
Terms containing hire | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a hire system分期付款购买法
econ.a hire system租购法
econ.A printer hires men to handle paper from cars to the warehouse印刷商雇人把纸从车上搬运到仓库
tech.agreement for hire租赁协议
proj.manag.agreement for hire租用协议书
tech.agreement for hire租赁协定
tech.agreement for hire租赁契约
tech.agreement for hire租赁合同
tech.agreement for hire purchase租购合同
tech.agreement to hire租赁协议书
econ.Airlines can provide a complete service package, such as booking tickets, hotels and car hire航空公司能提供一整套服务项目,如订票、订旅馆、预租车辆等
econ.an off-hire certificate停租证书
econ.an off-hire clause停租条款
econ.an off-hire survey退租检验
lawbailment for hire雇佣委托保管
busin.barge hire驳船租出
busin.barge hire驳船租金
commer.boat hire小船运费
econ.boat hire小船费
econ.boat hire船租费
commer.boat hire船租
econ.breakdown or off-hire clause故障条款或船舶停租条款
busin.breakdown or off hire clause故障条款或停租条款
tech.buoy hire浮泊费
exhib.car hire轿车出租服务
auto.car hire汽车出租
busin.car hire租车处
auto.car hire service汽车出租服务
commer.car on hire供岀租汽车
tech.cargo gear hire装卸工具租金
shipb.cargo ship hire货船租金
busin.charter hire定期租船运费
interntl.trade.charter hire船租
interntl.trade.charter hire租金
el.charter hire租船金
commer.charter hire包租
commer.charter hire租船费
tech.charter hire租费
shipb.charter-hire base租船费计算标准
commer.chartered hire已包租
busin.chartered hire包租
tech.chartered hire船舶租金
tech.conditions of hire租用条件
interntl.trade.container hire集装箱租金
shipb.container-ship for hire出租集装箱船
busin.contract of hire租用合同
busin.contract of hire租赁合同
tech.contract of hire of labor and service雇工合同
proj.manag.contract of hire of labor and services雇工合同
proj.manag.contract of hire of labour雇工合同
tech.contract of hire of labour and service雇工合同
lab.law.contract of hire of labour and services雇工合同
textilecoolie hire搬运费
interntl.trade.coolie hire装卸费
interntl.trade.coolie hire苦力费
interntl.trade.coolie hire力伕费
busin.coolie hire小工费
econ.daily wagon hire-charge货车日租费
interntl.trade.delivery hire运送费
busin.delivery hire脚力
busin.delivery hire送力
busin.delivery hire送货工钱
econ.Do the parties who have invested have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion?出资的各方是否有权自行招聘或解雇人员?
shipb.dry-cargo ship for hire出租干货船
busin.extravagance car-hire charges过高的出租汽车费
China, lawfail to pay the hire as agreed upon未按照合同约定支付租金
gen.for hire待租
busin.for hire招租
auto.for hire出租汽车空车信号
busin.for hire出租
gen.for hire空车
econ.half month hire以半月为期支付的租金
busin.half month hire半月出租受雇
econ.hire a boat包一条船
busin.hire a man雇人
econ.hire a salesgirl雇佣一位女售货员
econ.hire a servant雇佣人
interntl.trade.hire agreement租用契约
econ.hire agreement雇用契约
busin.hire agreement雇佣契约
tech.hire and payment clause租船支付条款
tech.hire and payment clause运费支付条款
shipb.hire and payment clause租费支付条款
busin.hire base租金基价
econ.hire base出租船只的基价
interntl.trade.hire base出租船只基价
econ.hire base岀租船只基价
tech.hire base租船基价
econ.hire by the出租 (hour)
interntl.trade.hire by the day按日出租 (hour)
busin.hire by the day按日出租
busin.hire by the hour按小时出租
busin.hire by the month按月出租
busin.hire by the year按年岀租
shipb.hire by the year按年出租
auto.hire car出租汽车
busin.hire charge租费
busin.hire charge account租费账
manag.hire charge account租赁帐
shipb.hire charge account租金账
tech.hire charges租费
tech.hire charges for wagon货车租用费
busin.hire charter包租
busin.hire clause租金条款
econ.hire earned应得租金
tech.hire fleet租借的车队
auto.hire fleet租赁汽车场
auto.hire fleet租赁汽车总数保有量
tech.hire fleet租借的船队
manag.hire for a day雇佣一日
interntl.trade.hire labor rate临时工工资庠
busin.hire labour雇工
econ.hire labour rate临时工工资率
busin.hire-labour viewpoint雇佣观点
busin.hire lease租购式租赁
econ.hire of service雇用
busin.hire of work承揽包工
busin.hire on找到职业
econ.hire oneself to受雇于
auto.hire out租赁
auto.hire out【动】出租
busin.hire out出租
commer.hire out boats by the day按日计算出租船只
econ.hire out by the day按日计算出租
interntl.trade.hire paid in advance预付租金
econ.hire per deadweight per month每月每载重吨的租金
econ., int. law.hire personnel on the basis of their abilities量才录用
econ.hire purchase分期付款购买
textilehire purchase分期付款购买法
textilehire purchase租购法
proj.manag.hire purchase[英]分期付款购买
econ.hire purchase分期付款
interntl.trade.hire purchase分期付款购买法
interntl.trade.hire purchase赊购
econ.hire purchase租购
tech.hire purchase分期付款购货
agric.hire purchase用分期付款所购之物
tech.hire purchase租赁
interntl.trade.Hire Purchase Act英国 1965年租购法案 (1965)
commer.Hire Purchase Act 1965英国1965年租购法
busin.hire purchase agreement租购协议
busin.hire-purchase agreement分期付款购买契约合同
proj.manag.hire-purchase agreement租购协议
interntl.trade.hire purchase agreement分期付款购买合同
proj.manag.hire-purchase agreement分期付款购物协议
tech.hire purchase agreement分期付款购买公司
busin.hire purchase basis租购方式
busin.hire-purchase company实行分期付款购货的公司
busin.hire-purchase company租购贷款公司
tech.hire purchase company租购信贷公司
interntl.trade.hire purchase company租赁信贷公司
econ.hire purchase company租赁信托公司
econ.hire purchase company租购公司
tech.hire purchase company分期付款购买公司
securit.hire purchase company租借公司
busin.hire purchase contract租购契约
tech.hire purchase contract分期付款合同
econ.hire purchase contracts conditions and warranties英国租购法案规定的默示条件与保证义务
commer.hire purchase credit分期付款购买信贷
tech.hire purchase credit分期付款购货信贷
econ.hire purchase credit insurance租赁信用保险
fin.hire-purchase credit insurance租赁信用保险
tech.hire purchase credit insurance租购信用保险
busin.hire-purchase finance租购业务
busin.hire-purchase finance租购公司
busin.hire purchase finance租购融资
econ.hire purchase finance分期付款财务
interntl.trade.hire purchase finance租购资助
econ.hire purchase finance租购业务
econ.hire purchase finance租购信贷
securit.hire purchase finance租购式融资
econ.hire purchase finance company分期付款财务公司
interntl.trade.hire-purchase finance company分期付款售货的财务公司
commer.hire purchase finance company经营分期付款业务的财务公司比较: hire-purchase company 租购公司
busin.hire-purchase financing为分期付款交易融通资金
busin.hire-purchase plan租购法
busin.hire-purchase price分期付款购货价格
textilehire-purchase price分期付款价
busin.hire-purchase price租购价格
tech.hire purchase price分期付款价格
commer.hire-purchase price分期付款价格
securit.hire purchase price租购价格
interntl.trade.hire-purchase restriction购物控制
econ.hire purchase sale分期付款计划
busin.hire-purchase sale以分期付款销售
busin.hire-purchase sale租购销售
tech.hire purchase sale分期付款出售
textilehire-purchase system分期付款购买法
econ.hire purchase system分期付款购买法
commer.hire purchase system分期付款购买制
busin.hire-purchase system分期付款购买制度
busin.hire-purchase system租购制
tech.hire purchase system租购法
commer.Hire Purchase Trade Association英国分期付款贸易协会
interntl.trade.hire purchase trade association分期付款贸易协会
tech.Hire Purchase Trade Association分期付款贸易协会 (英国)
econ.hire-purchase transaction分期付款销售
auto.hire service出租汽车维护
auto.hire service租用工作
exhib.hire statement租金单
archit.hire system分期付款的购买法
archit.hire system租购制
interntl.trade.hire system分期偿付购买法
busin.hire system分期偿付购买法
tech.hire system分期付款购买法
tech.hire system分期付款 (法)
gen.hire system分期付款购买
China, lawhire workers in accordance with the law依法招用职工
busin.institute for hire-purchase financing为赊购业务提供资金的机构
busin.institute for hire-purchase, financing为赊购业务提供资金的机构
econ.international hire-purchase国际分期付款购货
econ.international hire-purchase国际上的租赁-购买
busin.international hire-purchase国际租购
busin.landing hire起岸卸货费
econ.landing hire到岸卸费
econ.landing hire起岸费用
commer.landing hire卸货费用
tech.landing hire起岸费
interntl.trade.landing hire起岸卸费
interntl.trade.landing hire上货费
tech.landing hire卸货费 (用)
tech.launch hire小汽艇租费
commer.let out on hire出租
econ.lighter hire驳船租金
econ.lighter hire租用驳船
interntl.trade.limiter hire驳船租金
interntl.trade.limiter hire租用驳船
commer.loading hire装货费用
busin.loading hire装货费
interntl.trade.loading hire装货人工
interntl.trade.loading hire下货费
interntl.trade.loading hire装货报酬工钱
busin.loading hire装货工钱
tech.loan under hire purchase agreement分期付款购货合同放款
corp.gov.local hire本地雇佣
logist.loss of hire租金损失
textileloss of hire货损保险
econ.Many firms hire reps to test new markets许多公司都雇用代理商来试探市场
auto.motorcar on hire出租汽车
interntl.trade.motorcars on hire岀租汽车
interntl.trade.motorcars on hire出租汽车
lab.law.new hire rate新工比率
logist.off hire停付租金
exhib.off hire停租
shipb.off hire停止租赁
interntl.trade.off-hire certificate停租证书
shipb.off hire certificate停止租赁证书
shipb.off hire certificate停租证书
commer.off hire clause停租条款
tech.off-hire clause停租条款
tech.off-hire clause租船中止条款
exhib.off-hire containers退租箱
busin.off-hire survey退租检验指船舶退租检验
logist.off hire survey停租检验
tech.off-hire survey退租检验
qual.cont.on hire在租赁中
busin.on hire供租用
qual.cont.on hire起租
qual.cont.on hire出租
busin.on hire接受雇用
shipb.on hire恢复租赁
shipb.on hire certificate恢复租赁证书
shipb.on hire certificate复租证书
interntl.trade.on hire survey起租检验
textileon hire survey交船检验
busin.on hire survey起租检验租船合同中规定的检验
nautic., tech.on/ off hire survey租赁契约前后检验
shipb.passenger hire客轮租金
econ.pay for the hire of付…的租费
econ.pay for the hire of付... 租费
econ.pay for the hire of付…租金
tech.pay for the hire of付……租费
China, lawpay the hire支付租金
China, lawpay the hire as stipulated in the charter按照合同约定支付租金
shipb.payment of hire租费的支付
fin.payment of less than full hire支付不足额租金
tech.plant-hire rate设备租用率
shipb.pleasure-boat hire游艇租金
interntl.trade.pre-hire contracts预先招工合同
shipb.roll-on/roll-off ship for hire出租滚装船
shipb.ship for hire供岀租的船
shipb.ship for hire出租的船
tech.skate hire room溜冰鞋租借室
tech.sleepers hire垫木租费
tech.survey on hire起租检验
tech.suspension of hire停租船
shipb.tanker hire油轮租金
auto.taxi hire汽车出租费用
expl.The boss intends to fire some of his employees, for he has the right to hire and fire老板有意辞退一些雇员、因为他有雇佣权和解雇权
econ.the hire earned应得租金
econ.the hire paid in advance预付租金
econ.The joint stock company is buying these goods on hire purchase该合股公司用按月付款方式购买这些货物
econ.the launch hire小轮租赁
econ.The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋
econ.There are a lot of bicycles for hire有许多自行车供出租
tech.time charter hire定期租船雇佣
tech.time charter hire定期租船租金
transp.transport for hire or reward租用或取酬运输
shipb.tug for hire出租拖轮
textiletug hire拖船租借
commer.tug hire拖船费
tech.tug hire拖船租金
econ.We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员
tech.work for hire做雇工
shipb.yacht for hire出租游艇
shipb.yacht hire游艇租金
econ.You'll have to hire a bookkeeper unless you think you can do your books yourself除非你自己记账,否则你还得雇用一名簿记员