
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing fill | all forms | exact matches only
alluvial fill冲积填充
automatic fill shoe自动灌注式鞋
automatic fill-up float自动灌注式浮鞋
automatic fill-up shoe自动灌注鞋
basin fill盆地沉积
bed-load channel fill底荷河道沉积
cable fill电缆充满率
canyon fill峡谷淤积
canyon fill峡谷充填
casing fill-up equipment套管灌泥浆装置
casing fill-up equipment套管返注入装置
cemented fill胶结充填
channel fill河道充填
channel fill水道充填
channel fill窜槽填充
channel fill deposit河床沉积
channel-fill deposit河床充填沉积
channel fill deposit河槽沉积
circulating differential fill collar循环压差式灌浆接箍
circulating differential fill shoe循环压差式灌浆套管鞋
consolidated fill胶结充填
cut and fill挖填方
cut-and-fill channel切割充填沟槽
cut-and-fill channel冲刷槽
cut-and-fill sedimentation冲淤沉积作用
cut-and-fill structure侵蚀沟充填构造
cut-and-fill structure冲淤构造
cut-and-fill structure冲蚀构造
differential fill-up tool差压式灌注工具
extra fill sand附加充填砂
fill by gravity自流灌装
fill factor填充因子
fill factor填穴因数
fill factor充满系数
fill in装满
fill-in hole灌井
fill in well插入井
fill-in well补充井
fill nipple注入接头
fill off bottom井底填砂
fill orifice灌注孔
fill plug填塞
fill plug seal填塞密封
fill, seal and trim填充、密封及修整
fill strokes灌泥浆泵冲数
fill-up float collar返注式套管浮箍
fill-up float shoe返注式套管浮鞋
fill-up line灌钻井液管线
fill-up line灌注管线
fill up period注水开始充满地层亏空阶段
fill-up pressure填满时压力
fill-up pressure充满时压力
fill up time消磨时光
flexiflow fill-up collar自动灌液浮箍
flexiflow fill-up equipment自动灌液工具
flexiflow fill-up shoe自动灌注套管鞋
form, fill and seal成型、填实和密封
graben-fill basin地堑填充盆地
gravity-fill tank自流式泥浆补给罐
insufficient fill充填不足
land fill填土
land fill填地
line-fill管道灌装量 (充满新管道所需的原油、天然气或成品油量)
low-velocity fill低速充填物
mixed-load channel-fill sand混合负荷河床砂
mud fill-up灌泥浆
mud flow fill indicator灌泥浆指示器
onlap fill上超充填
riser fill-up valve隔水管灌注阀
rock-fill breakwater填石防波堤
sand fill砂塞
sand-fill port充砂观察孔
scour and fill structures冲刷一充填构造
scour-and-fill structure蚀积构造
scour-and-fill structure冲淤构造
sediment fill沉积充填
self fill-up floating valve自灌式浮阀
slice fill display切片填充显示
slurry fill calculation水泥浆注量计算
submerged fill液下进油
swale fill deposit填洼沉积
swale fill deposit滩槽沉积
swale fill deposit浅沼沉积
total groove fill环槽总填充率
truck fill stand装车台
valley fill河谷堆积