
Terms containing footrest | all forms | exact matches only
shipb.at the entrance of small hatch-cover, to install two footrests and handgrips.在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
shipb.at the entrance of the small hatchcover, to install two footrests and handgrips在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
tech.counter footrest柜台踏脚板
auto.driver footrest二轮摩托车骑手搁脚板
auto.footrest bar摩托车脚搁
auto.footrest pad脚踏垫
auto.footrest rod摩托车搁脚架杆
auto.passenger footrest摩托车乘员搁脚架
skiingsafety bar with footrest带踏脚板的安全棍
auto.sprung footrests摩托车弹性脚搁
auto.sprung passenger footrest摩托车弹性乘客脚搁
auto.suspended footrest摩托车悬吊式搁脚架
auto.suspended passenger footrest摩托车悬吊式乘客搁脚架
auto.unsprung footrest摩托车无弹簧的搁脚板
auto.unsprung passenger footrest摩托车无弹簧的乘客搁脚板
auto.unsuspended footrest摩托车无弹簧承载搁脚板