
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing movement | all forms | exact matches only
asynergic movement不协调运动
bowel movement肠蠕动
bowel movement粪便
chromosome movement染色体运动
compulsive movement强制性运动
diel movement一昼夜活动
enclosure movement占地运动
forced movement强制性运动
gastric movement胃运动
gastroenteric movement胃肠运动
intestinal movement肠运动
jerking movement抽动
limitation of movement激动受限
limitation of movement运动限制
live animal movement活体动物移动
movement of live animals活体动物移动
stimulus movement激致刺激运动
transcellular movement胞间运动
transcytoplasmic movement细胞质转移运动
washboard movement洗衣板动作蜜蜂行为