
Terms containing kind | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A Bloody Mary is a kind of cocktail usually made of vodka and tomato juice"血腥玛丽”是一种通常用伏特加和番茄汁制成的鸡尾酒
gen.a kind of类似…的东西
gen.a kind of稍稍
AI.A Kind Of面向对象语言中用的一种连接
gen.a kind of有几分
gen.a kind of〔某〕种
AI.A Kind Of-link用于
AI.A Kind Of-link一种……的连接
econ.A leading toy maker in Shanghai is now offering toy guns of different kinds at very low prices上海一家主要玩具制造商正以很低的价格供应各种玩具枪
agric., econ.aid in kind实物援助
busin.all kinds kept in stock各货俱全
tech.all kinds kept in stock一应俱全
gen.all kinds of work各种工作
auto.all-kinds rates各种方式货运价格
econ.allowance in kind实物津贴
securit.allowance in kind实物补贴
econ.allowances in cash and in kind补贴实物
gen.an element is made of but one kind of material元素仅仅是由一种物质组成的
China, lawanimal of the same kind which pass quarantine同类检疫合格动物
econ.As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请给我们一些处理的灵活幅度
fin.asset in kind实物资产
econ.assets in kind实物资产
tech.attenuation of the first kind第一种衰减
tech.attenuation of the second kind第二种衰减
gen.Avoid mixed drinks that use two kinds of liquor, such as Martinis and Manhattans不要喝用两种烈酒混合的饮料,像把马提尼和曼哈顿混在一起等
tech.be found in several kinds of rocks在若干种岩石中找到
busin.benefit in kind职工福利项目如住房免费,休假等
account.benefits in kind实物福利
commer.benefits in kind实物补贴
busin.benefits in kind实物补助
gen.Brandy is a kind of still wine白兰地是种没有气味的酒
gen.Can I help you? We have all kinds of cars here有什么能帮忙的吗?我们这里有各种各样的车供您选择
agric.change of the kind of tree树种更替
milk.cheese kind奶酪种类
tech.classification by kind按性质分类
busin.classification by kind of economic activity按经济活动分类
busin.classified by kind按品种分的类
tech.collision of the first kind第一类碰撞
tech.collision of the first kind第一种碰撞
tech.collision of the second kind第二类碰撞
tech.collision of the second kind第二种碰撞
busin.complex kinds of work复杂工种
econ.composition of different kinds of use values不同使用价值的组合
mahjong.conceal 3-tiles in order of a kind暗坎
earth.sc.conditional instability of the second kind第二类条件的不稳定性
China, polit.conduct overall coordination of all kinds of interests and relationships统筹协调各种利益关系
tech.conjugacy of the second kind第二类共轭性
fin.contribution in kind实物捐献
busin.contribution in kind实物损献
busin.contribution in kind实物捐助
securit.contribution in kind实物投资
earth.sc.convective instability of the second kind第二类对流的不稳定性
fin.credit in kind实物信贷赊款
busin.credit in kinds实物信贷
busin.cross classification by kind of economic activity and sector按经济活动与部门交叉分类
fin.deal with risks and challenges of all kinds应对各种风险和挑战
busin.degree and kind of error误差的程度和种类
fin.depreciation by kind分类拆旧
tech.depreciation by kind分类折旧
busin.difference in kind日用品差异
expl.Different kinds of costs to be shared by the two parties are an explosive matter应由双方分担的各种费用是个有争议的事项
tech.different kinds of liquid solvents不同种类的溶剂
gen.diffier in degree but not in kind只是程度上而不是性质上有所不同
econ.disbursement in kind实物支付
tech.discontinuity of the first kind第一类间断性
gen.Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
busin.distinction of kind种类差异
securit.distribution in kind派发股票
fin.distribution in kind实物分派
busin.distribution in kind实物分配
securit.distribution in kind派发实物
econ.dividend in kind财产股息
account.dividend in kind财产股利
securit.dividend in kind实物红利
tech.dividend in kind实物股息
fin.dividend in kind property dividend实物股利财物股利
securit.dividend in kind财产股
gen.Do I need to provide any kind of document before applying for a visa?申请护照前需要提供材料吗?
tech.each particular kind of product每种特殊产品
gen.E-banking is a kind of off-counter bank service on the platform of the Internet电子银行是以网络为媒介的非柜台业务
chem.electrode of the first kind第一类电极
chem.electrode of the second kind第二类电极
tech.electrode of zeroth kind第零类电极
tech.engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations经营外汇业务
math.error of first kind第一类错误
math.error of first kind第一类误差
math.error of first kind拒绝误差
busin.error of first kind-type 1型错误
math.error of second kind接受错误 β 错误
math.error of second kind第二类错误
math.error of second kind第二类误差
math.error of second kind贝塔 β 错误,第二类错误
busin.error of second kind 2型误差
busin.error of second kind-type 2型误差
busin.error of the first kind 1型误差
chem.error of the first kind第一类错误
tech.error of the first kind第一种错误
busin.error of the second kind 2型误差
chem.error of the second kind第二类错误
tech.error of the second kind第二类型错误
math.error of third kind第三类误差
busin.error-first kind 1型误差
busin.error-second kind 2型误差
gen.Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the Sofitel Hotel? I kind of get lost打扰一下,你能告诉我去索菲特酒店的路吗?我好像迷路了
econ.expense in kind实物费用
busin.expense in kind实物支出
fin.expense of test production of new kind of products新产品试制费
tech.external nodal point of first kind boundary一类边界外节点
tech.external nodal point of secondary kind boundary二类边界外节点
tech.first kind collision第一类碰撞
busin.first-kind error第一类错误
math.first kind model方差分析一类模型
tech.first of a kind plant一等工厂
busin.freight all kind同一费率
busin.freight all kind不分级运费率
busin.freight all kind rate统一运费率
econ.freight all kind FAK rate同一费率
econ.freight all kind FAK rate综合费率
busin.freight all kind rate同一费率
busin.freight all kind rate品名无差别运费率
tech.freight all kind rate综合运费率
tech.freight all kinds不分货种运输
busin.freight all kinds品名无差别运费
commer.freight all kinds综合运费
econ.freight all kinds综合计算运费
tech.freight all kinds不分品种运价
commer.freight all kinds rate综合运费率
shipb.freight for all kinds of cargo不分货物种类的运费
auto.freight-kinds rates各种方式货运价格价目表
tech.freight of all kinds铁路综合运价
econ.fresh dues in cash or kind现金或实物的新费用
gen.Fruits are rich in all kinds of vitamins水果富含各种维生素
ecol.function of extraction cost of a single kind of non-renewable resources单一种类不可再生资源开采成本函数
tech.gas of kinds煤气的种类
gen.Gem art painting is made through a kind of super high craft, which is made of Burma natural ruby, sapphire, emerald, garnet, olivine, agate, crystal, and many kinds of natural gem or precious metal materials宝石艺术画是通过一种极高的工艺制成的,由缅甸天然红宝石、蓝宝石、翡翠、石榴石、橄榄石、玛瑙、水晶,以及各种天然宝石或珍贵金属材料构成
gen.Generally speaking, such kind of people are not allowed entry into my country as psychopaths, infectious people, criminals and people who are in illegitimate occupation通常来说我国一般不允许以下人员入境:精神病患者、传染病患者、刑事罪犯、从事不正当职业者
gen.give my kind remembrance to请代向… 问好
fin.give our draft your kind protection请兑付我方所开汇票
busin.goods of all kinds各种商品
busin.goods of all kinds各类货物
econ.gross domestic product by kind of economic activity按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值
China, lawhave some other kind of relationship有其他关系
gen.Hello, British Airways Reservations. What kind of seat do you prefer? An aside seat or enter seat?喂,你好,英国航空订票处,您想要哪种座位呢?靠过道的还是中间位置的?
gen.I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了
gen.I recommend this kind of full-bodied wine with a hint of sweetness来点这种浓郁、强烈,但有些甜的酒吧
gen.I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了
gen.I'll take both kinds of salad dressing两种沙拉调料我都要
gen.I'm looking for some kind of product that can fade freckles我想找一款可以淡化雀斑的面霜
busin.implementation of unified market prices for each kind of products同一产品统一市场价格的实行
gen.in any kind of weather全天候
gen.in any kind of weather常年候
gen.in any kind of weather不论晴雨
gen.in any kind of weather在各种气候条件下
fin.in kind实物计算
econ.in kind用实物
busin.in kind以物计算
busin.in kind用实物计算
account.in kind以实物偿付
securit.in kind以物代款
railw.in kind以实物 (支付)
tech.in kind以贷代款
fin.in kind以货代款
gen.in kind以同样方法〔手段〕
adv.in kind以服务偿付
gen.in kind用物品
busin.in-kind distribution实物分配
busin.in-kind payment实物付款
econ.in-kind payment以实物支付
tech.in-kind payment实物支付
busin.income in kind公司职员免费收益如使用公司汽车
econ.income in kind实物收入
securit.income in kind实物收人
tech.indemnity in kind赔偿实物
busin.index in kind实物指标
econ.index-in kind实物指标
busin.industrial product amount calculated with a unit in kind工业产品实物量
busin.inheritance tax paid in kind用实物缴纳的遗产税
econ.input in kind实物投入
China, lawinsurance kind险种
busin.integration of the vertical kind纵向联合
busin.international transfer in kind国际实物转让
tech.investment in kind实物投资
gen.It looks like toast and tastes kind of like a croissant with ham and cheese它看起来像吐司,吃起来像加了火腿跟奶酪的羊角面包
gen.it was not until the 20 th century that this kind of instrument came into use这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
gen.It's traditional dish in Beijing. The duck is roasted. You should eat it with a kind of sauce一种传统的北京菜。鸭子烤过了,就着调料吃
gen.It's very kind of you to come to see me off谢谢你来送我
gen.It's very kind of you to do so你这样做我很感激
gen.It's very kind of you to give us much of your time非常感谢这段时间以来你给我们的帮助
securit.kind arbitrage同时、同市、同种证券交易获利
tech.kind band扭折带
econ.kind flow实物流量
agric.kind name种类名称
econ.kind of accounting statement会计报表的分类
busin.kind of accounting statements会计报表种类
tech.kind of accounting statements会计报表的种类
busin.kind of activity classification按经济活动分类
busin.kind of activity unit按经济活动分类单位
tech.kind of analogy medium模拟介质的类型
tech.kind of anomaly异常种类
busin.kind of benefits保险金给付种类
tech.kind of benefits保险支付种类
fin.kind of benefits保险赔偿费救济金、津贴的种类
busin.kind of benefits福利种类
tech.kind of benefits福利支付种类
tech.kind of business业务种类
tech.kind of canal运河类型
tech.kind of cavitation汽蚀类型
tech.kind of cavitation空化类型
tech.kind of cavitation空穴类型
commer.kind of commodity商品种类
econ.kind of conditions条件类别
agric.kind of crop作物种类
tech.kind of crystal system晶系的种类
tech.kind of diving潜水种类
tech.kind of drill tool钻探钻具种类
tech.kind of drive传动方式
tech.kind of economic organization经济组织种类
nautic., tech.kind of explosion-protected construction used for electrical equipment on board ships船上电气设备所用防爆结构的类型
tech.kind of formation地层种类
tech.kind of geothermal anomaly地热异常种类
chem.kind of inspection检验类别
busin.kind of labour劳动种类
tech.kind of land use土地利用方式
earth.sc.kind of land use土地利用类型〔土〕
tech.kind of land use土地利用种类
tech.kind of liquid液体种类
econ.kind of material材料类别
tech.kind of matrix胎体种类 (金刚石)
ecol.kind of odor臭气种类
shipb.kind of pallet托盘种类
tech.kind of precipitation沉淀类型
tech.kind of reaming shell扩孔器种类
shipb.kind of risk危险种类
fin.kind of risk, insurance coverage保险类别
fin.kind of risk, insurance coverage险类
busin.kind of risks保险类别
tech.kind of simple form单形的种类
tech.kind of special form特殊形的种类
tech.kind of stabilizer稳定剂种类
auto.kind of stressing应力载荷种类
tech.kind of support支架种类
tech.kind of symmetry type对称型的类型
busin.kind of tax税别
tech.kind of tectonic element构造单元种类
tech.kind of test试验类别
tech.kind of traction牵引种类【铁】
nautic., tech.kind of vessel船舶类型
tech.kind of wastewater废水类型
tech.kind of works工种 (名称)
econ.kind or quality种类或质量
inf.all kinds of各种
inf.all kinds of形形色色的
tech.kinds of aids layout航标配布类别
tech.kinds of cargo货物分类
tech.kinds of cave sediments洞穴沉积物种类
shipb.kinds of container集装箱种类
securit.kinds of deposit存款种类
tech.kinds of earth heat地热类型
commer.kinds of endorsement背书种类 (包括空白背书 (blank endorsement) (亦用 general endorsement 普通背书)、 特别背书 (special endorsement) (亦用 direct - 直接背书)、限制性背书 (restrictive endorsement)、有限度背书 (qualified endorsement)、有条件背书 (conditional endorsement))
tech.kinds of flammability gas可燃气类别
tech.kinds of forest fires森林火灾的种类
tech.kinds of gas煤气种类
tech.kinds of heat source热源种类
commer.kinds of indorsement背书种类 (包括空白背书 (blank endorsement) (亦用 general endorsement 普通背书)、 特别背书 (special endorsement) (亦用 direct - 直接背书)、限制性背书 (restrictive endorsement)、有限度背书 (qualified endorsement)、有条件背书 (conditional endorsement))
China, lawkinds of insurance coverage各项保险
securit.kinds of L/C信用证种类
fin.kinds of money货币种类
tech.kinds of mortar灰浆种类
tech.kinds of nuclear energy核能种类
econ.kinds of risk保险险别
securit.kinds of risk风险类别
tech.kinds of root根的种类
shipb.kinds of water transportation快速运输
chem.Lagrange equation of the first kind第一类拉格朗日方程
econ.land tax collect in kind田赋征实
tech.land tax collect in kind实物土地税
econ.land tax collected in kind田赋征实
earth.sc.land tax collected in kind实物土地税
busin.land tax collected in kind征收实物土地税
econ.land tax paid in kind以实物交纳田赋
busin.land tax paid in kind交纳实物土地税
busin.land tax paid in kind实物地租
tech.lateral inflow of second kind boundary第二边界侧向流入量
tech.lever of the first kind第一类杠杆
busin.levies in kind实物征收
busin.levies in kind征实
busin.levy in kind实物纳税
busin.levy in kind以实物纳税
tech.levy in kind征实
tech.like in kind property同类财产
securit.like kind assets同类财产
busin.like-kind exchange同类财产交换
securit.like-kind exchange同类互换
mahjong.make four similar tiles of a kind and put them face down暗杠
chem.maximum of the first kind第一类极大
chem.maximum of the second kind第二类极大
econ.measure in kind实物量度
tech.mineral kind矿产种类
tech.mineral kinds of soil土的矿物种类
tech.monotonic model of the first kind第一类单调宇宙模型
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
gen.name a few different kinds of nuts请举出几种不同种类的螺母
ecol.new kind of fuel cell新型燃料电池
econ.No allowance of any kind will be made by the government政府将不给任何补贴
gen.not until the 20th century did this kind of instrument come into use这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
gen.nothing of the kind一点也不是
gen.nothing of the kind决不是那样
gen.nothing of the kind决不是那么回事
gen.nothing of the kind毫不相似
gen.of a kind徒有其名的
gen.of a kind同一种类的
gen.of all kinds各种
gen.of all kinds形形色色的
gen.of every sort and kind各种各样的
gen.of like kind一路
gen.of the same kind一路
tech.one-of-a-kind system单机系统
gen.only kind唯一
ecol.optimal extraction of a non-single kind of non-renewable resources非单一种类不可再生资源最优开采
ecol.optimal extraction of a single kind of non-renewable resources单一种类不可再生资源最优开采
tech.order one Bessel function of the 2nd kind第二类一阶贝塞尔函数
tech.order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 2nd kind第二类一阶虚宗贝塞尔函数
tech.order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 1st kind第一类一阶虚宗贝塞尔函数
tech.order zero Bessel function of the 2nd kind第二类零阶贝塞尔函数
tech.order zero Bessel function of the 1st kind第一类零阶贝塞尔函数
tech.order zero imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the2 nd kind第二类零阶虚宗贝塞尔函数
tech.oscillating model of the second kind第二类振动宇宙模型
gen.Other kinds of coffee are too bland to me其他咖啡对我来说味道都太淡了
gen.Outdoor leisure theme zone: outdoor leisure commodities, all kinds of entertainment sites and clubs etc户外休闲主题区:户外休闲用品、各种休闲场所及俱乐部等
tech.outlier of the first kind第一类离群值
tech.outlier of the second kind第二类离群值
tech.outlier of the third kind第三类离群值
busin.overall labor productivity in kind实物劳动生产率
econ.overall labour productivity in kind实物劳动生产率
tech.overestimation of investment in kind实物投资估价过高
math.Pareto distribution of the second kind洛马克斯分布
math.Pareto distribution of the second kind帕累托分布
econ.particular kind of commodity特定货物
tech.particular kind of commodity特殊商品
econ.pay a debt in kind折账
econ.pay a debt in kind拆账
fin.pay a person in kind以实物付给某人
econ.pay a person in kind付实物不付钱
shipb.pay in kind用实物支付
fin.pay in kind以实物支付
commer.pay in kind实物支付
securit.pay in kind支付实物
securit.pay in kind securities以同类证券支付的证券
securit.pay in kind securities以实物支付的证券
commer.payable in kind实物支付
tech.pay-in kind支付实物
tech.pay-in kind实物缴纳
securit.pay-in-kind bond以实物为利息的债券
securit.pay-in-kind preferred share以实物为股息的优先股
econ.payment in kind奖金支付
shipb.payment in kind用实物支付
securit.payment in kind用实物或服务支付
securit.payment in kind securities实物分红证券
securit.payment in kind securities实物利息证券
fin.payment-in-kind securities实物分红证券
tech.perpetual machine of the first kind第一类永动机
tech.perpetual motion machine of the first kind第一类永动机
tech.perpetual motion machine of the second kind第二类永动机
tech.perpetual motion machine of third kind第三类永动机
avia.perpetual-motion machine of the first kind第一类永动机
avia.perpetual-motion machine of the second kind第二类永动机
avia.perpetual-motion machine of the third kind第三类永动机
chem.perpetuum mobile of the first kind第一类永动机
chem.perpetuum mobile of the second kind第二类永动机
commer.Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证
busin.quota of unspecified kind未规定种类限额
tech.remotely sensed lithologic kinds遥感岩石类型
tech.remotely sensed lithological kinds遥感岩石类型
econ.remuneration in kind实物报酬
busin.rent in kind实物租金
econ.rent in kind产品地租
econ.rent in kind实物地租 (租金)
earth.sc.rent in kind实物地租【土】
agric.rent in kind实物地租
econ.rents in money and in kind现金和实物租费
busin.reparation for in kind实物赔偿
econ.replacement in kind实物补偿
tech.requisition in kind实物征用
shipb.resort to all kinds of method采取一切办法
gen.resort to all kinds of methods采取一切办法
econ.royalty in-kind以实物相低的矿区使用费
adv.Saturn, "A different kind of company. A different kind of car."通用土星汽、"不一样的公司、不一样的汽车"、赖利广告公司、1989 (Hal Riney & Partners)
tech.sea breeze of the second kind冷锋状海风
tech.second kind第二类
tech.second kind collision第二类碰撞
tech.second kind electrode第二类电极
busin.second-kind error二类错误
busin.second-kind error二类误差
math.second kind model方差分析二类模型
math.second kind model随机效应模型
agric.shade kind阴性树
securit.shares calculated in a single kind of currency以单一货币计算的股份
econ.Shoes are made in 4 fittings for each kind每种鞋子做4个尺码
tech.similar kinds of nutrients相同类型的养分
inf.something of the kind类似的事物
inf.something of the kind类似于此的
inf.something of the kind诸如此类
inf.something of the kind像那一类的事物
busin.special kind of capital-gains tax特种利得税
tech.special kind of commodity economy特殊的商品经济
China, lawspecific kinds of animal epidemics动物疫病病种
tech.standard indicator with a unit expressed in kind标准实物指标
tech.stress of the first kind第一类应力
econ.subsidy in kind实物补助
comp.supervisor program over other kinds对他种程序的管理程序
busin.system of payment in kind实物供给制
econ.target in kind实物指标
busin.tax in kind实物纳税
econ.tax on paid in kind实物税
tech.tax payment in kind实物纳税
busin.taxation in kind实物纳税
tech.taxes in kind用实物缴税
tech.taxes paid in kind用实物缴税
econ.The authorities of our country have placed restriction on the export of that special kind of commodity我国有关部门对出口该特殊商品已加限制
gen.The emotion that you feel is a kind of mental disease. I know the cure你感受的情感是一种心理疾病,而我知道治疗它的方法
tech.the kinds of measuring geologic ages年龄测量方法种类
tech.the kinds of measuring geological ages年龄测量方法种类
gen.The machine is used for testing the napping and balling-up of all kinds of fabrics to evaluate the product quality and process这种机器用于检验各种机织物的起毛起球状况,以鉴别产品质量和工艺效果
econ.The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约
econ.The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司
econ.the recovery in kind实物补偿
econ.the remuneration in kind实物报酬
econ.the reparation in kind实物赔偿
econ.The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人
gen.The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking宾馆旅行社代办各种预订票
vent.There are so many kinds of fans, such as axial flow fans, centrifugal fans and high pressure fans风机的种类繁多,有轴流风机、离心风机,还有高压风机
gen.there are two kinds of charges-positive and negative有两种电荷-正电和负电 (与动词 to be 连用;表示"有"的意思)
gen.There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单
commer.This article is typical of its kind这一商品在同类商品中具有代表性
commer.This heavy-duty truck is rated among the best of its kind这种载重汽车在同类型中是最好的
gen.This kind of coffee possesses greater body background这种咖啡的口感比较重
gen.this kind of instrument did not come into use until the 20th century这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
expl.This kind of powder does not apply to industrial blasting这种炸药不用于工程爆破
house.This kind of storage battery charges easily这种蓄电池很容易充电
cloth.This kind of towel has been operated by antistatic finish这款毛巾已经做过防静电处理了
gen.Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上这类食物并不利于我们的健康
tech.three-kind rate meter三种费率计算器
busin.trade by kinds实物贸易
commer.transfer in kind实物转移
econ.Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价
econ.unit in kind实物单位
econ.unit of natural kinds自然实物单位
econ.unit of produced kind生产的实物单位
busin.unit of produced kind生产实物单位
gen.used to the flavor of espresso, and other kinds of coffee are too bland to me我喝惯了特浓咖啡,觉得其他咖啡都淡而无味
sport.value in kind实物赞助
chem.variety kind of product产品品种
gen.various in kind种类繁多
China, lawvarious kinds of guns各种枪支
tech.wage and salary in kind实物工资
fin.wage in kind实物工资
commer.wages in kind实物工资 (与现金工资(wages in cash) 相对)
agric.wages in kind实物报酬
tech.water sample kind水样类别
econ.We are very grateful to you for your kind offices in talking them around to our views我们非常感激你方大力协助,说服他们同意我们的意见
econ.We can supply you various kinds of spare parts at varied prices我们能提供你方不同价格的各种零件
commer.We can supply you with all kinds of dress materials我方可向贵方提供各种衣料
commer.We commend our draft to your kind protection我方汇票请予照付
gen.we find copper in every kind of electrical equipment各种电气设备里都有铜
econ.We sell various kinds of machinery in Singapore我们在新加坡销售各类机械
econ.We shall sell you another kind of material of high quality at a lower price. Please take it into consideration我方将向你方销售另一种高质量的材料,价格低廉,请予以考虑
econ.We thank you for the kind attention you have paid to our electric welders displayed at the export commodities fair感谢你们观看了我们陈列在岀口商品交易会上的电焊机
shipb.We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.对这类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口
econ.Well like to deal with all kinds of goods and articles supplied by you我方愿意经营你方供应的各种货物和商品
gen.We've got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and crafts, such as cloisonne, lacquerware, jadeware, bamboo carvings and China painting我们这儿有许多不同种类的经典中国工艺品,比如景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、竹器和中国画
adv.What is the price of this kind of bed sheet?请问这种床单多少钱?
gen.What kind do you like to wear, cloth shoes or leather shoes?您想要哪种鞋子?布鞋还是皮鞋?
gen.What kind of card do you have?您用什么卡?
gen.What kind of currency do you want to change?要换哪种货币?
gen.What kind of food do you serve?你们都有什么食物?
gen.What kind of handbag do you like?您想要什么样的手提包?
gen.What kind of room would you like prefer?您希望要什么样的房间?
gen.what kind of steel is this这是哪种钢
gen.What kind of treatment are you receiving?你在接受什么样的治疗?
gen.What kinds of drinks do you have? We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktail您想要喝什么?我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒
gen.What kinds of performances are there?都有些什么文艺演出?
gen.Which kind of juice would you prefer, grapefruit or orange?您喜好哪种果汁,是西柚汁还是橙汁?
gen.with every kind of screw, a small force moves a much greater resistance对于无论哪-种螺旋来说,一个小的动力都可以移动大得多的抗力
gen.with kind regards谨致问候
gen.with kind regards此致敬礼
gen.yet another kind of telescope has been designed还有另一种指第三种望远镜已设计成功
econ.You shall keep the cargo free of liens of any kind你方须使该货物免去各种留置权
gen.You want sea born pearls or river born pearls? We have both kinds您要海水珠还是淡水珠?两种都有
tech.zero modified Bessel function of the 1st kind第一类零阶虚宗贝塞尔函数
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