
Terms for subject Economy containing like | all forms | exact matches only
A like sum of money shall be repaid to the lender on the same day of each month在每月的同一天应偿还出借人相同的金额
a like term同类项
a war-like operation类似战争行动
At this juncture n., we would like to call your attention to the terms agreed upon此刻,我方愿请你方注意议定的条件
ditto like master复制状
grant-like contribution类似赠款的资助
grant-like contribution赠款式的捐助
I believe a dispute like this can be settled swiftly without detriment to our business relations我相信像这样的争端能够迅速得到解决,不至于损害我们的业务关系
I should like to act as your agent in the market here in this line of business我愿担任该商品在此地市场的你方代理
I'd like to know more about what an executive like your boss does我还想了解一下像你的上司那样的主管人员有什么样的职责
Like all other computers we handle, this computer also accompanied with three-year guarantee for our aftercare service同我们经营的其他计算机一样,这部计算机也有三年的保修期
like-for-~ replacement以旧换新
like-for-like replacement以旧换新
like-for-like replacement费用图式每次相同
like product类似产品
like quality相同质
like quantities周数等数量
net like净自留责任额
nothing succeeds like success唯有成功才会有继续
On looking at your order again we see that what looks like an "o" is indeed "e"经再次査阅你方定单,发现那些看上去像"o"的字母实际上是"e"
sell like hot cakes货物很快卖掉
Since our offer is unacceptable to you, we would like to listen to your solution既然不接受我方提议,我们想听听你方的解决办法
Since this article doesn't fall within the scope of our business activities, we would like to recommend another company to you由于该项商品不在我们经营范围之内,我们愿意为你方另荐一家公司
The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement这种型号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%
the wave-like advancement of the economy波浪式的经济发展
They would like to accept the cooperative offer他们乐意接受合作建议
They wouldn't like to court trouble by making promises to do what they cant do他们不想答应做没把握的事而招致麻烦
We would like to have samples of various sizes of flashlights请寄各种大小的电筒样品
We would like to have the goods shipped before the end of May我们将在五月底前发货
We would like to inquire your price including our commission我们想询问包括你方佣金的价格
We would like to recommend you to buy another quality products at a low price我们愿向你方推荐购买另一种质优价廉的产品
We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement我们想提醒你要重视合同的此项条款
We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决
We would like to take legal advice about this affair我们想就此事进行法律咨询
We'd like to know what steps should be taken to establish a joint venture?我们想了解一下建立合资企业应采取哪些步骤?
We'd like you to deliver our goods promptly because of the imminence of the licence expiry由于许可证临近期满,我们希望你方从速发运我方货物
Well like to deal with all kinds of goods and articles supplied by you我方愿意经营你方供应的各种货物和商品
Your telefax of the 10th is unintelligible We would like you to repeat in clearer terms你方10日电传费解,望你方用较清楚的措词重述