
Terms for subject Economics containing process | all forms | exact matches only
a feedback process反馈程序
a mean process中间手续
a multiplier process收益增值过程
a multistage decision process多阶段决策过程
a multistage decision process分阶段选择过程
a multistage process多工序加工
a recycling process再循环程序 (过程)
a repetitive process重复程序
a variance work-in-process在制品差异
a work-in-process account在制品账户
a work-in-process ledger在制品分类账
a working-off process销除法
a writing-off process销除法
abuse of process诉讼手续故意弄错
accounting data process会计资料处理
activity and process monitoring活动和过程监测
adoption process采纳过程
advances for work in process and construction materials预付款
aid process AIDA过程
aid process AIDCAS过程
an automation process自动化过程
an averaging process平均办法
an extractive process提炼过程
an orthodox process传统制法
analytic process分析程序
analytic process分化程序
analytical hierarchy process层次分析法
analytical hierarchy process分析层次过程
analytical process分析过程
arrest or seize under legal process依法逮捕 (或扣留)
assembly process chart装配程序图
automated dump process自动倾销过程
automatically controlled process自动化控制过程
balancing process平衡过程
beginning work in process初期在制品
bills in process of clearing交换票据
birth process增殖过程
branch process分支过程
budgeting process编制预算
burden in process在制负荷
business process management事务过程管理
business process re-engineering经营过程再设计
business process reengineering经营过程重组
business processes业务流程
cash items in process of collection在收现金项目
circular process循环过程
circulation process流通过程
classification by processes of production按生产过程分类
commercial scale process大规模〔工业规模〕生产法
commercial scale process大规模生产过程
compensate the labour expended in the production process生产过程中有偿劳动消耗
complex process复杂生产过程
consolidated appeals process联合呼吁程序
construction in process未完工程
continuous analytical process分化连续程序
continuous analytical process衍分连续程序
continuous flow production process连续进行的生产过程
continuous process连续生产 过程
continuous-process cost连续过程成本
continuous process improvement过程连续改进
continuous process industry连续生产过程工业
continuous process industry连续程序工业
continuous process method连续加工法
continuous process production连续步骤生产
continuous process type of industry连续步序式工业
continuous synthetical process综合连续程序
continuous synthetical process合成连续程序
control process监督过程
conversion process conversion rate换算率
conversion process conversion rate折合率
copying process复写法
country-by-~ monitoring process逐国监督过程
country-led process国家为主导的过程
cut-and-try process试算法
cyclic process周期
cyclical process循环过程
data-generating process获得数据的过程
decision process for hypothesis testing用于假设测算的预算过程
denationalization process非国有化进程
departmental process cost system部门综合成本核算制度
design and processes设计和工艺
development process发展进程
development process开发过程
direct and indirect process cost直接与间接的分布成本
direct labour process直接生产过程
direct labour process主要劳动过程
direct process duplicating直接处理复写法
downstream process后续加工
due process of law正当的法律手续
ending work in process期末在制品
engineering process工艺过程
engineering process加工过程
eureka process发现程序
evaluation process procedure评价过程程序
export of goods in process of manufacture半成品出口
extracting process钻采过程
final goods in process期末在制品
final process执行状
finished process goods半成品已完成中间工序的产品
flow process chart加工流程图〔工艺卡〕
flow-process diagram
formula and process公式和程序
fusion process融合程序
gang process chart成群程序图
general labour process一般劳动过程
goods in process半成品
goods-in-process inventory在制品数额 (量)
group process团体作用
handing down process传递过程
heuristic process探索的过程
If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修改这一项目的施工过程
improvement of process engineering工艺改革
in process在进行中
in-process control制造过程中控制 (inspection, 检验)
in process of修理 (repair)
in-process test生产过程中的试验
industrial process生产过程
intermittent process industry断续程序工业
intermittent process production断续的加工生产
interruptable process industry中断程序工业
iterative process反复程序
job or process variations分批或分步差异
jobs in process在制工作工程
layout by process按工艺布置
layout by process程序布置
layout of product process产品程序布置
legal process诉讼过程
man-machine process chart人机程序图
manufacturing process生产、加工过程
manufacturing process生产工序
Markov process马柯夫过程
material on consignment for further process委托加工材料
mesne process中间手续
mesne process诉讼的中间手续
mesne process诉讼的中间程序
method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品初期存货的记账方法
modern process现代生产方法
monetary process货币流通
monitoring process校准程序
multistage process多工序加工
multistage process多级加工
mutation process突变过程
nationally-led process国家为主导的过程
natural process自然程序
normal process module标准工艺模数
operation process chart作业程序图
operation process chart操作程序图
overall process全过程
packag a whole process组成整套的一揽子生产流程
partial payment on construction contract in process按建设合同进度部分付款
Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺
passive process被动的程序
pilot process试验过程
planning process编订计划步骤
population process人口发展过程
price-adjustment process价格调整过程
probability process机率过程
process analysis工艺过程分析
process availability工艺的有效性
process average工序平均值
process average estimate制造过程中的平均质量评估
process average quality制造过程中的平均质量
process buyer's materials according to their designs来料加工
process chart制造过程图表
process chart工序〔工作过程〕图
process chart程序图
process control制造过程控制
process decision program chart工序决定规划图法
process economic growth经济增长的过程
process equipment certification requirements过程设备认证要求
process evaluation and research planning过程评价和研究规划
process identification程序识别
process licenser工艺许可证者
process line工作程序
process line生产过程流水线
process management safety过程管理安全性
process management system过程管理系统
process manager过程管理器
process manager module过程管理器模块
process nature's raw materials加工自然物
process nature's raw materials对原材料加工
process o£ construction建设过程
process of balance-of-payment adjustment国际收入调整步骤
process of circulation流通过程
process of consumption消费过程
process of creating surplus-value价值增值过程
process of creating value创造价值过程
process of economic growth经济增长的过程
process of machine capability工程或机械能力
process of producing surplus-value价值增殖过程
process of producing value价值形成过程
process of production生产程序
process of production生产过程
process of reproduction, circular flow of economic system经济循环系统
process of reproduction, circular flow of economic system再生产过程
process of substitution替代程序
process operations management system过程操作管理系统
process-oriented industry面向生产的工业
process-oriented theory过程指向论
process period生产过程期间
process period工作前序期间
process quality control加工质量控制
process uncertainty工艺方案的不确定性
process yield工艺流程收得率
Processes will reach their capacity limit if demand continues to grow如果需求持续增长,生产加工能力将达到极限
product realization process产品实现过程
product realization process产品制造方法
profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力
progressive process流水作业线
quality improvement process质量改进过程
revenue-earning process收入取得程序
review process审核过程
roundabout process迂回程序
roundabout production process迂回的生产方法
seizure under legal process依法扣押
shipping process船期
social process社会过程
social process社会程序
specialization by process制造过程的专门化
statistical process and/or quality control统计过程和【或】质量控制
supplier performance measurement process供货商动态测量法
technical process技术规程
the asymmetrical branching process非对称法
The manufacture of the goods is in process此货正在生产当中
the process capability加工能力
the process capability工序能力
the process of reproduction再生产过程
The process was perfected for making high grade products生产高质量产品的工艺得到完善
the redistribution by fiscal process财政再分配
the seizure under legal process依法扣押
the spoiled work-in-process报废再制品
the work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
the work-in-process turnover在制品周转率
the work-in-process turnover norm产品周转定额
theory of adjustment process调整过程论
thought process上思路
three-inone process三合一的措施
turnover of goods in process在制产品周转率
validation process证实过程
valuation process评价程序
variance work-in-process在制产品差异
We are granted an exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters patent我方已得到一份独家许可证,可以使用特许证中所列的工艺过程