
Terms for subject General containing feel | all forms | exact matches only
by the feel凭触摸
did you feel the earthquake你感到地震了吗
Don't you feel it's suffocating here?你不感到让人透不过气来吗?
feedback of feel机械手力的反向传送
feel a delicacy about对…感到棘手〔伤脑筋〕
feel a delicacy in对…感到棘手〔伤脑筋〕
feel a great interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
feel a part ofM 感到自己对 M 有一份责任
feel abashed局促不安
feel abashed害臊:
feel about摸索
feel after探査〔寻〕
feel after摸索
feel an objection to + ing不愿意
feel anxious担心
feel as if觉得好像
feel as though觉得好像
feel assured安心
feel at用手摸摸看
feel at home感觉舒适
feel at home宾至如归
feel awkward为难
feel bad感到有病
feel bad觉得不舒服
feel bad about sth.对某事感到难过
feel blue感到无精打采
feel chagrined at因…而悔恨〔懊恼〕
feel chagrined by因…而悔恨〔懊恼〕
feel comfortable感到舒适
feel concern about挂念
feel concern about忧虑
feel content with对…感到满足
feel disposed for愿意
feel disposed for倾向于
feel disposed forto + inf.打算
feel embarrassed局促不安
feel embarrassed感到为难
feel embarrassed为难
feel equal to有能力做
feel equal to觉得能担任
feel exhausted感到疲劳
feel fit精神很好
feel for同情
feel for摸索
feel for用手摸找
feel free to do.随便做某事
feel glad aboutat, of, that,to + inf.对…感到高兴
feel heaps better觉得好多了
feel how hot it is摸一摸多热
feel impelled to觉得非不可 (+ inf.)
feel... in one's bones确信
feel in one's bones确信 (that)
feel... in one's bones深切感到
feel in one's bones确有把握 (that)
feel one's legs有了自信心
feel one's legs开始认识自己的能力
feel like想要 (+ ing)
feel like + ing觉得想
feel like心想 (+ ing)
feel like + ing想要
feel like thirty cents脸红
feel like thirty cents害臊
feel oneself much aggrieved at sth.感到受了委屈
feel oneself much aggrieved at sth.对某事愤愤不平
feel oneself much aggrieved over sth.感到受了委屈
feel oneself much aggrieved over sth.对某事愤愤不平
feel no anxiety about不关心
feel no anxiety about不着急
feel no interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
feel no reluctance in + ing毫不勉强地
feel not much interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
feel like oneself觉得身体健康
feel like oneself觉得精神舒畅
feel oppressed
feel out探明
feel out摸清楚
feel out试探出
feel out of things感到自己没份
feel out of things感到格格不人
feel quite oneself觉得健康
feel reliance in依靠
feel reliance in相信
feel reliance in依〔信〕赖
feel reliance on依靠
feel reliance on相信
feel reliance on依〔信〕赖
feel reliance upon相信
feel reliance upon依靠
feel reliance upon依〔信〕赖
feel relieved放心
feel remiss about由于…而感到自己是疏忽了
feel secure aboutM 对 M 觉得放心 (不要紧)
feel secure as toM 对 M 觉得放心 (不要紧)
feel sick要呕吐
feel sick恶心
feel sorry遗憾
feel strange觉得生疏〔不习惯〕
feel strange觉得头晕〔不舒服〕
feel strongly about对…孢强硬态度
feel sure of确〔深〕信
feel sure of肯定
feel sure of feel the need for对…感到需要
feel sure of feel the need of对…感到需要
feel suspicious ofM 对 M 感到可疑 (about)
feel sympathetic toM 对 M 孢好感
feel sympathetic toM 对M持赞同态度
feel sympathetic toM 对M表示同情
feel sympathetic towardsM 对M持赞同态度
feel sympathetic towardsM 对 M 孢好感
feel sympathetic towardsM 对M表示同情
feel sympathy forM 对 M 孢同情
feel the pulse of试探…的意
feel up to能担任
feel up to感到有能力做
feel very cold
feel one's way试探着
feel one's way谨慎从事
feel one's way摸索前进
feel where the shoe pinches由经验知道困难 症结所在
feel where the shoe pinches知道困难所在
feel with同情
feel with对…有同感
get a feel forM 得到对M的感性知识
get the feel of sth.掌握某事物
He feels bloated in his abdominal area他感到肚子胀胀的
how it feels意味着什么
how it feels是什么滋味
I am so glad they called you. My stomach is killing me! It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach!很高兴他们叫了你。我的肚子很疼!感觉好像问题很严重
I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick我有点难受,可能是有些晕机
I feel a bit cold when I sleep. Please get me a blanket我睡得有点冷,请给我加一条毯子
I feel awfully sorry that I have broken the vase on the desk this morning carelessly非常抱歉,早上我不小心把桌子上的花瓶摔碎了
I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problems in this city一想到我的车排放的废气加重了城市污染,我就感觉很糟
I feel chilly I think I've got a cold我身上冷,想是感冒了
I feel dizzy我觉得头晕
I feel dizzy and have a sore throat我感到头晕,喉咙痛
I feel languid我全身无力
I feel light-headed我觉得头晕
I feel shivery. I think I've got a cold我身上冷,想是感冒了
I feel so sorry that I damaged the transformer accidentally in the morning when I used my computer对不起,早上我在使用电脑时,不小心将变压器烧坏了
I hope so, but I still feel a bit nervous希望如此吧,但是我仍然感到紧张啊
I love the tender beef, but it's far too spicy. I can't feel my tongue牛肉很嫩,我很喜欢。但是这也太辣了,我舌头都麻了
I really feel so bad about my disease我对自己的病感到糟糕透了
If you want to avoid making people feel unimportant or ignored, pick up your phone as soon as you know you have a caller waiting若你不想让客户感到他不重要或者被忽视,你最好一知道有人等候就马上接电话
Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?
it feels like感到好像是
it feels like这摸起来象
It feels like I don't even have taste buds anymore我感觉我的味觉已经麻木了
It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
it is cold to the feel摸起来觉得冷
lose the feel of失去对…的了解
lose the feel of不再了解…
make somebody feel at home舒适自在
My brakes feel a little soft我的刹车好像有点松了
1 prefer to pay my own way so that I'll not feel indebted at all我乐意分摊,这样才不会总感到欠人情
Since this morning I've had high temperature, and I feel generally wretched上午我发高烧,浑身疲软无力
The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
The emotion that you feel is a kind of mental disease. I know the cure你感受的情感是一种心理疾病,而我知道治疗它的方法
these stones feel cold这些石头摸上去是凉的
Wearing Nike shoes makes young people feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality穿上耐克鞋使年轻人感觉更有运动活力,不管他们实际上年龄有多大或多么不爱运动
You feel very uncomfortable when you have a sore throat当你喉咙疼痛的时候,就会感到十分不舒服
You must be a mind-reader Michael. Do you feel like some western food?米歇尔,你真了解我。你想吃西餐吗?
You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this, specifically in your upper torso你这样做时,会感到体内,尤其是躯干,有种轻微的晕眩。 (小贴士:美国的医院不负责售药,只负责开方子。但只有凭医院处方,才能在药店购买处方药。美国看病贵,主要是因为美国实行医疗保险制度,大多数人都有保险。换言之,如果没有保险, 是很难看得起病的。在美国,大多数人看病都是通过雇主或自行购买的医疗保险。生病后到医疗服务机构就医,医疗费用主要由医疗保险机构向医疗服务机构支付,病人只需承担医疗费的一小部分。)
Your hands feel cold您的手摸起来很冷
Your thoughtful service has made me feel at home你们热情周到的服务让我有一种宾至如归的感觉
Your words just like a pain-killer to me and now I feel nothing could defeat me您的话对我来说就像止痛药一样,现在我感到没有任何事可以将我打败了