
Terms containing one-way | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.alternate one-way traffic交替单向交通
tech.alternate one-way traffic control交替单向通行控制
textilealternative type one-way fasteners变化型单向拉链
proj.manag.Automated one-way file synchronization自动单向的文件同步
sport.battle every inch of one's way挣扎前进
sport, bask.buck one's way through冲进
tech.coasting time for one way旅行时间
auto.converter one-way clutch自动变速器变矩器单向离合器
tech.criterion for application of one way street采用单向交通的条件
gen.Do you want to buy a one-way ticket or a round trip ticket?您想买单程票还是往返票?
footb.dribble one's way forward运球前进
footb.dribble one's way forward盘球前进
telecom.duplex one way双工单向
gen.Economy fare for one way trip from New York to Shanghai is $800从纽约飞往上海的经济舱票价为800美元
textileface to face one way spreading双幅对称铺料
corp.gov.final one way travel最后单程旅行
gen.force one's way in
gen.go out of one's way to特意 (+ inf.)
gen.go out of one's way to + inf.不怕麻烦地去做
gen.go out of one's way to故意 (+ inf.)
gen.in one way有几分
gen.in one way稍微
gen.in one way在某种意义 〔程度〕上
gen.in one way在某点上
gen.Inspection routines are only one way to ensure quality例行检查只是确保质量的一种方法
gen.lean one way or another朝各个方向倾斜
gen.lean one way or another左右倾斜
gen.lose one's way迷路
auto.low one way clutch自动变速器低档单向离合器
securit.make one's own way发家致富
telecom.mean one-way propagation time平均单向传播时间
el.measurable one-way attenuation range可测单向衰减范围
gen.on one? s way在路上
tech.one best-way一种最好的方式
busin.one right way单一法门
met.one way单向
proj.manag.one way单行线
avia.one way单程
avia.one way单程的
avia.one way单相的
avia.one way单路的
avia.one way单向
textileone way单行布向
el.one way单路
gen.one way单行路
busin.one way analysis of variance model单向方差分析模型
econ.one way another想方设法
stat.one way classification一种方式分组
wind.one way clutch单向离合器
ITone way communication单向会话
ITone way communication单向通信
manag.one way communication system单方面通讯系统
manag.one way communication system单方面通讯制度
busin.one way communication system单向通讯系统
railw.one way conducting device单向导通装置
tech.one way disc垂直圆盘犁
oilone way distance单程距离
textileone way fare单程票
textileone way fare单程费用
interntl.trade.one way fare单程费
railw.one way feeding单边供电
railw.one way gradient tunnel单坡隧道
cryptogr.one way hash function单向哈希函数
cryptogr.one way hash function单向函数求逆
ITone way interaction单向交互作用
econ.one way lease单程租约
busin.one way market单方市场
commer.one way market买方或卖方单向市场
econ.one way market只有买方或卖方的单方面市场
securit.one way market单向市场
comp., net.one way message delay单向报文延迟
comp., net.one way only operation单向工作
gen.in one way or another不管怎样
gen.in one way or another无论如何
gen.in one way or another朝各个方向
gen.one way or another用种种方法
gen.in one way or another用种种方法
surg.one way oropharyngeal airway单向型口咽通气管
textileone way pleat顺风裥
oilone way propagation单程传播
archit.one way slab单向板
textileone way spreading单层单向铺料法
archit.one way switch单头开关
avia.one way synchronous collision avoidance and ranging system单路同步防撞与测距系统
oilone way time单程时间
house.One way to avoid accidentally scalding and related injuries is to turn down the temperature of your hot water heater要想避免意外烫伤和其他相关伤害,一种方法就是调低热水器设定的温度
proj.manag.One way to ensure this is to design a class that encapsulates the shared resource确保做到这一点的一种方法是设计一个封装该共享资源的类
textileone way trade单向贸易
interntl.trade.one way trade单程贸易
interntl.trade.one way traffic单程交通
railw.one way traffic单向行车
comp., net.one way transmission单向传输
oilone way travel time单程传播时间
gen.One way trip or round trip?单程还是来回?
railw.one way trunk单向中继线
railw.one way valve单向阀
forestr.one way volume table地方材积表
forestr.one way volume table一元材积表
tech.one-way单行 (线)
tech.one-way单向 (性)
tech.one-way accelerator单向加速器
el.one-way access单向接人
el.one-way access单向访问
cryptogr.one-way accumulator单向累加器
el.one-way addressable单向可寻址的
railw.one-way adjuster单向调节器
tech.one-way air valve单向空气阀
tech.one-way alternate current locomotive单向交流机车
tech.one-way alternate traffic单向交替交通
econ.one-way analysis单向分析
chem.one-way analysis of covariance一种方式协方差分析
stat.one-way analysis of variance单因素方差分析
busin.one-way analysis of variance单向方差分析
chem.one-way analysis of variances一种方式方差分析
tech.one-way annual carrying capacity单向流 (动)
tech.one-way annual carrying capacity单向年通过能力
tech.one-way anti-thrust pier单向推力墩
el.one-way attenuator单向衰减器
tech.one-way automatic leveling device单向自动平层装置
fin.one-way bet单向押注
el.one-way board車向控制板
el.one-way board单线路带熔断器的盘
tech.one-way board单向控制板
plast.one-way bottle一次性用瓶
tech.one-way bottle non-returnable一次瓶
tech.one-way bus单向总线
tech.one-way cable duct单向电缆通道
tech.one-way carrying capacity单向运能
busin.one-way causation单向因果关系
tech.one-way channel单向纹道
tech.one-way channel单向通道
tech.one-way channel单线航道
TVone-way channel单路信道
tech.one-way channel单向波道
ITone-way channel单向信道
tech.one-way channel单行航道
chem.one-way chromatogram单向色谱
tech.one-way chromatogram单向色谱
ITone-way cipher单向密码
el.one-way circuit单向导通回路
tech.one-way circuit单向电路
tech.one-way circulation单向循环
tech.one-way clamp单向钳位
tech.one-way classification单因素分组
tech.one-way classification一向分类
math.one-way classification单向分组
oilone-way classification单方式分类
chem.one-way classification一种方式分组
agric.one-way classification单式分类
tech.one-way classification一向分组
busin.one-way classification table单向分类表
tech.one-way classification yard单向编组场【铁】
textileone-way cloth pattern织物单向图案
tech.one-way clutch单向离合器
tech.one-way clutch单向联轴节
tech.one-way clutch mechanism单向离合机构
chem.one-way cock单向阀
oilone-way cock单向旋塞阀
dril.one-way cock单向旋塞
tech.one-way cock单向考克阀
chem.one-way cock单通活栓
chem.one-way cock单向阀门
tech.one-way cock止回旋塞
met.one-way communication单向通信
libr.one-way communication单向沟通
met.one-way communication单路通信
tech.one-way conducting device单向导通装置
physiol.one-way conduction单向传播
tech.one-way container单向集装箱
tech.one-way container一次性集装箱
tech.one-way continuous slab单向配筋连续板
tech.one-way crown一面排水路拱
tech.one-way cylinder单作用油缸
tech.one-way damp circuit单向钳压电路
textileone-way design单向图案
textileone-way design单向花样
stat.one-way design单向设计
tech.one-way dimension单向尺寸
tech.one-way disc harrow灭茬圆盘耙
agric.one-way disk harrow单列圆盘耙
agric.one-way disk harrow圆盘灭茬耙
agric.one-way disk plow垂直圆盘犁
tech.one-way distance measuring单向测距
tech.one-way distribution单向分布
plast.one-way drawing单轴拉伸
tech.one-way drawing单向牵伸
auto.one-way drive单向驱动传动,离合器
agric.one-way electric hoist单向电力起重机
auto.one-way element单向离合器/自由轮/超越离合器单向旋转元件
auto.one-way element超越机构
tech.one-way element单向元件
ITone-way encryption单向加密
tech.one-way encryption单相密码
tech.one-way entrance单行入口
tech.one-way equality单向相等性
econ.one-way fare单程票价
interntl.trade.one-way fare单程费车、船、航空
busin.one-way fare单程运费车船费
tech.one-way fashion单向式
textileone-way fastener单向拉链
textilenormal type one-way fasteners单向拉链
auto.one-way feed单向进给
tech.one-way feed单路馈电
tech.one-way feed单向馈电
tech.one-way feeding单边供电
tech.one-way finite automata单向有穷自动机
tech.one-way fired furnace单室炉
tech.one-way fired furnace单向火焰炉
met.one-way-fired pit单侧烧嘴均热炉
met.one-way fired pit单向 〔单侧烧嘴〕均热炉
tech.one-way fired pit单向均热炉
met.one-way-fired soaking pit单侧烧嘴均热炉
tech.one-way fired soaking pit单向焰均热炉
tech.one-way flat slab system单向钢筋平板系统
tech.one-way flat slab system单向无梁板系统
telecom.one-way function单向功能
multimed.one-way function单向函数
cryptogr.one-way function tree protocol单向函数树协议
met.one-way furnace单向加热炉
met.one-way furnace顺流式炉
tech.one-way gradient单坡
cryptogr.one-way group homomorphism单向群同态
busin.one-way grouping单向分组
busin.one-way grouping单向组合
cryptogr.one-way hash algorithm单向哈希算法
cryptogr.one-way hash function单向哈希函数
ITone-way Hash function单向散列[哈希]函数
multimed.one-way hash function单向散列函数
auto.one-way haul单向运输
tech.one-way heat pipe单向导热管
anim.husb.one-way hog dehairer单辊去毛机
tech.one-way hydrant单向消火栓
earth.sc.one-way influence tropical cyclone model单向影响热带气旋模式
ITone-way input单向输人
tech.one-way input tape单向输入带
el.one-way interaction单路交互作用
telecom.one-way interaction单向交互
tech.one-way interaction单向交互作用
tech.one-way joist construction单向次梁结构
tech.one-way joist construction单向龙骨构造
tech.one-way lane单车道
tech.one-way lane单向车道
tech.one-way laser单向激光器
energ.ind.one-way laser unit单向发射激光器
gen.one-way laser unit单向发射的激光装置
tech.one-way layer-built total-sun method单向分层总合法
manag.one-way layout一法配置
textileone-way layout一顺排
textileone-way layout衣片一顺向排料
chem.one-way layout一元分类
chem.one-way layout一元构型
manag.one-way layout一元配置
busin.one-way layout单向配置
shipb.one-way lease单程租赁
tech.one-way line单向线路
tech.one-way lockage单向过闸
ITone-way logical relationship单向逻辑联系
met.one-way lubricating system单线集中润滑系统
tech.one-way lubricating system单线润滑系统
nautic., tech.one-way macerator system单向碎渣机系统
fin.one-way market单边市场
econ.one-way market单向交易市场
tech.one-way maximum peak hour passenger capacity高峰小时单向最大输送能力
tech.one-way maximum peak hour passenger volume高峰小时单向最大客流量
tech.one-way membrane单向膜
tech.one-way merge单向合并
ITone-way message delay单向消息延迟
met.one-way mill非可逆式轧机
tech.one-way mine单翼开采
tech.one-way miniature单向小型的
tech.one-way mining单翼开采
adv.one-way mirror单向观察镜
adv.one-way mirror单向可视镜
tech.one-way mirror单向镜 (从亮室看是镜,从暗室看透明)
tech.one-way motion单向运动
agric., tech.one-way mouldboard plough双向犁
auto.one-way movement单向行驶
auto.one-way movement单边运动
tech.one-way movement单向运动
tech.one-way navigation channel单向航道
tech.one-way navigation channel单行航道
tech.one-way navigational channel单向航道
tech.one-way navigational channel单行航道
tech.one-way non-deterministic stack单向不确定栈
tech.one-way observation单向观测
telecom.one-way only operation单向工作
oilone-way only operation单向操作
tech.one-way only operation单路操作
tech.one-way orientation单向取向
tech.one-way pack单向装填
busin.one-way package单向接头
tech.one-way package一次性包装
plast.one-way packing一次性用包装
tech.one-way pair双条单向
tech.one-way pair单向双车道
tech.one-way passenger capacity单向客运能力
tech.one-way path单行道
TVone-way path delay单向通路延迟
auto.one-way pattern轮胎单向花纹
mil., air.def.one-way pattern单通道模式
tech.one-way pavement单向车行道
cryptogr.one-way permutation单向置换
tech.one-way permutation pit sinking单排井孔沉井
tech.one-way phase switcher单向移相器
tech.one-way phase switcher单向相位转换开关
textileone-way pile单向绒毛
textileone-way placement衣片一顺向排料
textileone-way placement一顺排
textileone-way pleat顺风褶
textileone-way pleat顺裥
textileone-way pleat单向褶
textileone-way pleat顺褶裥
tech.one-way plough单向犁
tech.one-way plough单向圆盘犁
tech.one-way plow单向犁
agric.one-way plowing套行耕作
agric.one-way plowing平耕
el.one-way polar单向极性
telecom.one-way polar repeater单向极性增音器
el.one-way power gain单向功率增益
textileone-way print单向印花
ITone-way propagation time单向传播时间
el.one-way radio单向无线
tech.one-way radio单向无线电通信
tech.one-way ram单程油缸
gen.one-way ram单作用油缸
tech.one-way ramp单向坡道
tech.one-way ramp单向匝道
tech.one-way ranging单向测距
tech.one-way reinforced单面加筋 (的)
construct.one-way reinforced单向钢筋
tech.one-way reinforced单向布筋的
tech.one-way reinforced单向钢筋的
tech.one-way reinforced单向配筋的
tech.one-way reinforced plate单向配筋板
tech.one-way reinforced slab单向配筋板
tech.one-way reinforcement单向布筋
tech.one-way reinforcement slab单向板
tech.one-way reinforcement slab单向配筋混凝土板
tech.one-way reinforcement system单向配筋系统
tech.one-way remote monitoring system单路遥控监测系统
tech.one-way repeater单向中继器
tech.one-way repeater单向增音器
tech.one-way repeater单向转发器
tech.one-way restricted zone单向通行区
tech.one-way restricted zone单向通行限制区间
tech.one-way revolving spanner单向活动扳手
plast.one-way rivet单向铆钉
tech.one-way road单行线
tech.one-way road单向交通道路
tech.one-way road单行路
tech.one-way road单向路
auto.one-way road单向交通道
tech.one-way road单行道
auto.one-way roller clutch滚子式单向离合器
met.one-way rolling mill非可逆式轧机
el.one-way-route button单程按钮【铁路】
tech.one-way satellite system单路卫星系统
met.one-way scoop feeder单向勺式加料器
cryptogr.one-way secret-key agreement单向密钥协议
cryptogr.one-way secret-key rate单向密钥速率
auto.one-way section交通单向行驶线段
tech.one-way section单向行驶线段
tech.one-way service pipe system单向供水
tech.one-way service pipe system单向供水系统
refrig.one-way service valve单通操作阀
met.one-way shear单边剪切机
tech.one-way shear单边剪切
tech.one-way sign单向通行标志
construct.one-way signal单向〔组〕信号
TVone-way signal单向信号
tech.one-way signal单组信号
tech.one-way slab单向钢筋混凝土板
tech.one-way slab单向配筋板
tech.one-way slab单向平板
tech.one-way slab system单向板系统
tech.one-way slab system单向钢筋混凝土板系统
oilone-way slip单向卡瓦
tech.one-way slope单坡面
tech.one-way slope单面坡 (度)
chem.one-way slope单面坡
tech.one-way slope单向横坡
tech.one-way slope单向坡度
tech.one-way snow plough单行雪犁
auto.one-way sprag clutch楔块式单向离合器
textileone-way spreading一顺铺
textileone-way spreading单向铺料法
tech.one-way stack单向栈
tech.one-way stack automaton单向栈自动机
auto.one-way street城市单行街道
tech.one-way street单向通行道路
chess.term.one-way street单行道
tech.one-way street单行线
tech.one-way street单向交通道
tech.one-way street单向交通街道
el.one-way street grid单行道街道网
plast.one-way stretch单向拉伸
chem.one-way strip chromatogram单向条色谱图
chem.one-way strip chromatogram单向条色谱
el.one-way surge tank单通调压塔
tech.one-way switch单路开关
tech.one-way switch单头开关
el.one-way synchronous collision avoidance and ranging system单路同步防撞与测距系统
tech.one-way system单向系统
tech.one-way system单向配筋系统
stat.one-way table简表
stat.one-way table单向表
stat.one-way table单向表, 1/4虮
tech.one-way throttle valve单向节流阀
el.mach.one-way thrust单向推力负荷 (load)
tech.one-way thrust ball bearing单向止推滚珠轴承
tech.one-way thrust bearing单向止推轴承
busin.one-way ticket单程票
dril.one-way time单程时间
tech.one-way time aligned单程时间对齐
busin.one-way trade单程贸易
tech.one-way traffic单向联络
tech.one-way traffic单向运输 (量)
tech.one-way traffic单向行驶
tech.one-way traffic单向通信 (业务)
tech.one-way traffic单向通话
sport.one-way traffic一边倒的比赛
tech.one-way traffic lane单向通行道
tech.one-way traffic lane单向行驶航道
tech.one-way traffic turn单向转弯
tech.one-way transit单向过闸
el.one-way translator单向转换器
el.one-way translator单路转换器
el.one-way transmission单路传输
ITone-way transmission单向传输
tech.one-way transmission单向传递
tech.one-way transmission单向传送
tech.one-way transmission line单路输电线
tech.one-way transmission line单向传输线路
tech.one-way transparent glass单向透视玻璃
oilone-way trip单行程
auto.one-way trip单向行驶
dril.one-way trip单程起钻/下钻
ITone-way trunk单向中继线
multimed.one-way trust单向信任
met.one-way valve单通阀
construct.one-way valve止回〔止逆〕阀
construct.one-way valve单向〔止回〕阀
tech.one-way valve piston单向阀活塞
tech.one-way valve sleeve单向阀阀套
tech.one-way valve spring单向阀弹簧
oilone-way vent单向流出
chem.one-way vision mirror半透明镜
mil., air.def.one-way voice link单向语音链
tech.one-way volume单向交通量
textileone-way water action单向水流作用
tech.one-way water supply station单向给水站
oilone-way wave equation单向波动方程
textileopen-end one-way fastener开口式单向拉链
busin.pay one's own way自付账
textilepay one's way支付应负担的费用
textilepay one's way不负债
textilepay one's way支付费用
textilepay one's way勉强维持
textilepay one's way尽职
busin.pay ones way尽职
busin.pay ones way支付应负担的费用
tech.periodic one-way sign定时单向通行标志
tech.periodical one-way sign定时单向通行标志
tech.planning for one-way street单向交通街道规则
cryptogr.regular one-way function规则单向函数
tech.reverse one-way street可变单向交通街道
tech.reversible one-way street往复变向的单向交通街道
tech.reversible one-way street可变单向交通街道
tech.roller-type one way clutch滚柱式单向离合器
textilesew one-way pleat叠顺裥
textilesew one-way pleat缝叠顺桐
tech.slab with one-way reinforcement单向加筋板
tech.sprag type one way clutch斜撑式单向离合器
sport.steamroll one's way to victory所向披靡
mil., air.def.submarine launched one-way tactical潜艇发射的单路战术干扰发射机
met.teeming of one-way solidification定向凝固浇注
gen.there's only one way to do it做这事只有一种方法
met.top one-way-fired soaking pit单侧上烧嘴均热炉
cryptogr.trapdoor one-way function陷门单向函数
cryptogr.universal one-way hash function通用单向哈希函数
shipb.use electromagnetic crane, vacuum one and carrying roller-way to compose a mechanization transportation line使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线
tech.ventilation of one-way and opposite angles单翼对角式通风
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