
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing lower | all forms | exact matches only
corn rule low谷物价格普遍偏低
domestication by low temperature低温驯化
Food Hygiene Low of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国食品卫生法
glabrous low torularia蚓果芥十字花科遏蓝芥属植物; Torularia humilis (C.A.Mey.)O.E.
high intensity-low frequency短期密集放牧制 (grazing system)
high-low plane先高后低营养水平 (of nutrition)
high-low plane高低营养水平 (of nutrition)
high-low plane of nutrition先高后低营养水平
high-low plane of nutrition高低营养水平
high temperature and low humidity高温干燥
leaves from the lower half of shoot下位叶
low-acid cream低酸稀奶油
low back凹背的
low calorie sweetener低热量甜味剂
low calorific value低卡值
low cost feeding低成本饲养
low cost feeding低价饲料
low-count milk细菌数少的奶
low-crimp wool浅弯曲羊毛
low-crimp wool弯曲少的羊毛
low-energy silage牧草青贮料
low-energy silage低能青贮料
low farming低级粗放农业
low-fat butter低脂奶油
low fat content低脂肪含量
low fat crackling含残脂量低的油渣
low fat crackling低脂油渣
low fat cracklings含残脂量低的油渣
low fat cracklings低脂油渣
low-fat cream低脂稀奶油含脂12%〜30%的稀奶油,如咖啡稀奶油(美国产)
low-fat dairy products低脂乳制品这是所有类型低脂乳制品的相关新分类,其中有的产品把所减少的脂肪数量以增加非脂乳固体的含量来补足
low-fat diet低脂日粮
low-fat meal低脂鱼粉
low-fat milk低脂将牛奶中一部分脂肪除去,使其含乳脂0.5%、1.0%、 1.5%或2.0%,至少含牛奶非脂干物质 8.25%
low-fat powder低脂
low-fat soy flour低脂大豆粉
low-fat yoghurt低脂酸奶
low flatsedge矮莎草 (Cyperus pumilus)
low gosspol cotton seed meal低棉酚棉籽粕
low grade reduction低级粗粒粉磨碎
low-heat dry milk低温干燥奶粉
low-heat milk powder低温干燥奶粉
low heritability低遗传力遗传力估计值约低于20%者
low-high plane先低后高营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-high plane低高营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-high plane of nutrition先低后高营养水平
low-high plane of nutrition低高营养水平
low hop clover伏生三叶草 (Trifolium procumbens)
low-in-fat material低脂原料
low-in-fat material低脂物料
low-in-fat material低脂物质
low-input production system低投入生产系统
low input to medium input production system粗放或半集约生产系统
low input to medium input production system低投入至中投入生产系统
low-jointed foot卧系
low lactose低乳糖
low lactose milk低乳糖奶
low level feeding low plane of feeding低水平饲喂
low-level milking system低位挤奶系统牛奶管线或计量器的进口位置低于牛只站立位置的挤奶系统
low lovegrass小画眉草 (Eragrostis poaeoides)
low-low plane全期低营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-low plane低低营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-low plane of nutrition全期低营养水平
low-low plane of nutrition低低营养水平
low lupine小羽扇豆 (Lupinus nanus)
low-melting fat低熔点油脂
low metabolic rate低代谢率
low-moisture silage半干青贮料
low-moisture silage低水分青贮料
low-order antibody不完全抗体
low plane of feeding粗放式饲养
low plane of nutrition低水平营养
low-priced cut低值肉块指胸肉、颈肉等肉块
low-priced joint低价肉块
low quality低质的
low quality劣等品
low-quarter blood1/4血低级毛美国羊毛分级的第五级。细度46〜48支,纤维直径 31.00〜34.39μm
low residual低残留的
low residue低残留
low residue diet少渣饮食
low roughage ration低粗料日粮
low-sodium fresh milk低钠牛奶
low station低身指畜体的重心低
low-sugar powdered whey低乳糖乳清粉部分乳糖被分离的乳清干燥制品
low swale低湿草地
low swale低洼地
low-temperature holding pasteurization低温长时灭菌法巴氏灭菌法
low temperature holding pasteurization低温保持较长时间的巴氏灭菌法
low temperature inactivation低温活性
low temperature inactivation低温活性一种目的在于降低液态奶中酶活性的加工工艺。 例如在超高温灭菌奶加工中,可将原料乳或已经经过热处理的奶在55°C 保温 1h
low temperature inactivation低温钝化
low temperature, long time method低温长时灭菌法
low temperature long time pasteurization低温长时间巴氏杀菌
low-temperature long-time pasteurization牛奶低温长时灭菌法将牛奶加热至66°C,在此温保持 30min,立即冷却至10 °C 以下,可杀死病原微生物,保证饮用安全
low temperature rendering低温炼油
low temperature sterilization低温灭菌法
low temperature storage低温贮存
low to the ground体型低身广躯
low toxicity低毒
low wool粗毛指粗毛,羊毛分类上属本地一般羊毛和有毛辫的羊毛,有时把细毛羊血液低于1/4的羊毛也包括在内
low yield cattle低产牛
lower covert下覆羽
lower grade程度级进杂种
lower grade低度级进杂种
lower jaw下腭
lower jaw下颌
lower margin of hoof蹄底
lower thigh胫骨
mandible lower jaw下腭
mandible lower jaw下颌骨
mandible lower jaw下颌
Mendelian's low of inheritance孟德尔遗传定律
ultra low temperature超低温