
Terms containing kiln | all forms | exact matches only
tech.Aebi kiln埃毕顶烧式隧道窑
tech.air cushion kiln气垫窑
shipb.air kiln空气干燥窑
tech.annular grate kiln环形焙烧机
tech.annular kiln环形窑
tech.annular kiln环窑
tech.annular kiln轮窑
tech.annular shaft kiln环形立窑
tech.apartment kiln分室干燥窑
tech.atmospheric-pressure kiln常压炉
tech.automatic shaft kiln自动化立窑
tech.automatic shaft kiln自动立窑
tech.automatic vertical kiln自动化立窑
tech.axial movement of rotary kiln回转窑轴向窜动
tech.axial movement of rotary kiln回转窑轴向移动
tech.balanced rotary kiln平衡回转窑
tech.batch kiln间歇式加热炉
tech.batch kiln分层式烘炉
tech.batch kiln分批处理炉
tech.batch kiln间歇式窑
tech.big ware kiln大器窑
tech.biscuit kiln素烧窑
tech.blower kiln鼓风干燥室
tech.bock kiln堆砌式烧砖窑
tech.bottle kiln瓶式竖窑
tech.bottle kiln瓶形竖窑
tech.bottle kiln瓶状竖窑
tech.bottle kiln间歇操作立窑
tech.box kiln箱式干燥窑
tech.box kiln箱式窑
tech.brick heating kiln烤砖窑
tech.brick kiln堆成拱形的砖坯
tech.calcining kiln焙烧炉
tech.calcining kiln带卧式料浆蒸发机的窑
gen.carboradiant kiln金刚砂电炉
tech.carry-in kiln装窑
tech.catenary kiln悬拱窑
tech.cement kiln dust水泥窑灰尘
tech.cement kiln feed水泥窑喂料
tech.cement rotary kiln水泥旋窑
tech.cement rotary kiln lining水泥回转窑窑衬
tech.cement shaft kiln水泥立窑
tech.cement vertical kiln水泥立窑
tech.chair of kiln tyre旋窑轮带支座
tech.chamotte rotary kiln熟料转窑
tech.Chien kiln建窑 (中国古名窑)
fisherychimney kiln熏室
fisherychimney kiln熏房
tech.Ching Te Chen kiln景德镇窑
tech.clamp kiln简易烧砖窑
tech.Claus kiln克劳斯窑
tech.climbing kiln阶梯窑
tech.cold kiln低温窑
tech.cold kiln冷窑
tech.computer control of rotary kiln水泥回转窑计算机控制
tech.condenser kiln冷凝干燥窑
ecol.conventional kiln-drying常规窑干
tech.counter-current fired kiln逆流窑
tech.counter-flow shaft kiln逆流式立窑
tech.crucible kiln坩埚窑
tech.custom kiln drying特约窑干
tech.cylindric rotary kiln回转窑
tech.Dayi kilns大邑窑
tech.debiteuse kiln槽子砖窑
tech.decorating kiln烤花窑
tech.decoration kiln烤花窑
tech.deformed kiln shell筒体变形
tech.Di kiln帝窑
tech.direct coal fired kiln直接喂煤回转窑
tech.direct-fired kiln明焰窑
tech.directly fired kiln直接加热炉
tech.directly fired kiln直烧窑
tech.door closed shaft kiln operation立窑闭门操作
tech.Dopol kiln多波尔窑
tech.double chamber tunnel kiln双室式隧道窑
tech.double cylinder type rotary kiln双筒回转窑
tech.double shaft preheater kiln双立筒预热窑
tech.Dressier kiln德雷斯勒式隧道窑 (隔焰式)
tech.dry kiln干燥炉
tech.dry kiln烘干窑
tech.dry kiln干燥室
tech.dry process kiln干法窑
tech.dry process kiln with cyclone preheater旋风预热器干法窑
tech.dry process kiln with shaft preheater立窑预热器干法窑
tech.dry process kiln with suspension preheater悬浮预热器干法窑
tech.dry process plain kiln干法中空窑
tech.dry process rotary kiln干法回转窑
tech.dry process rotary kiln干燥作业回转窑
tech.dry process rotary kiln干法旋窑水泥
tech.dry process type rotary kiln干燥作业回转窑
tech.dry process type rotary kiln干法式转窑
tech.drying kiln烘干窑
tech.dumbbell kiln哑铃形窑
tech.earthen kiln土窑
tech.enamel kiln釉窑
tech.enamel kiln搪瓷窑
tech.enamel kiln搪瓷烤花
tech.enamel kiln锦窑
tech.external fan kiln外装风扇干燥窑
tech.fast firing kiln快速烧成窑
tech.fast firing pusher-type kiln快烧推板式窑
tech.fast firing walking beam kiln快烧步进式窑
tech.Fidler-Maxwell kiln菲德勒一麦克斯韦隧道窑
tech.field kiln露天窑炉
tech.firing rotary kiln回转窑点火
tech.flattening kiln摊平窑
tech.flattening kiln摊平炉 (平板玻璃)
tech.fluid solid kiln流态化窑
tech.force a kiln强化窑煅烧
tech.forced circulation kiln强制循环干燥窑
tech.forced draft kiln强制循环干燥窑
tech.forced draught kiln强制循环干燥窑
tech.forced kiln operation强化煅烧
tech.forced kiln operation强化窑操作
tech.forced recirculating dry kiln强制循环式干燥窑
tech.forcing of kiln operation强化煅烧
tech.frit kiln熔块窑
tech.gallery kiln多室窑
tech.gaseous cushion kiln气垫窑
tech.gas-fired cement kiln煤气燃烧水泥窑
tech.gas-fired kiln燃气窑
tech.gas-fired kiln气窑
tech.gas-fired kiln煤气窑
tech.glaze kiln搪瓷窑
tech.glaze kiln上釉窑
tech.glaze kiln釉瓷窑
tech.glazed tile kiln琉璃窑
tech.glazing kiln上釉窑
tech.glazing kiln釉烧窑
tech.glost kiln
tech.ground-hog kiln艺术瓷窑
tech.ground-hog kiln斜坡地洞窑
tech.half-orange kiln半圆型窑炉
tech.halls kiln长廊窑
tech.halls kiln环形多室窑
tech.high hat kiln高帽窑
tech.high production kiln高产瓦窑
tech.high production kiln高产
tech.high-duty shaft kiln大型立窑
tech.high-temperature kiln drying高温窑干
tech.high-temperature tunnel kiln高温隧道窑
tech.horizontal brick kiln水平砖窑
tech.horizontal kiln水平窑
tech.horizontal kiln卧式窑
tech.horizontal through-draught kiln横焰窑
tech.hovel kiln瓶子窑
tech.hovel kiln锥罩式窑
tech.imperial kiln关窑 (器)
tech.Imperial Kiln's sagger官窑匣体
tech.inhomogeneous kiln feed成分不均齐的入窑生料
tech.inverse flame calcining kiln倒焰式煅烧窑
tech.inverse flame kiln倒焰窑
tech.kiln alignment with laser激光调窑
tech.kiln annealing窑中退火
tech.kiln atmosphere窑内气氛
tech.kiln attendant看火工
tech.kiln axis窑轴线
tech.kiln basin料浆池
tech.kiln bottom窑底
tech.kiln bracing箍窑
tech.kiln brick窑烘砖
tech.kiln brown stain窑干褐变
tech.kiln building炉窑车间
tech.kiln bunk装材车架
tech.kiln burn窑干褐变
tech.kiln burnt brick窑烘砖
tech.kiln cart窑车
tech.kiln chamber窑室
tech.kiln charge窑干装载量
tech.kiln charge窑装载量
tech.kiln collapse倒窑
tech.kiln control logic回转窑控制逻辑
tech.kiln crackle窑缝
tech.kiln crown窑顶
tech.kiln crown窑拱
tech.kiln degrade窑干贬值
tech.kiln dirt落渣
tech.kiln discharge出窑
tech.kiln-dried lumber窑杆材
tech.kiln-dried wood烘干木材
tech.kiln-dried wood窑干木材
tech.kiln dry窑中烘干
tech.kiln dry木材的窑内干燥
tech.kiln-dry lumber窑内烘干木材
tech.kiln-dry lumber烘干木材
tech.kiln dryer炉式干燥器
tech.kiln drying烘干
energ.ind.kiln drying窑干
tech.kiln drying窑中烘干
tech.kiln drying curve烘窑曲线
tech.kiln dust窑灰
tech.kiln entrance窑门
tech.kiln evaporator窑式脱水器
tech.kiln evaporator烘干炉
tech.kiln factory窑场
tech.kiln feed入窑生料
tech.kiln feed dust生料灰
tech.kiln-feed material入窑物料
tech.kiln-feed slurry pump入窑料浆泵
tech.kiln feeder炉窑进料器
tech.kiln feeder装窑机
tech.kiln feeding unit生坯进窑机
tech.kiln filler满窑工
tech.kiln filling满窑
tech.kiln firing烧窑
tech.kiln for large pieces大器窑
tech.kiln for small pieces小器窑
tech.kiln-fresh brick新出窑砖
tech.kiln-fresh brick刚出炉的砖
tech.kiln furniture烧窑辅助设备
tech.kiln furniture窑内陶瓷坯盒
tech.kiln furniture窑具
tech.kiln gas窑炉烟气
tech.kiln gas窑尾废气
tech.kiln gas scrubber炉气洗涤器
tech.kiln gate炉门
tech.kiln glaze窑釉
tech.kiln hole窑洞
tech.kiln hole窑门洞
tech.kiln hood窑罩
tech.kiln in the shape of steamed bun馒头窑
tech.kiln insulation窑隔热层
tech.kiln jacking盘窑
tech.kiln liner窑内衬垫
tech.kiln lining窑里层
tech.kiln lining窑内衬砌
tech.kiln log烧窑记录
tech.kiln man烧窑工人
tech.kiln mark brick窑斑砖
tech.kiln-marked brick窑斑砖
tech.kiln mill综合干燥磨碎机
tech.kiln mill联合干燥磨碎机
tech.kiln mill窑炉转磨
tech.kiln monitoring看火
tech.kiln operation窑炉作业
tech.kiln operation炉窑运转
tech.kiln operator看火工
tech.kiln pier转窑
tech.kiln pier基座 (转窑)
tech.kiln placing装窑
tech.kiln process回转窑法
tech.kiln process窑烧法
tech.kiln refractory brick窑制耐火砖
tech.kiln refractory brick窑烘砖
tech.kiln ringing结窑圈
tech.kiln roasting窑炉烤烘
tech.kiln roof窑顶
tech.kiln run炉子工况
tech.kiln run未分类的砖或瓦
tech.kiln run窑干燥过程
tech.kiln sample窑干试样
tech.kiln sand垫砂
tech.kiln sand窑砂
tech.kiln scum窑生盐迹
tech.kiln scum吐渣 (表面析岀白色浮渣)
tech.kiln scum窑霜
tech.kiln seasoned烘干的
tech.kiln setter装窑窑具
tech.kiln shaft立窑筒体
tech.kiln shelf装窑棚架
tech.kiln shell窑壁
tech.kiln shell炉壳
tech.kiln shell section between tyres二轮带间窑筒体段节
tech.kiln shell section under a tyre轮带下筒体段节
tech.kiln-shell temperature窑壳温度
tech.kiln-shell temperature窑壁温度
tech.kiln shut-down停窑
tech.kiln site窑址
tech.kiln size窑尺寸
tech.kiln size炉窑尺寸
tech.kiln slag窑渣
tech.kiln stain火刺
tech.kiln stain窑干材色变
tech.kiln stone窑炉石料
tech.kiln stone炉料
tech.kiln structure窑体结构
tech.kiln sweat窑汗
tech.kiln tar窑焦油
tech.kiln transformation窑换
tech.kiln truck装材车
tech.kiln unloading unit出窑机
tech.kiln unloading unit卸窑机
tech.kiln wall窑墙
tech.kiln wall窑壁
tech.kiln ware窑器
tech.kiln wash窑墙涂料
tech.kiln waste heat窑废热
tech.kiln waste heat烧窑排出的余热
tech.kiln white白霜
tech.kiln white釉面无光
tech.kiln white黏土砖的窑生盐迹
tech.kiln with enlarged discharge end热端扩大型窑
tech.kiln with enlarged feed end冷端扩大型窑
tech.kiln with movable floor吊顶窑
tech.kiln with suspension preheater带悬浮预热器窑
tech.lead kiln operator看火工长
tech.Lepol kiln立波尔窑
tech.Lepol kiln立波尔水泥回转
tech.limestone kiln石灰窑
tech.longitudinal arch kiln纵拱窑
tech.longitudinal bonding of rotary kiln lining回转窑纵向交错砌砖法
tech.main kiln room炉子工作区
tech.mesh-belt kiln网带窑
tech.modular type kiln装配式窑
tech.modular type kiln组装式窑
tech.muffle kiln隔焰窑
tech.muffle kiln马弗窑
energ.ind.muffle kiln高温烘炉
tech.multichamber kiln多室窑
tech.multipass kiln多孔窑
tech.natural circulation kiln自然循环干燥窑
tech.natural draft kiln自然循环干燥窑
tech.natural ventilating dry kiln自然通风干燥窑
tech.offsetting combustion in shaft kiln立窑内偏火
tech.open flame kiln明焰窑
tech.open kiln侧墙固定式窑炉
tech.open topped kiln敞顶窑
tech.ordinary shaft kiln普通立窑
tech.package tunnel kiln装配式隧道窑
tech.periodic kiln周期性窑
tech.periodic kiln分批加热炉
tech.periodic kiln周期加热窑
tech.periodic kiln周期作业窑
tech.peripheral coating of shaft kiln立窑的粘边
tech.pin type tunnel kiln插针式隧道窑
tech.poking in the kiln捅窑内物料
tech.pot kiln坩埚窑
tech.pottery kiln陶器窑
tech.pottery kiln陶瓷窑
tech.pottery kiln坩埚窑
tech.pregasified fuel oil fired kiln烧汽化液体燃料的窑
tech.progressive dry kiln连续干燥窑
tech.progressive kiln连续运转
tech.progressive kiln连续式干燥窑
tech.progressive kiln渐进干燥窑
tech.progressive kiln干燥木材的连续作业
tech.pushed slab kiln推板窑
tech.pushed-bat kiln推板窑
tech.pushed-bat kiln低推式窑
tech.pushed-bat kiln推杆窑
tech.pusher kiln推板窑
tech.pusher-type kiln推送式隧道窑
tech.rated kiln output窑的额定产量
tech.rebricking a kiln重砌窑砖
tech.recirculating dry kiln多次循环干燥窑
tech.rectangular kiln方窑
tech.rectangular kiln长方窑
tech.reversed flame kiln倒焰窑
tech.revolving tubular kiln回转窑
tech.rifle kiln蛇窑
tech.ring chamber kiln轮窑
tech.ring kiln环形窑
tech.ring kiln轮窑
tech.ring shelf kiln蒸笼窑
tech.roasting in kilns窑中焙烧
tech.roasting kiln烘烤窑
tech.roasting kiln焙烧窑
tech.roasting kiln烤窑
ecol.roasting kiln煅烧窑
ecol.roasting kiln燃烧炉
ecol.roasting kiln焙烧炉
tech.roller hearth kiln辊道窑
tech.roller hearth kiln滚底式隧道窑
tech.roller kiln辊道窑
tech.rotary cement kiln水泥回转窑
tech.rotary cement kiln旋转式水泥窑
tech.rotary cylindrical kiln旋转圆筒窑
tech.rotary frit kiln回转熔块炉
tech.rotary grate shaft kiln回转算式立窑
tech.rotary hearth kiln转盘式隊道窑
tech.rotary hearth kiln转底环状隊道
tech.rotary kiln旋窑
tech.rotary kiln转窑
tech.rotary kiln转筒窑
tech.rotary kiln回转炉
tech.rotary kiln旋转窑
tech.rotary kiln brick回转窑用耐火砖
tech.rotary kiln cement转窑水泥
tech.rotary kiln chains回转窑挂链
tech.rotary kiln clinkering zone回转窑烧成带
tech.rotary kiln cooler回转窑冷却器
tech.rotary kiln dryer转窑干燥器
tech.rotary kiln dryer回转窑式干燥机
ecol.rotary kiln dryer转窑干化机
tech.rotary kiln expanded clay回转窑膨胀黏土
tech.rotary kiln expanded clay回转窑膨胀陶粒
tech.rotary kiln flue dust回转窑窑灰
tech.rotary kiln lining回转窑窑衬
tech.rotary kiln lining回转窑衬里
tech.rotary kiln method转窑法
tech.rotary kiln operating stability回转窑操作稳定性
tech.rotary kiln plant回转窑设备
tech.rotary kiln shell回转窑外壳
tech.rotary kiln stone回转窑石料
tech.rotary kiln tube回转窑管
tech.rotary kiln tube回转窑筒
tech.rotary kiln wedge回转窑楔形砖
tech.rotary kiln with calcinator带分解器的回转窑
tech.rotary kiln with calcinator料浆蒸发机窑
tech.rotary kiln with enlarged calcining and burning zone分解带和烧成带扩大的回转窑
tech.rotary kiln with enlarged calcining zone分解带扩大回转窑
tech.rotary kiln with enlarged drying, calcining and burning zone干燥带、分解带和烧成带扩大的回转窑
tech.rotary kiln with enlarged drying or preheating zone干燥带或预热带扩大的回转窑
tech.rotary kiln with waste heat boiler带余热锅炉的回转窑
tech.rotary lime kiln石灰回转炉
tech.rotary lime kiln旋转石灰窑
tech.rotary sintering kiln旋转烧结窑
tech.rotating cylindric kiln回转圆筒窑
tech.rotating cylindrical kiln回转圆筒窑
tech.rotating grate shaft kiln旋转炉篦式立窑
tech.rotating kiln回转窑
tech.round down-draft kiln倒焰圆窑
ecol.run-off-kiln lime原石灰
tech.sandwich kiln扁形宽截面窑
tech.sandwich kiln夹层窑
tech.Scheider kiln施奈德型立窑
tech.semi-continuous kiln半连续
tech.semi-muffle kiln半隔焰窑
tech.semi-muffle kiln半马弗窑
tech.separate line calciner kiln双列预分解炉窑
tech.setting in a kiln码窑
tech.Shaw kiln肖氏窑
tech.shut-down kiln停窑
tech.shuttle kiln台车窑
tech.side-fired kiln横焰窑
tech.side-fired kiln侧烧窑
tech.single-stack kiln单竖井式窑
tech.slab kiln推板窑
tech.slab kiln滑板窑
tech.sled kiln滑板窑
tech.small ware kiln小器窑
fisherysmoking kiln烟熏室
tech.split-bamboo kiln劈竹形窑
tech.standard kiln speed基准窑速
tech.stationary continuous brick kiln固定式连续烧砖窑
tech.steam curing kiln蒸汽养护窑
tech.steam kiln蒸汽养护窑
tech.steam-jet blower kiln蒸汽喷射干燥窑
tech.steam-jet kiln喷蒸干燥窑
tech.Suffolk kiln底烧窑
tech.timber drying kiln木材干燥窑
tech.tower shaft kiln塔式立窑
tech.travel down the kiln物料顺窑移动
tech.travelling grate rotary kiln带移动篦子的回转窑
tech.treble kiln floor三层干燥床
tech.twin-shaft preheater kiln双立筒预热窑
tech.two-cats in kiln color窑彩双猫
tech.two-cats in kiln colour窑彩双猫
tech.two-floor kiln双层干燥床
tech.two-flying whales in kiln color窑彩双鲸鱼
tech.two-flying whales in kiln colour窑彩双鲸鱼
tech.up-and-down draught kiln倒焰窑
tech.updraft kiln直焰窑
tech.updraft kiln向上抽风窑
tech.up-draught intermittent brick kiln上抽风式间歇砖窑
tech.up-draught kiln升焰窑
tech.up-draught kiln上抽风式窑
tech.ventilating dry kiln通风干燥窑
tech.vertical cement kiln立式水泥窑
tech.vertical cement kiln水泥立窑
tech.vertical cement kiln plant立窑水泥厂
tech.vertical kiln水泥主窑
tech.vertical kiln立式烘炉
tech.vertical kiln竖井炉
fisheryvertical kiln立式烟熏炉
tech.vertical kiln cement立窑水泥
tech.vertical kiln clinker立窑熔渣
tech.vertical kiln lime立窑石灰
tech.vertical kiln stone立窑砌石
tech.vertical lime kiln石灰立窑
tech.vertical shaft kiln立窑
tech.walking-beam kiln步进式隧道窑
tech.Warren kiln华伦砖窑
shipb.water spray dry kiln喷水干燥窑
tech.water spray kiln喷水干燥窑
tech.wet feed kiln湿法喂料窑
tech.wet nodule kiln湿法球窑
tech.wet-fed cement kiln湿式给料水泥回转窑
tech.wet-process kiln湿料炉
tech.wet-process kiln湿法窑
tech.wet-process kiln湿法工艺窑
tech.wet-process kiln with slurry filter带料浆过滤机的湿法窑
tech.wet-process rotary cement kiln湿法水泥回转窑
tech.wet-process rotary kiln湿法烧制转窑
tech.wet-process rotary kiln湿法作业回转窑
tech.wet-process-type rotary kiln湿法转窑
tech.wide hearth kiln宽体窑
tech.Williamson kiln威廉逊窑
tech.wood-burning kiln柴窑器
tech.working of kiln窑作业
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