
Terms containing hand over | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
archit.actual hand-over实际交付
interntl.trade.check and hand over点交
China, lawcheck and hand over for seizure检交扣押
busin.check and hand over goods点交货
oilfield hand over stake现场交桩
proj.manag.hand a project over to工程移交给
port.facil.hand operated bascule bridge over track沉下阴形轨道
gen.hand over
econ.hand over交付
gen.hand over交出〔与〕
gen.hand over移〔提,转〕交
busin.hand over让予
China, lawhand over交接
econ.hand over支付
dril.hand over交出
interntl.trade.hand over goods, documents交付货物;单据
textilehand over让与
el.hand over越区切换
el.hand over移交的
el.hand over转接的
textilehand over转换
textilehand over转给
steel.hand over移交
dril.hand over转交
gen.hand over
econ.hand over against payment of the price付款交付
interntl.trade.hand over against payment of the price凭付款交付
econ.hand over against payment of the price凭交款交付
busin.hand over equipment交付设备
gen.hand over fist大量地
gen.hand over fist不费力地
gen.hand over fist稳定而迅速
China, lawhand over for examination or checking交验
China, lawhand over for execution of one's criminal punishment交付执行刑罚
China, lawhand over for trial交付审判
interntl.trade.hand over foreign exchange支付外汇
gen.hand over hand稳定而迅速地
busin.hand over hand赚钱快
interntl.trade.hand over hand赚得很快
gen.hand over hand双手交互地
econ.hand over of交付 (document, goods, 单据、货物)
China, lawhand over on the spot当场交付
oilhand over procedure移交程序
China, lawhand over promptly及时上缴
athlet.hand over the baton传棒
China, lawhand over to上缴
China, lawhand over to a prison送交监狱
textilehand over to the next shift交班
tech.hand-over against payment of the price凭付款交付
tech.hand-over discharge交卸
tech.hand-over foreign exchange支付外汇
tech.hand-over hand两手交替拉绳法
sport.hand-over-hand climbing两手交替爬绳
swim.hand-over-hand swimming两臂轮换出水游泳
swim.hand-over-hand swimming两臂轮换出水
tech.hand-over item by item点交
tech.hand-over of the works工程接管
steel.hand-over position交接区
expl.hand-over procedure移交程序
el.mach.hand-over test验收试验
auto.hand-over test收试验
tech.hand-over to the next shift交班
spacehand-over word转换字
spacehand-over word交接字
tech.hand-over word交换代码
sport.han-over-hand stroke两臂交替划水
China, lawnot appropriate to hand over for trial不宜交付审判
China, lawrefuse to hand over拒不上交
China, polit.spend money hand over foot花钱大手大脚
gen.This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物