
Terms for subject General containing own | all forms | exact matches only
all one's own独特地
at one's own choice任意
at one's own choice随意挑选
at one's own expense自费
at one's own risk损失自己负责
be left on one's own放任不管
be one's own master自主
be one's own master独立
beam in one's own eye自身的重大缺点
blow one's own trumpet自负
blow one's own trumpet自吹自擂
by one's own account据某人自己说
by sb.'s own admission据某人自己承认
call one's own foul宣判自己犯规
come into one's own获得应有的信誉
Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表
follow our own road in developing industry走自己发展工业的道路
get one's own way随心所欲
get one's own way为所欲为
get one's own way自主行事
go one's own way一意孤行
go one's own way自行其是
go one's own way in developing science and technology在发展科学技术方面走自己的路
grasp one's desting in one's own hands掌握自己的命运
have one's own way为所欲为
have one's own way随心所欲
have one's own way自主行事
his own self他本人
hold one's own撑得住
hold one's own支撑着
hold one's own泰然自若
hold one's own保持立场
How do I draw money for my own use then?那么我如何提钱给自己用呢?
in one's own field在自己本行内
in one's own name以自己的名义
In the west, you have your own plate of food, while in China, plates are placed on the table and everyone shares西餐中,人人都有自己的盘子,吃中餐时,盘子是放在桌子上大家公用的
Jules own version of the international algebraic algorithmic language国际代数语言或算法语言的朱尔斯专用文本
keep one's own counsel不发表己见
keep one's own counsel将计划〔意见〕保密
leave a person to his own devices对某人不加干涉
leave a person to his own devices to + inf.让某人自行设法
leave... on one's own听其自然
leave... on one's own放任不管
leave the matter to take its own course听其自然
leave sb. to his own resources让某人独自排忧解难
Look for fun condiment squeeze bottles and let the kids squeeze out their own ketchup找些好玩的调料挤压瓶,让孩子自己挤出番茄酱
mind your own business不要管闲事
of one's own属于自己的
of one's own accord自愿地
of one's own accord主动地
of one's own accord自然而然地
of one's own accord自行
of one's own accord自动
of one's own motion自动〔自愿〕地
of one's own volition岀于自愿
off one's own bat独立地
off one's own bat凭自己努力
on ones own account独立地
on ones own account自行负责
on ones own account为了…本身的缘故
on ones own account独自
on one's own initiative主动
on one's own为了个人打算 (account)
on one's own凭自己力量 (account)
on one's own独立地 (account)
on one's own自己单独地 (account)
on one's own主动地 (account)
on one's own独自 (account)
on sb.'s own admission据某人自己承认
on one's own bat通过自己的努力
on one's own bat靠自己的力量
on one's own initiative自〔主〕动地
on one's own merits靠真价
on one's own merits靠实力
on one's own responsibility自己负责
on one's own responsibility
on one's own sole responsibility全由…个人负责
on one's own terms按照自己的定价
on one's own terms根据自己的主张〔条件〕
on one's own time在业余〔非工作〕时间
own court本方场区
own goal乌龙球自进本方球门的球
own oneself in承认
own that承认
pay a man back in his own coin以其人之道还治其人之身
1 prefer to pay my own way so that I'll not feel indebted at all我乐意分摊,这样才不会总感到欠人情
rely on one's own strength自力更生
see with one's own eye亲眼所见
stand on one's own legs依靠自己力量
stand on one's own legs独立
take one's own course一意孤行
take one's own way一意孤行
take one's own way自行其是
tell its own story本身就很清楚
tell its own story不言自明
tell its own tale显而易见
tell its own tale不言而喻
tell one's own story本身就很清楚
tell one's own story不言自明
the material has some properties all its own这种材料有它一些特有的性质
unity and coordination within one's own ranks人和
Upon registration, you are requested to show your own identification card, passport or other valid credentials入住时请出示身份证、护照或其他有效证件
work out one's own salvation自寻出路
write one's own ticket自行决定
write one's own ticket自订计划