
Terms containing party B | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A default on the party A shall entitle party B to terminate the said agreement若甲方违约,乙方有权终止该协议
econ.charter party B/C租船提单
textilecharterer party B/L包船提单
econ.Delayed payment by Party B will not vitiate this agreement乙方推迟交款不会使本协议失效
econ.In the contract Party A grants to Party B the exclusive right to vend goods在该合同里甲方授予乙方出售这些货物的独家经销权
econ.It is agreed by Party A that Party B shall use the equipment at will during the said period甲方同意乙方在上述期间内随意使用该设备
textileneutral party B/L中立者提单
textileneutral party B/L中性提单
econ.Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺
econ.Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000自即日起,甲方租给乙方该房产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000元
econ.Party A may authorize Party B to effect payments due to Party C on behalf of Party A甲方可委托乙方代表甲方去偿付应付给丙方的欠款
econ.Party A promises to inform Party B of all communications in connection with the contract甲方承诺将与合同有关的一切信息通知乙方
econ.Party A remised to Party B all the right, claim and property甲方将所有权利、 债权和财产全部出让给乙方
econ.Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利
econ.Party A shall buy and sell, with the approval of Party B, all goods and merchandise经乙方的认可,甲方将采购和销售全部货物及商品
econ.Party A shall have the right to call to the attenuation of Party B甲方有权提请乙方注意
econ.Party A shall inform party B of any change in carrying out the contract, and vice甲方在执行该合同中发生任何变动应通知乙方,反之亦然
econ.Party A shall not act unilaterally without the prior approval of Party B甲方在未取得乙方的事先同意之前不得单方面行动
textileparty B契约乙方
textileparty B合同乙方
interntl.trade.party B乙方
econ.Party B acknowledges having received from Party A the above-mentioned loan乙方确认已从甲方收到上述贷款
econ.Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement乙方同意根据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利
econ.Party B is willing to make zero concession乙方一点也不肯让步
econ.Party B shall not assign the accounts receivable乙方不得转让应收账款
econ.Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金
econ.Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
econ.The way of converting the shares of Party A into the shares of Party B shall be as follows...将A方股票换成B方股票其方式如下…
econ.These tracts and debts shall not be released upon the take-over by Party B of the company乙方公司接收后,这些合同和债务不应予以解除
textilethird party B/L第三者提单
econ.third party B/L第三方提单
econ.This contract is binding on both Party A and Party B本合同对甲乙两方都有约束力