
Terms for subject Basketball containing hand | all forms | exact matches only
cross-hand pass两手交叉传球
get the hand up on the jump shot举手防跳投
hand above head单手举过头
hand checking手掌推挡
hand-eye coordination手眼协调
hand-off feeder手递手传球者
hot hand投篮顺手
illegal use of hands非法用手
illegal use of hands违规用手
left-hand dribbling左手运球
left-hand shoot左手投篮
one-hand jam单手扣篮
one-hand jump push shot用靠近篮一侧的手跳投
one-hand jump shot单手跳投
one-hand jump-twist shot单手转体跳投
one-hand overhead shot单手头上投篮
one-hand pass单手传球
one-hand set shot单手原地投篮
one-hand shot单手投篮
one-hand underhand lay-up shot单手低手上篮
one-hand underhand sweep shot单手掏投
outside hand靠边线中线一侧的手
outside hand边线侧手
quick hand争球能手
quick handat…方面的快手
quick hand善于抢球的队员
quick hand擅长抢球队员
running one-hand shot行进间单手投篮
running one-hand shot行进单手投篮
single-hand-behind-the-back pass背后单手传球
single-hand catching单手接球
single-hand dunk单手扣篮
single-hand shot单手投篮
two-hand dunk双手扣篮
two-hand jam双手扣篮
two-hand overhead free throw双手头上罚球
two-hand overhead jump shot双手头上跳投
two-hand overhead lay-up双手头上上篮
two-hand overhead lay-up shot双手头上上篮
two-hand overhead pass双手头上传球
two-hand overhead set shot双手头上原地投篮
two-hand overhead shot双手头上投篮
two-hand pass双手传球
two-hand pump shot双手脑后投篮
two-hand pump shot双手扣篮
two-hand set shot双手原地投篮
two-hand shot双手投篮
two-hand snap pass双手抖腕传球
two-hand underhand flip pass双手低拨传球
two-hand underhand free throw双手低手罚球
two-hand underhand lay-up shot双手低手上篮
two-hand underhand sweep shot从防守者臂下投篮
two-hand underhand sweep shot双手掏投