
Terms for subject Securities containing market regulation | all forms | in specified order only
breach of the stock market regulation违反股市规则
breach of the stock market regulation违反股市规律
Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引
implement centralized and unified regulation of securities market对证券市场实行集中统一监督管理
market regulation市场规则
Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listings in Overseas Markets State Council境外发行股票和上市管理通知国务院
rationalized market regulation合理的市场规则
rationalized market regulation合理化的市场监管规则
regulation of market市场规则
regulation of market市场监管
regulation of US Equity Markets美国股本市场法规
Working Party 2 on Regulation of Secondary Markets IOSCO流通市场监管的第2号工作小组国际证监会组织