
Terms containing galvanized iron | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.colored galvanized iron彩色镀锌铁皮
archit.colored galvanized iron sheet有色镀锌铁板
tech.coloured galvanized iron彩色镀锌铁皮
tech.corrugated galvanized iron镀锌波形铁
busin.corrugated galvanized iron波纹镀锌铁皮
gen.corrugated galvanized iron镀锌瓦垅鉄
tech.corrugated galvanized iron sheet波形镀锌铁板 (屋面)
tech.corrugated galvanized iron sheet镀锌瓦楞铁皮
tech.corrugated galvanized iron sheet roofing镀锌瓦楞铁皮屋面
UN, tech.corrugated galvanized iron sheets 0.7 mm x 0.9 m x 3.0 m波纹镀锌铁皮0.7毫米X0.9米X3.0米
tech.corrugated galvanized sheet iron镀锌波纹铁皮
tech.corrugated galvanized sheet iron镀锌波形钢板
tech.corrugated galvanized sheet iron镀锌瓦楞铁皮
steel.electrolytic galvanized iron电镀锌板
tech.external galvanized iron sheet sill镀锌铁皮外窗台
tech.galvanized common round iron wire nail镀锌普通圆铁钉
tech.galvanized flexible iron tube镀锌蛇皮铁管
tech.galvanized iron镀锌铁皮
tech., brit.galvanized iron镀锌钢板
tech.galvanized iron白铁皮
avia.galvanized sheet iron镀锌铁皮
met.galvanized iron镀锌钢材
chem.galvanized iron白铁
archit.galvanized iron镀锌钢皮
auto.galvanized iron镀锌铁皮薄钢板 (sheet)
construct.galvanized sheet iron马口铁
construct.galvanized sheet iron白铁
construct.galvanized sheet iron镀锌铁
met.galvanized iron镀锌钢材包括板材和线材
textilegalvanized iron镀锌铁
oilgalvanized iron白铁
bridg.constr.galvanized iron铅铁
mech.galvanized iron镀锌薄铁板
textilegalvanized iron马口铁
gen.galvanized iron镀锌薄钢板
tech.galvanized iron barbed wire镀锌刺铁丝
mech.eng.galvanized iron bolt键锌螺栓
oil, transp.galvanized iron bolt镀锌铁螺栓
tech.galvanized iron brace镀锌铁撑脚
tech.galvanized iron bucket镀锌铁桶
tech.galvanized iron chain镀锌铁链
tech.galvanized iron concealed hinge镀锌铁暗铰
tech.galvanized iron conduit镀锌铁管
tech.galvanized iron corn head screw镀锌尖头螺钉
tech.galvanized iron curved washer镀锌弯铁垫圈
tech.galvanized iron drum镀锌铁桶
tech.galvanized iron flat roof镀锌铁板平屋面
tech.galvanized iron flat wire镀锌扁铁丝
tech.galvanized iron hasp镀锌搭扣
tech.galvanized iron hinge镀锌铁合页
tech.galvanized iron hook镀锌铁钩
tech.galvanized iron hook and eye for gate and shutter镀锌门窗钩
tech.galvanized iron hook for lamp镀锌灯钩
tech.galvanized iron hoop镀锌铁箍
tech.galvanized iron lamp holder box镀锌灯头箱
tech.galvanized iron leader白铁皮水落管
tech.galvanized iron lined door白铁皮防火门
tech.galvanized iron mush-room head bolt白铁圆头螺栓
tech.galvanized iron oil pot白铁油壶
tech.galvanized iron pail镀锌铁提桶
tech.galvanized iron paint镀锌钢板油漆
tech.galvanized iron paint银锌钢板涂料
tech.galvanized iron paint镀锌钢板漆
tech.galvanized iron paint镀锌钢板涂料
tech.galvanized iron paint镀锌钢板凃料
tech.galvanized iron paint镀锌铁板涂料
el.galvanized iron pipe镀锌铁管
tech.galvanized iron pipe白铁管
tech.galvanized iron pipe镀锌铁管
tech.galvanized iron plain sheet镀锌铁皮
tech.galvanized iron plate白铁板
tech.galvanized iron ridge capping镀锌铁皮脊瓦
tech.galvanized iron rivet镀锌铁铆钉
tech.galvanized iron rope镀锌丝绳
tech.galvanized iron screw白铁螺钉
tech.galvanized iron screw hook镀锌螺钩
tech.galvanized iron sheet镀锌铁板
tech.galvanized iron sheet镀锌钢板
met.galvanized iron sheet镀锌薄钢板
tech.galvanized iron sheet镀锌铁皮
bridg.constr.galvanized iron sheet白铁皮
bridg.constr.galvanized iron sheet马口铁皮
auto.galvanized iron sheet镀锌薄
tech.galvanized iron sheet马口铁
tech.galvanized iron sheet down pipe白铁皮水落管
tech.galvanized iron sheet down pipe镀锌铁皮落水管
tech.galvanized iron sheet flashing白铁泛水
tech.galvanized iron sheet flashing镀锌铁皮泛水
tech.galvanized iron sheet roof白铁皮屋面
tech.galvanized iron sheet roof镀锌铁皮屋面
tech.galvanized iron sheet valley白铁天沟
tech.galvanized iron sheeting weathering白水片
tech.galvanized iron shingle白铁瓦
tech.galvanized iron slope plate镀锌坡度铁板
tech.galvanized iron spring镀锌弹簧
tech.galvanized iron square boat nail镀锌四方船钉
tech.galvanized iron tube白铁管
tech.galvanized iron wash tub镀锌铁洗衣盆
tech.galvanized iron water bucket白铁水桶
met.galvanized iron wire镀锌钢丝
tech.galvanized iron wire铅丝
tech.galvanized iron wire镀锌铁丝
tech.galvanized iron wire brush白铁丝刷
tech.galvanized iron wire cloth镀锌铁丝布
tech.galvanized iron wire gauze白铁丝布
tech.galvanized iron wire knitting ware镀锌铁丝编织品
tech.galvanized iron wire nail镀锌铁钉
tech.galvanized iron wire netting镀锌铁窗纱
busin.galvanized malleable iron镀锌可锻铸铁
chem.galvanized sheet iron白铁
agric.galvanized sheet iron电镀铁片
tech.galvanized sheet iron镀梓薄钢板
bridg.constr.galvanized sheet iron白铁皮
bridg.constr.galvanized sheet iron镀锌铁皮
agric.galvanized sheet iron电镀钢板
tech.galvanized sheet iron镀锌薄钢板
archit.galvanized sheet iron nail镀锌钢板用钉
tech.galvanized sheet iron nail镀锌钢扳用钉
tech.galvanized sheet iron pipe镀锌铁皮管
tech.galvanized sheet iron roof铺镀锌铁皮屋面
tech.galvanized sheet iron roof镀锌铁皮屋面
tech.galvanized steel iron nail镀锌钢钉
tech.galvanized U-shaped iron sheet镀锌 U 形铁皮
archit.galvanized wrought-iron pipe镀锌热铁管
tech.galvanized wrought-iron pipe镀锌熟铁管
steel.HGI: hot rolled galvanized iron热轧镀锌钢板
steel.hot dipped galvanized iron CGI, GI热镀锌板
tech.paint for galvanized iron镀锌钢板涂料
chem.weathered galvanized iron露天用镀锌铁