
Terms for subject Business containing hour | all forms | exact matches only
actual hour实际工时
actual machine operations hour实际开动台时数
after hour交易所闭市后
after hour停业后
after hour公余下班后
after hour商店,银行营业时间后
after hour dealing闭市后交易
after hour dealing伦敦交易所关门后街头交易
after hour price交易所关门后街头成交价
all-hour work plan昼夜计划
average of an eight-hour working day平衡式上班制
barrels of water per hour出水桶数/小时
barrels of water per hour每小时出水桶数
barrels per hour…桶/时
barrels per hour每小时…桶
bouncing busy hour业务最高峰小时
Brake Horsepower Hour制动马力—小时
British horsepower-hour英制马力—小时
British thermal units per hour英热单位/小时
by the hour以小时计算
by the hour按小时计算工资
calculation of the effect of work-hour consumed工时消耗效果核算
calendar machine-hour of handling machinery装卸机械日历台时
candle hour烛光小时
closing hour停业时间
comparative statement of cost per production hour生产小时成本比较表
computer-meter hour计算机表计小时
consumption per hour每小时消费量
cubic centimetres per hour…立方厘米/小时
cubic feet per hour…立方英尺/小时
cumulative hour累计装卸时间
cumulative hour累积时间如装卸货物的时间
customary hour of labour惯常劳动时间
department hour rate met hod部门时间比率分配法
department hour rate method部门时率法
departmental hour rate method部门时间费率法
depreciation-working hour method工时折旧法
dinner hour午休时间
direct hour basis直接工时依据
direct labor hour basis for manufacturing overhead rate制造费用率的直接工时法
direct labor hour method直接工时法
direct labour hour直接人工工时
Eight-Hour Law八小时工作法
eight-hour shift八小时轮班制
eight-hour system八小时制
eight-hour system of labor八小时工作制
eight-hour work system八小时工作制
eight-hour working day八小时工作日
eight working-hour day八小时工作日
electric horsepower hour电气马力小时
empty hour空闲时间
factory hour工时
feet per hour…英尺/小时
gallons per hour…加仑/小时
grammes per hour…克/小时
hire by the hour按小时出租
hour of service服务时间
hour of use使用时间
hour of work工作时间
hour target工时定额
impressions per hour每小时印数
indicated horsepower/hour指示马力—小时
indicator of utilization rate of machine-hour台时利用率指标
interruption per hour每小时断续次数
inverted hour逆时针的
kilometers per hour每小时公里
kilometers per hour…公里/小时
kilometres per hour…公里/小时
kilometres per hour…千米/小时
kilovolt-ampere hour千伏安小时
labor hour basis for overhead application制造费用分配工时法
labor hour lengthening延长工时
labor hour method工时法
light hour轻负荷小时
load hour factor负荷时间系数
machine-hour idleness装卸机械停工台时
machine-hour in service装卸机械作业台时
machine hour method机时法
machine hour plus supplementary rate method机时法加补充率法
machine hour rate机时率
machine hour rate method机时率法
machine-hour standard机时标准
man hour人时
man-hour converted on a comparable basis折可比产品用工
man-hour evaluation人—时评价法
man-hour evaluation人工小时评价法
man hour for auxiliary work辅助作业人时
man-hour for loading and discharging装卸作业工时
man hour for loading-discharging装卸作业工时
man hour in idleness停工工时
man-hour management工时管理
man-hour method人时法
man-hour quota装卸工时定额计算单位为工时/吨
man-hour requirement of technical preparation in production生产技术准备工时
man-hour utilization工时利用率
maximum hour legislation最高就业时间规定
meters per hour…米/小时
metric tons per hour…公吨/时
miles per hour…英里/小时
mille cubic feet per hour…千立方英尺/小时
norm hour标准工时
normal working hour标准工时
official hour规定时间
output per machine-hour平均台时产量
output per man-hour装卸工时产量
output per shift-hour班时产量
overhead apportionment method: machine hour ratio机器工时比例分配法
overhead apportionment method: productive working hour ratio生产工时比例分配法
peak hour高峰期
per man-hour每人小时
pieces per hour…件/小时
pounds per hour…磅/小时
production per man-hour每人时产量
real labor hour有效工时
real output per worker hour每人时实际产量
restricted-hour tariff电费在特定时间內按低费率收费
revolutions per hour每小时转数
revolutions per hour…转/小时
ship hour船时
standard cubic feet per hour…标准立方英尺/时
thirty hour week 30小时工作周
tons per hour…吨/时
tons per man hour…吨/人时
worker-hour rate工时率
working hour劳动时间
working hour depreciation method工时折旧法
working hour method of depreciation工时折旧法
zero hour紧要关头
zero hour关键时刻