
Terms containing heating value | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.available heating value有效热值
chem.Dulong formula for heating value杜隆热值公式
avia.fuel heating value燃油热值
auto.gas at low heating value稀可燃混合气
auto.gas at low heating value低热值煤气
avia.gas heating value煤气热值
chem.Goutal formula for heating value高塔耳热值公式
el.gross heat value总热值
agric.gross heat value总发热值
met.gross heating value总热值
tech.gross heating value总发热量
tech.heat exposure threshold limit value热接触阈限值
tech.heat flow value热流值
met.heat liberation value释热值
tech.heat mixed value热对流值
met.heat producing value发热值
met.heat producing value热值
auto.heat value发热值
phys.sc.heat value热〔卡〕值
phys.sc.heat value燃料发热量
energ.ind.heat value发热量
tech.heat value热当量
tech.heat value卡值
met.heat value热值
sport., med.heat value生热力
sport., med.heat value食物的热量
chem.heat value卡值 (指燃烧热或发热量)
expl.heating value燃烧热又称燃烧焓 〈enthalpy of combustion〉。手册中查出的标准〈摩尔〉燃烧焓〈符号∆cHₘ〉,是指标准状态下 1 摩尔纯物质完全燃烧,生成标准状态下最稳定的氧化物或单质时,体系焓的增量〈即此过程的热效应〉
chem.heating value热值
agric.heat value发热值
energ.ind.heat value热值
oilheat value equivalent当量热值
tech.heat value formula热值公式
tech.heat value meter热值仪
refrig.heat value of fuel燃料热值
tech.heat value of sludge gas污泥气热值
met.heat value unit热值单位
refrig.heating integrated part load value制热综合性能系数
chem.heating value卡值 (指燃烧热或发热量)
phys.sc.heating value热〔卡〕值
steel.heating value发热量
met.heating value卡值
bioenerg.heating value热值
energ.ind.heating value生热值
tech.heating value供热值
energ.ind.heating value发热值
energ.ind.heating value卡价热价
met.heating value as fired燃烧发热值
tech.heating value determination热值测定
tech.heating value of digester gas沼气热值
ecol.heating value of fuel燃料热值
tech.heating value of gas气体热值
el.heating value of the as fired coal入炉煤发热量
met.heating value per unit weight燃料单位重量发热值
met.heating value per unit weight燃料单位质量发热值
spacehigh heat value燃料的高热值
phys.sc.high heat ing value高热值
phys.sc.high heat ing value总热值
phys.sc.high heat ing value高位发热量
tech.high heat value高热值
gen.high heat value总热值
oil.proc.high heating value高热值
spacehigh heating value燃料的高热值
met.high er heating value高发热值
met.high er heating value高热值
el.high heating value高位发热量
oilhigh heating value高热值
steel.high heating value总热值
busin.high-heating value高热值
met.high heating value gas高热值煤气
oilhigh heating value gas高热值气体
tech.high heating value gas高热量煤气
met.high-heating-value exothermic gas高发热值放热气体
met.high-heating-value gas高热值煤气
met.high-heating-value gas高发热值煤气
auto.higher heating value高热值
forestr.higher heating value高发热值
oil.proc.higher heating value高热值
tech.higher heating value高位发热量
busin.low heat value低发热量
oillow heat value低热值
met.low er heat value低发热值
oil.proc.low heat value净燃烧热低热值
gen.low heat value低热值〔的〕
oillow heat value gas低热值气体
met.low er heating value低发热值
chem.low heating value净热值
oillow heating value低位热值
spacelow heating value低热值
el.low-heating value低位发热量
phys.sc.low heating value低热值
phys.sc.low heating value低位发热量
tech.low heating value热值
tech.low heating value gas低热值气体
met.low-heating-value coal低发热值煤
met.low-heating-value gas低发热值煤气
met.low-heating-value gas低热值煤气
spacelower heating value低热值
oillower heating value净热值
tech.lower heating value低位发热值
met.lower heating value低发热值
tech.lower heating value低位发热量
tech.lower heating value热值
agric., chem.lower heating value加热值下限
ecol.lower heating value低发热量
tech.low-value heat低值热
oilmolar heat value摩尔热值
oilnet heat value净热值
tech.net heating value净发热值
tech.net heating value净发热量
anim.husb.net heating value净热值 (low heating value)
oil.proc.net heating value净热值
anim.husb.net heating value低热值 (low heating value)
energ.ind.net heating value净〔纯〕发热值
tech.net heating value有效热值
energ.ind.net heating value低热值
auto.net heating value of fuel燃油净热值
oil.proc.observed heat value实测热值
oilobserved heat value观测热值
met.overall heating value总热值
oilpotential heat value潜热值
oilterrestrial heat flow value大地热流值
tech.total heat value总热值
auto.total heating value高热值
tech.total heating value总热值
avia.value of heat热量值