
Terms containing minor | all forms | exact matches only
nautic., tech.accommodation spaces of minor fire risk具有较小失火危险的起居处所
busin.acquiring minor items of fixed assets零星固定资产购置
tech.angular semi-minor axis角半短径
tech.architecture of Asia minor小亚细亚建筑
lat.Aristida pennata var. minor小三芒草 (中亚固沙植物)
lat.Artamus minor小燕贝鸟 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.Asia minor ground squirrel黄尾黄鼠
desert.Asia minor spiny mouse绒衣刺毛鼠 (阿拉伯半岛和伊朗-阿富汗沙漠)
biol.Asia minor wormweed小亚细亚蒿 (Artemisia splendens,菊科)
tech.axes of minor stress最小主应力轴
tech.basic minor diameter小径基准尺寸
gen.bench minor penalty板凳轻微处罚
gen.bench minor penalty球队一般处罚
lat.Brodiaea minor小花韭
lat.Brodiaea minor小卜若地
gen.caecus minor ventriculi贲门部
lat.Castilleja minor小火焰草
gen.cecus minor ventriculi贲门部
bridge.cheaper minor经济的低花争叫
bridge.cheapest minor overbid最便宜低花争叫
bridge.cheapest minor overcall最便宜低花争叫
lat.Chionis minor黑脸鞘嘴鸥 (非洲南部沙漠)
lat.Chordeiles minor美洲夜鹰 (北美洲沙漠)
tech.closed ideal minor ring闭理想子环
tech.confining minor stress侧限最小主应力
tech.constant minor principal stress恒定最小主应力
tech.constant minor stress恒定最小应力
tech.decentralize power on minor issues小权分散
securit.decentralize power on minor issues分散小宗发行权
lat.Dendrocopos minor小斑啄木鸟 (阿拉伯半岛)
gen.double minor penalty双重轻罚
bridge.double raise in minor加两副
bridge.double raise in minor关煞跳加叫
tech.drilling-mining combine of minor development phase采准阶段探采结合
lat.Elapognathus minor小沙蛇 (澳大利亚沙漠)
lat.Eragrostis minor小知风草
lat.Eragrostis minor小画眉草
lat.Gilia minor小吉莉草
gen.grave minor seventh钝小七
lat.Hemerocallis minor小黄花菜
bridge.inverted minor suit raises低花反加叫法
tech.leading minor主子式
lat.Lemna minor L.浮萍 (中国荒漠和撒哈拉)
bridge.lower minor较低的低花约定叫
bridge.lower minor convention低花约定叫
tech.major minor rotary主要路与次要路环形交叉
tech.major-minor sorting主副分类
China, lawmake use of minor aid and abet them利用、教唆未成年人
avia.minor accident一般事故
avia.minor accident轻微事故
tech.minor adjustment小调整
tech.minor aids-to-navigation小型航标
tech.minor air cell涡流室
tech.minor aisle过道
tech.minor aisle走廊
tech.minor aisle小通道
anat.minor alar cartilage鼻翼小软骨 (有 2〜4块,位于鼻翼大软骨的外后方)
agric.minor alimentary crops次要粮食作物
tech.minor and low level rapids中枯水急滩
tech.minor angle次角
tech.minor angle method小角法
mil., air.def.minor apex face副顶面
tech.minor arc副弧
tech.minor arc劣弧
construct.minor arc主〔小,劣〕弧
tech.minor arc主弧
tech.minor arch短跨拱
tech.minor arch辅助拱
tech.minor arch局部拱
tech.minor arterial road次干道
avia.minor autonomous satellite小型自动卫星
tech.minor auxiliary circle小辅圆
tech.minor axis弱轴
tech.minor axis短径
avia.minor axis小惯量轴
avia.minor axis direction短轴方向
tech.minor axis of building square grid建筑方格网短轴线
tech.minor axis of inclusion包裹体短轴
avia.minor-axis plane短轴面
avia.minor-axis side短轴侧
avia.minor-axis spinner短轴旋转
avia.minor-axis spinner case短轴旋转的情况
tech.minor base稀有碱基
tech.minor bed中枯水位河床
tech.minor bed中水位河床
mil., air.def.minor bend微弯波导
tech.minor bend短弯头
tech.minor betterment次要改善
tech.minor betterment局部改造
construct.minor betterment次要 〔局部〕改善
tech.minor betterment小改进
tech.minor betterment次要改进
tech.minor biome小生物群落
tech.minor blasting二次爆破
avia.minor body镜像实体
agric.minor brachydactyly小短趾畸形
agric.minor brachydactyly小短指畸形
securit.minor bracket firm次要认购公司
tech.minor breach of contract轻微违约
busin.minor bulk次要散装货如矿砂、废铁、焦炭等散装货
tech.minor caliber小口径
busin.minor capital零星资本
busin.minor capital construction零星基本建设
agric.minor cereal crops杂粮
agric.minor cereal crops小谷类作物
busin.minor cereals杂谷物
tech.minor change小更动
tech.minor change小变更
tech.minor change小修改
tech.minor change小换工
agric.minor chemical alteration微量化学改变
tech.minor chord小三和弦
agric.minor circulation小[型]环流
desert.minor circulation环流
desert.minor climate effect小气候效应
agric.minor coil小螺旋
busin.minor coin小硬币如镍币
desert.minor community小群落
desert.minor community次要群落
ecol.minor community小生物群落
agric.minor component次要组成部分
agric.minor compound微量化合物
tech.minor constituent次要成分
tech.minor constituent次要组分
tech.minor constituent微量组分
agric.minor constituent少量成分
tech.minor constituent微量成分
ecol.minor constituent微量元素
busin.minor construction零星建设
tech.minor control次要控制
agric.minor control小控制
tech.minor control低等控制
tech.minor control change次要控制改变
tech.minor control data次要控制数据
tech.minor control framework低等控制网
tech.minor control plot辐射三角测量
tech.minor control point低等控制点
tech.minor crack细微裂缝
tech.minor crack细微裂纹
tech.minor critical speed次临界转数
agric.minor crop小作物
agric.minor crop次要作物
agric.minor crops小作物
agric.minor crops次要作物
geol.minor cycle counter短周期计数器
tech.minor cycle pulse generator小周期脉冲发生器
tech.minor damage轻微破坏
tech.minor decision次要决策
agric.minor decoding property副解码性质
tech.minor defect缺陷
busin.minor defective次要不良品
busin.minor defective小缺点
tech.minor details次要细节
tech.minor details细节
gen.minor details次要细节
tech.minor development采准
avia.minor deviation一般偏差
avia.minor deviation一般偏离
tech.minor diameter fit内径配合
tech.minor diameter fit of spline花键内径配合
tech.minor diameter of screw螺钉最小直径
tech.minor diameter of thread螺纹内径
avia.minor difference微小的差别
tech.minor disaster小事故
tech.minor disaster小灾害
tech.minor division小格
mil., air.def.minor Doppler微多普勒
desert.minor dune幼龄沙丘
anat.minor duodenal papilla十二指肠小乳头 (出现率约为48%,位于十二指肠大乳头上方1〜 2cm 处,为副胰管的开口处)
tech.minor earthquake小地震
avia.minor effect微效应
avia.minor effect微效果
tech.minor element少量元素
gen.minor element痕〔微〕量元素
tech.minor element analysis次要元素分析
agric.minor element application施用微量元素
agric.minor element deficiency微量元素缺乏症
agric.minor element fertilizer微量元素肥料
ecol.minor element in seawater海水中的微量元素
agric.minor element nutrition微量元素营养
busin.minor enterprise小型企业
tech.minor estimate较低的工程估算
tech.minor exchange电话支局
busin.minor executive下级管理者
busin.minor executive下层行政管理人员
avia.minor expendable tool小型易损耗工具
tech.minor failure轻度失效
tech.minor failure非重要故障
tech.minor failure小事故
tech.minor feature微地貌
desert.minor feature小地形
gen.minor filament微 〔小〕光灯丝
tech.minor first flank第一副后刀面
tech.minor flank刀具副后面
desert.minor flooding小洪水
tech.minor fog signal较小雾号
desert.minor fold小褶曲
tech.minor forest products林副产品
avia.minor frame子帧
tech.minor gas measurement微量气体测定
agric.minor gene微效基因
agric.minor gene interaction微效基因相互作用
agric.minor gene interaction次要基因连应
agric.minor gene resistance微效基因抗[病]性
tech.minor geologic details次要地质细节
tech.minor geological details次要地质细节
tech.minor grade次要坡度
tech.minor grade较小坡度
busin.minor grain杂谷物
agric., water.suppl.minor groove子沟
desert.minor groove小沟
agric.minor habitat小生境
agric.minor harvest副收获小秋收
tech.minor head分项项目
busin.minor heading小目标
plast.surg.minor histocompatibility antigens次要组织相容性抗原
agric.minor histocompatibility locus次要组织亲和性座位指基因
tech.minor inconsistence小量不一致
gen.minor inconsistenece小量不一致
busin.minor industry次要工业
tech.minor ingredient小料
gen.minor injury轻伤
judo.minor inner reaping throw小内刈
judo.minor inner reaping throw
tech.minor inorganics微量无机成分
tech.minor inspection小检查
tech.minor insulation次绝缘
tech.minor insulation局部绝缘
securit.minor interest少数权益
securit.minor interests index少数权益指数
securit.minor interests index次要权益指数
tech.minor intrusions小型侵入体
tech.minor isotopes safeguard techniques次要同位素安全监督技术
tech.minor issue枝节问题
desert.minor joint小节理
tech.minor karst features幼年溶岩地形
tech.minor light较小灯标
tech.minor light小型灯标
tech.minor line次要线路
tech.minor loading次要荷载
tech.minor loading condition次要荷载情况
tech.minor lobe旁波瓣
mil., air.def.minor lobe angle旁瓣角
mil., air.def.minor lobe in wide-angle宽角副瓣旁瓣
mil., air.def.minor side lobe level副瓣旁瓣电平
busin.minor local purchase当地小量购买
tech.minor loop小环路
tech.minor loop内环
avia.minor loop局部回路
tech.minor loop副环
avia.minor loop小回路
tech.minor-loop feedback局部反馈
tech.minor-loop feedback compensation并联补偿法
tech.minor-loop feedback compensation network并联校正网络
tech.minor loss次要损失
tech.minor losses in pipe管道局部阻力损失
avia.minor machine accessory机床次要附件
avia.minor machine equipment机床次要设备
avia.minor machine equipment小型专用机床装备 (指市场上无适合或可利用的机床设备前提下,为了特殊的制造目的而制造的机床装备)
avia.minor machine equipment〔支〕小型专用机床装备
tech.minor maintenance日常保养
tech.minor meander次要河弯
tech.minor meander小河弯
gen.minor metal次要〔稀有〕金属
gen.minor metals含量较少的金属矿石中的
busin.minor metals稀有金属
gen.minor metals次要金属
tech.minor mine disaster次要矿山事故
agric.minor mineral nutrient次要矿质养分
tech.minor mode小调式
agric.minor nucleoside微量核苷
agric., chem.minor nutrient微量营养
agric.minor nutrient微量养分
tech.minor nutrient次要肥料
tech.minor of a determinant子行列式
sport.minor offence一般犯规
construct.minor office分店〔社,局,公司〕
construct.minor office分〔支〕局
construct.minor office分支机构
tech.minor office分局
tech.minor operating room门诊手术室
tech.minor-operating theatre小工作室
tech.minor-operating theatre小操作室
tech.minor-operating theatre小手术室
judo.minor outer breaking throw小外挂
judo.minor outer reaping throw小外刈
judo.minor outer reaping throw小外割
judo.minor outside reap小外刈
judo.minor outside reap
agric.minor overhaul/J、修
tech.minor overhaul工程小修
construct.minor overhaul小检修
tech.minor overhaul規模检
tech.minor overhaul小修 (理)
tech.minor package unit型装配单元
busin.minor paper二级纸
tech.minor parameter次要参数
tech.minor path次要途径
tech.minor path次要路径
tech.minor path劣路线
plast.surg.minor pectoral muscle胸小肌
gen.minor penalty小罚
bridge.minor penalty低级花色
gen.minor penalty轻罚
bridge.minor penalty低花
tech.minor place of outdoor assembly小型室外集合场所
tech.minor place of outdoor assembly小型集会场所
sport.minor placing靠后的名次
biol.minor pogonia小山朱兰 (Pogonia minor Makino.,兰科)
tech.minor pool浅滩
tech.minor port surcharge偏僻港附加费
busin.minor port surcharge僻地港附加费
tech.minor port surcharge偏僻港增额
tech.minor principal strain主应变
tech.minor principal stress次要主应力
tech.minor principal stress plane小主应力面
securit.minor probe轻微突破
busin.minor procedure次要手续
agric., busin.minor produce副收益
agric.minor produce副产品
tech.minor produce副收获
tech.minor product副产物
agric.minor products副产品
agric.minor products副产物
busin.minor program次要方案
busin.minor project次要项目
busin.minor purchase小量购买
busin.minor purchase零星采购
busin.minor purchase零星购买
tech.minor radial次要辐射线
tech.minor radius短半径
securit.minor rally轻微上扬
busin.minor rally价格稍回升
busin.minor rally价格稍停下跌
securit.minor rally价格小幅上扬
tech.minor relay station中继站
tech.minor relay station小转运站
tech.minor relay station小转发站
tech.minor relay station小中继站
anat.minor renal calyx肾小盏 (有7~8个,呈漏斗状,其边缘包绕肾乳头)
agric.minor repair/J、修
tech.minor residential layout住宅小区布置
tech.minor rhombohedral face小菱面
tech.minor ride区划副线
tech.minor river次要河流
tech.minor river支流
tech.minor river bed中枯水位河床
agric.minor river bed子河床
tech.minor river bed小河床
tech.minor road分散交通的道路
tech.minor road低级道路
tech.minor road小路
busin.minor road支线道路
tech.minor road支路
tech.minor road辅助道路
tech.minor road次要公路
desert.minor road便道
tech.minor road junction次要道路交叉口
tech.minor road junction次要道路枢纽
anat.minor salivary gland小唾液腺 (包括唇腺、颊腺、舌腺和腭腺等,多位于黏膜内或黏膜下,直接或以小导管开口于口腔)
agric.minor scaffoid第二主枝指果树
agric.minor season次要季节
desert.minor sedimentary structure小沉积构造
tech.minor segment劣弧段
tech.minor seismic area小地震区
tech.minor seismic belt小震带
tech.minor sequence小层序
tech.minor shock
tech.minor sized小尺寸的
agric.minor species次要种
agric.minor species次要树种
avia.minor species次要物种
tech.minor spiral小螺旋
adv.minor sponsor单则广告赞助商
tech.minor station小站
tech.minor station乘客不多的停车站
busin.minor stocks杂股
construct.minor stop乘客不多的停车站
construct.minor stop公共汽车小站
tech.minor stop小站
tech.minor strain最小应变
busin.minor strategy次要战略
fisheryminor stratum次要组织层
tech.minor stream次要河流
tech.minor stream支流
tech.minor stress最小应力
tech.minor structure局部结构
tech.minor structure城市辅助结构
tech.minor structure子结构
tech.minor structure次要结构
tech.minor structure次要构筑物
tech.minor structure附属房屋小型构造
tech.minor structure附属结构
tech.minor structure小工程项目
tech.minor structure scale小型构造尺度
tech.minor subdivision小区
anat.minor sublingual duct舌下腺小管 (约10条,排列于腺的上缘,开口于舌下襞)
bridge.minor suit Stayman低花斯台曼问叫
bridge.minor suit Swiss低花瑞士约定叫
bridge.minor suit Texas transfer bid低花得克萨斯转移叫
tech.minor swimming pool小游泳池
tech.minor switch小型开关
tech.minor switch小型选择器
agric.minor symptom次要症状
bridge.minor tenace低间张
tech.minor third小三度
tech.minor thrust face小推力面
tech.minor total次总计
sport.minor tournament小型比赛
busin.minor trade较小贸易
busin.minor trade零星贸易
busin.minor trade小型贸易
busin.minor trading零星交易
agric.minor transfer RNA副转移RNA
agric.minor transfer RNA副 tRNA
tech.minor treatment局部处理
securit.minor trend逐日变化趋势
securit.minor trend证券价格小趋势
tech.minor triangulation低等三角测量
tech.minor triangulation point小三角点
tech.minor trochoidal axis旋轮线短轴
tech.minor trough副地槽
tech.minor trough小槽
tech.minor trough小型低压槽
tech.minor tune up部分改造
tech.minor tune up小调整
tech.minor tune up小改革
avia.minor unit次要刻度
avia.minor unit分队
tech.minor use of mineral commodities矿产品次要用途
tech.minor use of mineral commodities at percentage次要用量占百分比
tech.minor use tonnage次要用量
tech.minor value痕迹量
tech.minor watershed小流域
agric.multiple minor element多种微量元素
sport., med.musculus pectoral is minor胸小肌
sport., med.musculus psoas minor腰小肌
sport., med.musculus rectus capitis posterior minor头后小直肌
sport., med.musculus rhomboideus minor小菱形肌
sport., med.musculus teres minor小圆肌
lat.Najas minor小茨藻
gen.Nubecula Minor小麦哲伦云
bridge.one no trump response to minor suit低级花色开叫后的一无将应叫
lat.Opuntia macrocentra var. minor小仙人掌
busin.ordinary and minor repair常规
tech.other minor element其他微量元素
bridge.overcall in opponent's minor suit争叫对方低级花色
sport., med.pectoral is minor胸小肌
anat.pectoralis minor胸小肌 (呈三角形,位于胸大肌深面,起自第3〜5肋软骨,斜向外上方,止于肩胛骨的喙突。作用为拉肩胛骨向前内下方,肩胛骨固定时,可提肋助吸气。该肌受胸内侧神经 (C₇~T₁)支配)
lat.Pediocactus simpsonii var. minor小月华玉
lat.Phacelia minor小钟穗花
lat.Phalaris minor细#草
lat.Phoenicopterus minor小红鹳 (南非沙漠)
agric.plan of utilizing the minor products副产物利用计划
lat.Pogona minor minor西部鬃狮蜥 (澳大利亚沙漠)
tech.principal ideal minor ring主理想子环
tech.principal minor主要行列
anat.psoas minor腰小肌 (出现率为50%,位于腰大肌前面,起自第12胸椎体和第1腰椎体的侧面,止于骼耻隆起。作用为紧张骼筋膜。该肌受腰丛的肌支 (L₁)支配)
sport., med.psoas minor腰小肌
tech.ratio of major and minor axis of ellipse椭圆长短轴比
anat.rectus capitis posterior minor头后小直肌 (位于头后大直肌的内侧和深面,起自寰椎后结节,止于枕骨下项线的内侧份。单侧收缩时使头转向对侧,两侧收缩时使头后仰)
anat.rhomboideus minor小菱形肌 (起自第6、7颈椎的棘突,止于肩胛骨内侧缘)
sport., med.rhomboideus minor小菱形肌
desert.Sabal minor矮菜棕
desert.Sabal minor矮萨巴棕
lat.Sanguisorba minor小地榆
lat.Sanguisorba minor ssp. muricata尖叶地榆
lat.Scolopax minor琉球丘鹬 (北美洲沙漠)
tech.semi-minor axis半短径
avia.SER supplier evaluation report-minor finding供应商评估报告一一次要问题
tech.stopping-up of minor side street封闭支路
bridge.strong minor raises低级花色强加叫
lat.Tephrocactus minor未成年
anat.teres minor小圆肌 (圆柱形小肌,位于冈下肌下方,大部分被三角肌覆盖。起自肩胛骨外侧缘背面,止于肱骨大结节下部,作用为使肩关节旋外。该肌受腋神经 (C₅〜C₆)支配)
sport., med.teres minor muscle小圆肌
agric.thalassaemia minor地中海贫血轻症
sport., med.trochanter minor小转子
bridge.two no trump opening for minor双低花套二无将开叫
bridge.unbid minor suit force未叫低级花色逼叫
tech.Ursa minor小熊星座
gen.Ursa Minor小熊
lat.Vinca minor小蔓长春花
tech.working minor cutting edge工作副切削刃
tech.working minor cutting edge angle工作副偏角
anat.zygomaticus minor颧小肌 (起自颧骨前面,斜向内下方,止于上唇,作用为上提上唇以暴露上颌牙,并参与上提和加深鼻唇沟。该肌受面神经的颊支支配)
plast.surg.zygomaticus minor muscle颧小肌
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