
Terms for subject International trade containing monthly | all forms | exact matches only
comparative statement of monthly cost per productive hour生产小时每月成本比较表
comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit工作单位每月成本比较表
monthly allotments月分配权
monthly average market exchange rates每月平均市场兑换率
monthly balance sheet月终决算表
monthly balance sheet月计表
monthly closing entries月终结账记录分录
monthly delivery每月交货量
monthly financial statements月份结算表
monthly foreign trade各月对外贸易
monthly installments按月摊付的款项
monthly output每月产量
monthly premium每月保险费
monthly revolving credit按月循环信用状
monthly revolving credit按月循环信用证
monthly sales每月销售情况
monthly settlement report月结算报告
monthly shipment每月运输
monthly statement月结单
monthly statement of accounts每月对账单
monthly summary月总结表
peak monthly price最高月价价格
sale on monthly instalment按月付款销售
sales on monthly installment按眉付款销售
sales on monthly installment按月付款销售