
Terms containing neat | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A neat and clean environment and good service are needed in enjoying Western-style food西餐通常要求有整洁卫生的环境和全面优质的服务
tech.alteration type of adjoining rock neat ore body近矿围岩蚀变类型
tech.curve of rolling neat step shaft轧齐曲线
tech.gypsum neat plaster纯石膏灰
tech.gypsum neat plaster净纯石膏灰泥
tech.gypsum neat plaster石膏净粉饰
tech.gypsum neat plaster净石膏灰
gen.In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw她那顶简洁的黑色头巾帽上插了金绿色的金刚鹦鹉毛
gen.In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of macaw她那顶简洁的黑色无边帽上插了根金绿色的金刚鹦鹉毛
tech.neat affected zone焊接或气割时热影响区
gen.neat and tidy整齐
tech.neat area净面积
gen.as neat as N inepence干干净净
gen.as neat as N inepence十分整洁
food.ind.neat brandy纯白兰地酒
bridg.constr.neat cement净水泥
bridg.constr.neat cement纯水泥
tech.neat cement净浆
el.neat cement未水化水泥
tech.neat cement非水化状态的水硬水泥
tech.neat cement binding course素水泥浆砂浆结合层
tech.neat cement grout素水泥浆
eng.geol.neat cement grout纯水泥浆
tech.neat cement grout净水泥浆
tech.neat cement mortar净水泥砂黎
bridg.constr.neat cement mortar净水泥砂浆
bridg.constr.neat cement mortar净水泥浆
tech.neat cement mortar纯水泥浆
tech.neat cement mortar水泥净浆
archit.neat-cement paste净水泥浆
tech.neat cement paste纯水泥浆体
bridg.constr.neat cement paste水泥净浆
bridg.constr.neat cement paste净水泥浆
tech.neat cement paste纯水泥浆
tech.neat cement paste净水泥软膏
oilneat cement slurry净水泥浆
dril.neat cement slurry纯水泥浆
UNneat chemical agent纯化学剂
textileneat fashion整洁雅致的时装
textileneat fashion清爽时装
textileneat fashion雅致时装
textileneat finish光边整理
anim.husb.neat foot牛蹄
met.neat gas净化气体
tech.neat gas burner扩散式燃烧器
tech.neat gas burner天然气燃烧器
tech.neat gas burner光焰燃烧器
tech.neat gypsum plaster细石膏灰浆
anim.husb.neat head头部干燥
anim.husb.neat head头部清秀
anim.husb.neat herd牛群
anim.husb.neat herd牧牛人
tech.neat house牛棚
tech.neat house清洁房舍 (指牛棚、马厩)
agric.neat juice纯果汁
agric.neat juice原汁
lit.neat lapidary style简洁碑文体
tech.neat lime纯石灰
construct.neat lime纯〔净〕石灰
tech.neat lime净石灰
archit.neat line开挖线
survey.neat line图廓线
archit.neat line边线
tech.neat line墙面交接线 (of wall)
tech.neat line开挖边界线
tech.neat line施工限制线
tech.neat line建筑线
tech.neat line墙面交接线
oilneat line图表边线
tech.neat line结构切削线
tech.neat line细线
tech.neat line净开挖线
tech.neat line墙面准线
tech.neat line内图廓线
tech.neat line准线
tech.neat line红线
tech.neat line gradation内图廓分度线
tech.neat-line system地图分幅系统
tech.neat model有效模型
tech.neat oil不渗水油
tech.neat oil净油
tech.neat paste纯水泥浆
tech.neat paste净水泥浆
tech.neat paste纯水泥膏
chem.neat phase净相
gen.neat piece of work一件精致的成品
tech.neat plaster纯水泥膏
bridg.constr.neat plaster纯灰浆
tech.neat plaster净灰浆
tech.neat plaster素灰
tech.neat plaster净浆
tech.neat Portland cement纯波特兰水泥
tech.neat Portland cement纯硅酸盐水泥
tech.neat profit纯收益
tech.neat profit纯利 (润)
econ.neat profit纯利润
proj.manag.neat profit净利
econ.neat profit纯利
tech.neat profit净利润
tech.neat resin纯树脂
avia.neat resin净树脂
oilneat retarded cement纯缓凝水泥
cook.neat's foot食用牛蹄
anim.husb.neat's foot牛蹄做汤或胶冻用
agric.neat's foot oil牛脚油鞣革剂
food.ind.neat's foot oil牛蹄油
agric.neat's foot oil牛蹄脂
textileneat's leather牛皮
agric.neat's leather牛皮
anim.husb.neat's tongue牛舌
anim.husb.neat scrap
tech.neat seam严丝合缝
tech.neat seam密缝
exhib.neat's-foot oil牛蹄油
exhib.neat's-foot oil皮革油
chem.neat's-foot oil牛脚油
textileneat silk加捻丝线
tech.neat size完成尺寸
tech.neat size修正后尺寸
tech.neat size净尺寸
tech.neat size光洁尺寸 (木器和细木工件)
tech.neat slurry纯水泥浆
chem.neat soap液晶皂
chem.neat soap皂核
chem.neat soap皂基
oilneat soap牛油皂
chem.neat soap净皂
tech.neat soap皂粒
chem.neat soap pellet粒状纯皂
chem.neat soap phase液晶皂相
chem.neat solvent净溶剂
chem.neat solvent纯溶剂
chem.neat viscosity混合溶剂中某个组分的自身黏度
textileneat wool套毛两侧毛
archit.neat work清水墙勾缝
tech.neat work砌砖
agric.neat work精巧制作品
tech.neat work细活
tech.neat work清水砖墙勾缝圬工
tech.neat work清水墙勾缝圬工
tech.neat work地脚以上砖工
tech.neat work清水砖墙
agric.neat worker熟练工人
textileneat writing字迹工整
securit.not susceptible to neat solutions难以找到很好的解决方案
tech.slurry of neat cement水泥净浆
tech.slurry of neat cement净水泥浆
textilesmall neat weave小花纹组织
chem.sulfonated neat's foot oil磺化牛脚油
tech.super-neat soap超液晶皂
chem.synthetic neat's-foot oil合成牛蹄油
econ.the neat profit纯利
oilthree-point neat-bit reamer三点式近钻头扩眼器