
Terms containing modest | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a modest price increase适当的涨价
econ.a modest price reduction适当的降价
expl.As a far more potent GHG than CO₂ with a GWP of 21, the prediction of even modest quantities of CH₄ could significantly increase the overall predicted GHG emissions and even exceed that of CO₂甲烷的 GWP 值比CO₂ 高出21、是一种更具危害的温室气体、即便是少量的甲烷也会大大增加已预估的温室气体的排放总量、其危害性甚至超过二氧化碳
gen.be modest and prudent谦虚谨慎
fin.modest appreciation小幅升值
spacemodest capacity memory小容量存储器
telecom.modest capacity memory容量适中的存储器
gen.modest capacity storage小容量存储器
fin.modest declines in house prices房价适度回落
securit.modest impact不大的冲击
securit.modest impact有限影响
fin.modest inflation适度的温和通胀
gen.modest intent一般要求
tech.modest price increase适当涨价
econ.modest price reduction适当的降低
tech.modest price reduction适当降价
expl.modest quantity数量适度
telecom.modest-size program中小型程序
bridg.constr.modest value适中的值
China, polit.remain modest and prudent谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁的作风