
Terms for subject Technology containing fixed-point | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
binary fixed point constant二进制定点常数
binary fixed point data二进制定点数据
boom point with fixed point起重臂顶尖及锚固点
Brouwer's fixed point theorem布劳威尔不动点原理
decimal fixed-point constant十进位定点常数
fix point定位点
fixed breakage point固定断裂点
fixed decimal point固定十进制小数点
fixed low point固定低点
fixed observation point固定性观测点
fixed point标定点
fixed point
fixed point测标位置
fixed point常点
fixed point method定点法
fixed reference point固定参考点
fixed set-point control定值调节
fixed step point control定值调节
fixed to floating point conversion定点浮点转换
fixed-point binary定点二进制
fixed-point binary constant定点二进制常数
fixed-point buffer定点缓冲剂
fixed-point calculation定点运算
fixed-point decimal constant十进定点常数
fixed-point decimal constant固定小数点十进制常数
fixed-point detection固定点火灾探测
fixed-point double word-length arithmetic定点双字长运算
fixed-point gage固定测针
fixed-point gauge固定测针
fixed-point machine固定转辙机
fixed-point machine固定转辙器
fixed-point mathematics定点数学
fixed-point mathematics定点运算
fixed-point method不动点方法
fixed-point method定点
fixed-point notation定点表示法
fixed-point observation定点观测
fixed-point operation定点操作
fixed-point part尾数
fixed-point part小数部分
fixed-point representation定点表达形式
fixed-point representation of a number定点制数表示法
fixed-point representation system定点表示制
fixed-point sampling定点取样
fixed-point simulation定点仿真
fixed-point system定点系统
fixed-point theorem不动点定理
fixed-point tidal station定点验潮站
fractional fixed point小数定点制
fractional fix-point分式定点
fractional fix-point method分式定点法
least fixed-point最小定点
partially fixed point半固定点
series observation at fixed point定点连续观测
stable fixed point稳定固定点
three-point fix后方交会
three-point fix method三标两角法
three-point fix method三点定位法
trigonometric fixed point三控制点
trigonometric fixed point已知三角点
trigonometrical fixed point三控制点
trigonometrical fixed point已知三角点