
Terms for subject Surgery containing operations | all forms
anterior approach in spinal operation脊髓手术中颈部前人路
Archibald operation胰管扩张术
arteriovenous shunt operation动静脉分流术
aseptic operation无菌手术
Belsey operation贝尔西手术
Belsey-Mark IV operationIV 手术
Belsey-Mark IV operation尔西-马手术
bench operation工作台上手术
Bentall operation本托尔手术
Blalock-Taussig operation锁骨下动脉一肺动脉吻合术
Blalock-Taussig operation莱洛克-陶西格手术
bone drilling operation钻骨露髓
brain abscess operation脑脓肿手术
Bricker operation回肠膀胱术
Brock operation颈内动脉栓塞术
bypass operation旁路手术
bypass operation of cerebrospinal fluid脑脊液分流术
cardiac operation心脏手术
Chin operation钦氏手术
Clark operation胸大肌移位术
closure of cleft palate by Dorrance push back operation腭裂后推修复术
closure of cleft palate by von Langenbeck operation腭裂减张切口修复术
closure of cleft palate by Wardill four-flap operation腭裂四瓣修复术
Cohen operation膀胱输尿管移植术
Colonna operation科隆纳手术
coronary bypass operation冠状动脉旁路手术
corrective operation纠治性手术
corrective operation of pectus excavatum漏斗胸矫正术
craniocerebral operations颅脑手术
De Vega operation迪维加术
definitive operation for Hirschsprung disease巨结肠根治术
direct vision heart operation心脏直视手术
dixon operation经腹直肠切除吻合术
Duhamel operation结肠拖岀术
Duhamel operation杜阿梅尔手术
emergency operation急症手术
end-expiratory operation呼气末手术
esophageal bypass operation食管旁路术
estlander-Abbe operation交叉唇瓣手术
estlander-Abbe operation唇交叉瓣手术
eyelid shortening operation眼睑紧缩术
face lift operation颜面皮肤提升拉紧术
face lift operation面部去皱术
face lift operation面部皱纹皱襞舒平术
face lift operation颜面皱纹皱襞舒平术
fenestrated Fontan operation带窗的丰唐手术
Fontan operation丰唐手术
forearm splitting operation前臂分叉术
frontalis muscle flap suspension operation额肌瓣悬吊术
Glenn operation格莱恩手术
Gore-Tex interposition shunt operation戈尔一特克斯插入式分流术
Harrington rod operation哈氏棒手术
Heller operation黑勒贲门肌切开术
hemi Fontan operation双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术
hemi-Fontan operation双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术
Hoffmeister operation霍夫迈斯特手术
Hughes operation休斯手术
intracardiac operation under direct vision心内直视手术
Jatene operation介挺手术
Kondoleon operation康多莱昂手术
Kuhnt-Szymanowski operation下睑紧缩术
Ladd operation十二指肠旁索带切断术
Ladd operation拉德手术
Leadbetter operation膀胱颈缩窄术
Lester operation莱斯特手术
levator resection operation睑上提肌缩短术
lidfolding operation双眼皮形成术
Lowsley-Johnson operation直肠膀胱术
maze operation迷宫术
microscope for operation手术显微镜
Miles operation腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术
Miles operation迈尔斯手术
Mils operation迈尔斯手术
modified Bacon operation改良的培根直肠拉出切除术
modified Heller operation改良的黑勒贲门肌切开术
modified Schede operation改良舍德手术
Mustard operation马斯塔德手术
Nissen operation尼森手术
open heart operation心内直视手术
operation for cerebrovascular diseases脑血管疾病手术
operation for cranial nerve颅神经手术
operation for intracranial aneurysm颅内动脉瘤手术
operation for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases缺血性脑血管疾病手术
operation of craniocerebral injury颅脑损伤手术
operation on intracranial tumor颅内肿瘤手术
operation on peripheral nerve周围神经手术
operation on sympathetic nervous system交感神经手术
palliative operation姑息手术
Pashkind-Miller operation斯金德-米手术
Pena operation骶后纵切肛门成形术
plastic operation整形
plication operation of urethra尿道折叠术
Pott operation降主动脉-肺动脉吻合术
Pott operation波特手术
Potts-Smith shunt operation波茨-史密斯分流术
Puestow operation普埃斯托手术
pull-through operation拖出术
push back operation腭裂后推手术 (for cleftpalate)
Rastelli operation心外管道术
Rastelli operation拉斯泰利手术
Ravitch operation拉维特克手术
reconstructive vascular operation血管重建术
renal extracorpes operation肾离体手术
Salter operation索尔特截骨术
selective operation择期手术
Senning operation森宁手术
septation operation分隔术
sex change operation性别改变术
Shanz operation转子下外展截骨术
shelf operation加盖术
shortening operation of musculus levator palpebrae superioris上睑提肌缩短术
skull operation颅骨手术
sling operation of urethra尿道悬吊术
sterno-turnover operation胸骨翻转术
Swan operation斯万手术
Takeuchi tunnel operation山口隧道手术
tarso-conjunctival wedge operation睑板-结膜楔移植术
Thiersch operation肛门环箍术
Thompson buried dermis flap operation for elephantiasis象皮肿去表皮皮瓣埋人术
tolerance to operation手术耐受力
tongue-to-lip adhesion operation舌唇粘连术
Torkildsen operation托希尔森手术
transnasal route operation鼻经路手术
transpalatal route operation腭经路手术
Tuffier operation蒂菲耶手术
video assisted thoracic operation电视胸腔镜手术
vomer flap operation犁骨黏膜骨膜瓣修复术
Waterston operation沃特斯顿手术
Whipple operation胰十二指肠切除术
Whitehead operation痔环切术
Whitehead operation怀特黑德手术
Witzel operation威策尔胃造口术