
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing inflow | all forms | exact matches only
aquifer water inflow水体侵入量
aquifer water inflow水体侵入
bottom-hole inflow井底流入量
bottom-hole inflow rate井底流量
bottom-hole inflow rate井底产量
fluid inflow液体流入
foreign exchange inflow外汇流入量
hyperpycnal inflow高密度入流
hyperpycnal inflow超重入流
hypopycnal inflow低密度入流
hypopycnal inflow次重入流
inflow capacity流入能力
inflow performance curve流入动态曲线
inflow performance curve井底流压一产量关系曲线
inflow performance relationship流入动态关系
inflow performance relationship向井流动动态
inflow performance relationship流入动态
inflow performance relationship井底流压一产量关系
inflow performance relationship curve流入动态曲线
inflow performance relationship curve流入动态关系曲线
inflow point进口处
inflow production relation井底流压一产量关系
inflow stream流入河
rate of inflow流入速率
rate of inflow流入量
sand inflow地层砂流入
sand inflow出砂
well inflow performance井流入动态
well inflow performance向井流动动态
well inflow performance井底流压一产量关系