profit差额利润
distributed profits tax分配利润税
distribution profit tax销售利润税
division of profits利润分配
earned profit获得利润
earned profit利润
economic profit经济报酬
economic profit经济利益
enormous profit巨额利润
enterprise net profit企业纯利
enterprise net profit企业净利
estimated sales profit预计销售利润
excess profits duty超额利润税
exchange profit汇兑利润
expectant profits预期利润
expected profit预期利润
extra profits超额利润
factory profits工厂利润
fair profits公平利润
fire loss of profit insurance火险利润损失保险
founder's profit创办人利润
founder's profit创业利润
gross profit总利润
gross profit percentage总利润率
gross profit percentage毛利率
gross profit rate总利润率
gross profit ratio总利润比率
gross profit ratio毛利率
gross trading profit贸易毛利
growth in total profit总利润增长
half profit利润各半
half profit利润对分
high profit高利润
high profit operations高利润经营
hunt for profit追逐利益
illegal profit暴利
illegal profit不正当的利润
immediate profit目前利润
import profit进口盈利
import profit进口利润
incremental profit增量利润
indicator of profit利润指标
industrial profit产业利润
inventory profit盘货收益
inventory profit存货利润
inventory profit盘盈
investment profit投资利润
keep part of profits利润留成
keep part of profits利润分成
legal profit合法盈利
legal profit合法利润
legitimate profit合理利润
legitimate profit合法利润
lost and profit损益
low profit cargo低利货
maintain independent profit-and-loss自负盈
make a profit赚钱
make a profit盈利
make high profit牟取暴利
make profit发财
make profit获利
margin of profit利润限度
margin-profit on sales销售边际利润
marginal net profit边际净利润
marketing profit市场经营利润
marketing profit行销利润
marketing profit市场销售利润
marketing profit营销利润
marketing profit rate营销利润率
mass of profit大利润额
maximum profit最大利润
mean rate of profit平均利润率
monopolist profits垄断利润
monopoly profit垄断利益
net operating profit营业纯利润
net profit盈余
net profit after tax税后纯利
net profit after tax税后净利润
net profit after taxation税后纯利
net profit after taxation税后净利润
net profit contribution净收益
net profit current year本年纯利
net profit of the term本期纯利,本期净利润
net profit on net sale ratio净销售净利润比
net profit on sale销售净利润
net profit on sale销货纯利
net profit rate净利润率
net profit rate on sale销售纯利率
net profit rate to operation营业纯利率,经营纯利率
net profit rate to sales销售纯利率
net profit share净利分成
net profit share净利股
net profit theory纯收益理论
net profit to net sale ratio净销售净利润比率
net profit to net worth资本净值净利
net rate of profit净利润率
net rate of profit纯利率
non-profit business无营利企业
non-profit business非营利事业
non-profit enterprise无营利企业
non-profit fund公益金
non-profit fund非营利资金
non-operating profit非营业利润
non-operating profit营业外利润
non-recurring profit非经常利润
non-recurring profit临时利润
norm profit正常利润
norm profit平均利润
norm profit额定利润
normal net profit rate正常净利率
operating profit营运利润
orderly profit正常利润
ordinary profit and loss正常损益
paper profit未实现收益
paper profit账面收益
plow-back profit用于再投资的利润
plow-back profit再投资利润
plow-back profit rate再投资利润率
preacquisition profit预得盈利
pretax profit税前利润
previous profit前期利润
previous profit and loss前期损益
production profit生产利润
production profit center生产利润中心
production profit rate生产利率
profit account利润科目
profit account利润账户
profit accounting利润核算
profit accrued from insurance保险差益
profit accrued from valuation估价差益
profit after tax retained留用税后利润
profit after taxation税后利润
profit analysis利润分析
profit and loss appropriation损益调配
profit and loss break-even point损益平衡点
profit and loss budget损益预算
profit and loss on investment投资损益
profit and loss on realization account财产变现损益账户,财产变现变产损益科目
profit and loss on valuation of real estate不动产估价损益
profit and loss plan盈亏计划
profit and loss ratio盈亏比率
profit and loss report损益报告
profit and loss reserve损益准备金
profit and loss sharing ratio损益分配率,盈亏分配率
profit and loss statement analysis损益表分析,盈亏表分析
profit and loss summary account损益汇总表,盈亏汇总账
profit and loss transaction损益事项
profit and loss transaction损益转账事项
profit and loss transaction损益交易
profit area利润区
profit available for dividend可分配利润
profit before taxation纳税前利润
profit brought forward前期结转利润
profit brought forward转入利益
profit calculation利润核算
profit center盈利部门
profit commission利润佣金
profit commission盈余佣金
profit commission纯利手续费
profit commission纯益佣金
profit contribution创利额
profit contribution毛利
profit corporation营利团体
profit delivery利润上缴
profit disposition利润计划
profit earned已得利润
profit employed in the business企业留用利润
profit expectation利润期望
profit forecast利润预测
profit from amalgamation由合并获得的利润
profit from business贸易利润
profit from business生意利润
profit from business经营利润
profit from capital reduction减资差益
profit from consolidation企业合并差益
profit from consolidation合并差益
profit from exportation出口利润
profit from foreign trade外贸利润
profit from importation进口利润
profit from operation经营利润
profit from redemption由偿还获得的利润
profit from sales销货利润
profit from sales销售利润
profit gap利润缺口
profit gap利润差额
profit goal利润目标
profit incentive利润刺激
profit-making business盈利生意
profit-making company盈利公司
profit-making organization盈利组织
profit margin利润边际
profit margin盈利率
profit margin rate毛利率
profit maximization approach利润最大化法
profit maximization principle最高利润原则
profit maximization principle利润最大化原理
profit maximization problem利润最大化问题
profit measurement利润测算
profit motive利润动机
profit norm利润指标
profit objective利润目标
profit of capital资本盈利
profit of exportation外销利润
profit of exportation出口利润
profit of note issue纸币发行利润
profit of operation营业利润
profit of operation营运利润
profit of operation经营利润
profit of trade贸易利润
profit on alienation转让收益
profit on consignment sales寄销利润
profit on exchange交换利润
profit on exporting出口利润
profit on fixed assets出售固定资产收益
profit on foreign exchange transactions外汇交易利润
profit on goods sales销货利润
profit on goods sales货物销售利润
profit on importing进口利润
profit on operation营运利润
profit on paper纸上利润
profit on paper未实现利润
profit on paper虚构利润
profit on redemption of securities有价证券偿还差益
profit on sales销售利润
profit on sales of assets资产出售利润
profit on securities sold有价证券出售利润
profit on stock redemption债券赎回利润
profit or loss from installment sales分期付款销售损益
profit or loss on exchange外汇损益,汇兑损益
profit-oriented company盈利公司
profit-oriented company营利公司
profit-oriented enterprise盈利企业
profit-oriented enterprise营利企业
profit percentage利润率
profit percentage利润百分率
profit plan盈利计划
profit planning chart利润规划图
profit planning system利润规划系统
profit planning system利润规划制度
profit potential潜在利润
profit push扩大利润
profit push追求利润
profit rate of net worth资本净利润率,净值利润率
profit rate on costs成本利润率
profit rate on exports出口利润率
profit rate on foreign exchange外币汇兑利润率
profit rate on funds资金利润率
profit rate on investment投资利润率
profit rate on production生产利润率
profit ratio盈利比率
profit ratio of average paid-in capital平均缴入资本利润比率
profit ratio of capital资本利润率
profit-related wages效益工资
profit reserve利润储备
profit reserve利润准备
profit responsibility利润责任
profit retention利润留成
profit retention保留利润
profit return盈利收益
profit return利润留成
profit/sales ratio利润销售比率
profit-seeking business营利企业
profit sharing分红
profit sharing利润分享
profit sharing bond分红债券
profit sharing bonus payable应付按利润分配红利
profit sharing bonus payable应付利润分红
profit sharing cartel利润分享卡特尔
profit sharing method利润分配法
profit sharing method职工分红法
profit sharing method利润分享法
profit sharing note分红债券
profit sharing note利润分享票据
profit sharing note利润分享债券
profit sharing pension fund分配养老金
profit sharing reserve利润分配准备
profit sharing security分红证券
profit sharing security利润分享有价证券
profit sharing system利润留成制度
profit sharing system利润分享制
profit sharing system利润分成制
profit sharing system分红制
profit squeeze利润压缩
profit structure利润构成
profit structure利润结构
profit system利润制度
profit to capital资本利润
profit to costs ratio成本利润
profit to net sales净销售利润
profit to production output ratio产值利润率
profit to sales ratio销售利润率
profit transferred已转让利润
profit volume analysis利润量分析
profits/sales ratio利润销售比率
projected profit预期利润
projected profit rate预期利润率
put profit-making first唯利是图
quick profit暴利
rake in fantastic profits牟取暴利
rate of profit盈利率
ratio of average gross profit平均毛利率
real net profit实纯利
realization of profit变产利润
realization of profit利润实现
realize a profit实现利润
realized profit已实现利润
realized profit or loss已实现损益
realized profit or loss已实现盈亏
recurrent profit and loss经常性损益
recurring profit经常性盈利
recurring profit续生利润
reinvested profit再投资利润
reinvested profit rate再投资利率
replacement of profits by taxes利改税
reported profit报告利润
reported profit账面利润
reported profit公布利润
responsibility profit责任利润
retained profit留成利润
retained profit保留利润
retention of profits利润自留额
retention of profits保留利润
reverse loss into profits扭亏为盈
right to share profits股东的利润分配权
satisfactory profit满意的利润
self-determination of profit or loss自负盈亏
sell at a profit赚钱销售
selling profit销售利润
share in profit分享利益
share in profit利润份额
share in profit参与分红
sharing profits分红
sharing profits分享利润
sharing profits and losses共负盈亏
small profit margin薄利
small profit margin利润低微
social profit社会利润
speculative profits投机利润
split the profits分配利润
statement of profit and loss损益表,损益计算书
statement of variation in profit利润变动表
stock profits存货利润
sundry profits杂项利润
sundry profits杂益
surplus from profit营业盈余
surplus profit利润结余
take profits获利
taxable profit应纳税利润
taxable profit应税盈利
total net profit全部净利润
total net profit净盈利总额
total net profit净利润总额
total profit总盈利
trade profit商业利润
trade profit贸易收益
trade profit and loss account贸易营业损益账户
trade profit and loss sheet贸易损益表
trade profit and loss statement贸易损益表
trading loss and profit贸易损益
trading loss and profit营业损益
trading profit毛利《销售》
trading profit销货毛利
trading profit and loss account营业损益账户,贸易损益账户
trading profit&loss statement营业损益表
transaction profit or loss交易盈亏
transaction profit or loss交易损益
turn a quick profit迅速获利
turn from deficit to profit扭亏为盈
underwriting profit保险利润
undistributed profit未分配利润
undivided profit未分摊利润
undivided profit未分利润
undrawn profit未提取利润
unearned profit分外利润
unearned profit不应得的利益
unit gross profit单位毛利
unit net profit单位净利
unlawful profit-making非法牟利
unrealized profit纸上利润
unrealized profit未实现利润
valuation profit method盈利估价法
valuation profit or loss损益估价
variable profit变动利益
variable profit可变利润
variable profit rate可变利润率
venture profit博利法
venture profit冒险盈利法
windfall profits tax暴利税
windfall profits tax超额利润税
with profits insurance有利润人寿保险
with profits insurance有利润保险
with profits insurance policy有利润人寿保险单
with profits insurance policy有利润保险单