
Terms for subject Technology containing monthly | all forms | exact matches only
a monthly plan月度计划
amount of monthly rainfall月降雨量
average monthly balance平均月末余额
average monthly dredging quantity月平均疏浚量
average monthly inventory平均月库存
average monthly rainfall月平均雨量
average monthly rainfall月平均降雨量
average monthly runoff月平均径流量
averaged monthly evaporation discharge over years多年月平均蒸发量
averaged monthly evapouration discharge over years多年月平均蒸发量
averaged monthly precipitation over years多年月平均降水量
averaged monthly runoff over years多年月平均径流量
diagram of monthly traffic variation月交通量变化图
equal quantity monthly每月等量装运
every monthly penetration rate平均月机械钻
lunar monthly comp on ent太阴月分潮
lunar monthly constituent太阴月分潮
maximum monthly efficiency最高月效率
maximum monthly footage最高月进尺
mean monthly air temperature月平均气温
mean monthly discharge月平均流量
mean monthly highest tidal level月平均最高潮位
mean monthly highest water level朔望平均高潮位
mean monthly highest water level月平均最高水位
mean monthly lowest water level朔望平均低潮位
mean monthly lowest water level月平均最低水位
mean monthly maximum temperature月平均最高气温
mean monthly maximum temperature月平均最咼温度
mean monthly minimum temperature月平均最低气温
mean monthly stage月平均水位
median monthly runoff中值月径流
monthly accounting按月结算
monthly allotments每月分摊数
monthly allowance每月津贴
monthly amplitude月振幅
monthly average月平均 (值)
monthly average daily traffic月平均日交通量
monthly average discharge月平均流量
monthly average rainfall月平均降雨量
monthly average stage月平均水位
monthly average temperature月平均温度
monthly average traffic月平均交通量
monthly balance sheet月资产负债表
monthly certificate measurement按月结算
monthly closing entries按月结算分录
monthly closing entries每月结账记录
monthly consumption每月消费量
monthly consumption use月耗水量
monthly data每月数字
monthly depreciation reserves月折旧回收
monthly detailed schedule月明细表
monthly discharge月平均流量
monthly distance hydrograph月流量过程线
monthly distribution of precipitation月降水量分布
monthly earnings月工资
monthly efficiency台月效率
monthly error月误差
monthly estimate月预算
monthly evaporation discharge月蒸发量
monthly flood月洪水
monthly flood月最大洪峰流量
monthly flood月最大洪水量
monthly flow duration curve月流量历时曲线
monthly freight transport plan月度货物运输计划
monthly goods transport plan月度货物运输计划
monthly inspection月度检查
monthly installment按月付款
monthly installment按月摊付
monthly instalment house按月分期付款购买的住宅
monthly irregular hours worked每月不规贝劳动时数
monthly load duration curve月负荷历时曲线
monthly load factor月负载率
monthly magazine月报
monthly maintenance月修
monthly maximum月最大
monthly maximum load月最高负载
monthly mean月平均 (值)
monthly mean absolute humidity月平均绝对湿度
monthly mean air temperature月平均气温
monthly mean discharge月平均流量
monthly mean rainfall月平均降雨量
monthly mean relative humidity月平均相对湿度
monthly mean runoff月平均径流量
monthly mean sea level月平均海平面
monthly mean sediment concentration月平均含沙量
monthly mean sediment discharge月平
monthly mean stage月平均水位
monthly mean temperature月平均气温
monthly mean temperature月平均温度
monthly mean value月均值
monthly mean value of atmospheric pressure月平均大气压力值
monthly minimum月最小
monthly minimum temperature月最低温度
monthly nutation周月章动
monthly order每月订货
monthly payment每月付款
monthly payment按月支付
monthly payment loan每月还款的借款
monthly peak load月峰荷
monthly precipitation月降水量
monthly process report每月进度报告
monthly production report每月生产报告
monthly progress月进度
monthly regulating reservoir月调节水库
monthly report月度报告
monthly report月末报告书
monthly report of cash income and expense现金收支月报
monthly report of stopping leakage and keeping income堵漏保收月报
monthly report of transport revenue运输进款月报
monthly returns月报表
monthly rose月季花
monthly run每月运转
monthly schedule of fixed charges固定费用月明细表
monthly settlement按月结算
monthly statement月付款申请
monthly statement月度结算
monthly statement月度计算
monthly statement月统计表
monthly statement of account每月对账单
monthly store balance sheet材料月结平衡表
monthly tables月报表
monthly traffic pattern交通量月变化图
monthly transport plan月度运输计划
monthly unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port月吞吐量不平衡系数
monthly unbalance factor月不均系数
monthly variation交通量月变化图
monthly variation逐月变化
monthly variation变化
monthly wages月工资
monthly wages月薪
monthly wagon requisition form月度要车计划表
monthly water discharge月径流量
monthly withholding tax每月预提所得税
peak monthly price最高月份价格
port's maximum monthly tonnage of cargo transferred港口最大月吞吐量
service monthly ticket公用月票
true monthly mean precipitation真月平均降水量
wagon loadings not completed in monthly transport plan落空车数
weighted monthly mean precipitation加权平均月降水量