
Terms for subject Sports containing like | all forms | exact matches only
button-like finger钮扣样指
Don't be afraid to check retail stores like Wal-Mart for basic lightweight, breathable workout apparel, or secondhand sports stores for fitness equipment不要害怕去零售商店如沃尔玛购买质轻透气的运动服装,或者到二手体育用品店购买一些健身器材
in like a lion, out like a lamb虎头蛇尾
insulin-like growth factor-1胰岛素样生长因子-1 (IGF-1)
insulin-like growth factor胰岛素样生长因子
look like climbing back into the game有起色
Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
My friend and I take part in sports like tennis, badminton and swimming我和我的朋友参加体育运动,如网球、羽毛球和游泳
People often invest in sports equipment and then don,t use them, which means you can find a like-new item for a fraction of the price有些人通常投资于康体器材,却并不使用,这意味着你可以仅花一小部分钱就可以买到近乎全新的设备
We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open现在已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛和美国公开赛等体育赛事