
Terms containing fail | all forms | exact matches only
expl.A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it外行处理这事,没有专业知识,肯定会失败
sport.A runner who fails to comply promptly with the starter's commands may also be charged with a false start任何一名赛跑运动员不立刻遵守发令员的口令也可判为起跑犯规
telecom.Abort, Retry, Fail放弃,重试,失败
busin.aged fail逾期未清合同
securit.aged fail逾期违约
tech.armor layer fail护面层失效
tech.armour layer fail护面层失效
econ.As soon as obtaining the permit please cable us without fail一俟你们获得许可证,请务必来电
commer.As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail一俟有货可供,我们将一定向你方报盘
nautic., tech.boat fail吊艇索
el.breaker fail back-up protection断路器失灵后备保护装置
tech.built-in fail-safe behavior内置故障防止效能
tech.built-in fail-safe behaviour内置故障防止效能
el.built-in power fail protection内建[部]电源故障保护
nautic., tech.cargo fail吊货索
econ.cause they fail to meet a minimum sales quota n., the agreement is terminated因为他们不能完成最低的销售指标,该协议即告终止
el.circuit-breaker fail protection断路器失灵保护装置
comp., net.client signal fail客户端信号失效
sport.Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition.在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡 (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
China, lawconsultation fail协调不成
proj.manag.Creating a unique index guarantees that any attempt to duplicate key values fails创建唯一索引可以确保任何生成重复键值的尝试都会失败
tech.crest element fail堤顶构件失效
China, lawdefault in or fail to pay the same in full拖欠或者未足额支付
gen.don't fail to务必
shipb.Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.在这儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同
avia.duct fail light导管故障灯
busin.due to fail到期
avia.engine fail contactor发动机故障接触器
sport.fail a dope test未通过药检
busin.fail actively失去活性
tech.fail address失效地址
tech.fail address故障地址
busin.fail at a rate在一定速率时失效
chem.fail breakdown事故
wind.fail close出故障时自动关闭
tech.fail closed出故障时自动关闭的
refrig.fail closed出故障时自动关闭
tech.fail data失效数据
avia.fail eject故障弹射
securit.fail float未达账
securit.fail float未交割现金余额
avia.fail hardover失控故障 (自动飞行控制系统一种故障, 其现象为舵面急剧偏转到极端位置后保持不动)
gen.fail in由于…损坏
gen.fail in不足
gen.fail in缺乏
dril.fail in...在.....缺乏......
dril.fail in...在.....方面失败
gen.fail in在…方面失败
busin.fail in an examination考试不及格
gen.fail in an examination通过〔没通过〕考试
dril.fail in bend弯曲破坏
tech.fail in bending弯曲损坏
construct.fail in bending压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
archit.fail in bending (坏)
tech.fail in bending受弯坡坏
construct.fail in bond压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
archit.fail in bond粘结损坏破坏
tech.fail in bond黏接失效
tech.fail in bond黏着破坏
econ.fail in business营业亏本
construct.fail in compression压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
tech.fail in compression受压破坏
dril.fail in compression压缩破坏
tech.fail in compression受压损坏
el.fail in its duty失效
el.fail in its duty拒动
proj.manag.fail in negotiation谈判失败
econ.fail in one's negotiation谈判失败
tech.fail in negotiations谈判失败
busin.fail in one's duty失职
busin.fail in service使用中故障
construct.fail in shear压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
tech.fail in shear受剪破坏
tech.fail in shear剪切损坏
tech.fail in tension受拉破坏
busin.fail in use使用中故障
avia.fail isolated/fail operative故障自动隔离/故障后继续工作
avia.fail link脆弱环节
tech.fail-obvious condition明显故障状态
gen.fail of
gen.fail of没有能
econ.fail of one's duty不尽责
auto.fail open出故障时自动打
wind.fail open出故障时自动打开
dril.fail open故障自动打开
auto.fail operable故障运行功能
auto.fail operable备用行驶功能某一部件损坏,微机仍能使汽车发动或运行的功能,又称作故障防护功能
auto.fail operable有故障可运行的
avia.fail operational带故障工作
avia.fail operational操作失灵
el.fail operational故障后能运行的
avia.fail operational/fail-operation带故障运行的
avia.fail operational/fail-operation故障后保持工作的
avia.fail-operative redundant故障后保持工作的余度
proj.manag.fail over出故障时自动备份
avia.fail passive故障消极防护
refrig.fail passive有限可靠性
tech.fail passive工作可靠但性能有下降
tech.fail passive无大害故障
busin.fail passively自防故障装置
agric.fail place缺株
agric.fail place缺苗
wind.fail point失效点
wind.fail point破坏点
securit.fail position违约头寸
securit.fail position未交付头寸
busin.fail rate故障率
gen.fail safe故障弱化的
tech.fail safe失效保护
tech.fail safe防故障设备
tech.fail safe故障一安全
tech.fail safe绝对可靠的
tech.fail safe破损安全
tech.fail safe防错
tech.fail safe可靠的
tech.fail safe故障自动保护的
tech.fail safe故障自动保险
tech.fail safe故障自动矫正
tech.fail safe差错防止
tech.fail safe失效保险
gen.fail safe防止故障
gen.fail safe个别部件发生故障时性能不变仍能可靠不间断工作
gen.fail safe故障自动保险
avia.fail safe故障自动防护的
auto.fail safe故障无碍安全
wind.fail safe安全装置
wind.fail safe失效安全
wind.fail safe故障安全防护装置
auto.fail safe失效保护当控制系统发生故障时,其保护装置能自动动作,使其仍能维持最低的安全运行
el.mach.fail safe故障防止
el.mach.fail safe安全性
cryptogr.fail safe故障保护
avia.fail safe破损安全的
gen.fail safe出故障性能下降的
racingfail safe adapter遥控车所用的失控保护装置
el.fail safe alarm事故报警
auto.fail-safe analysis故障安全分析
tech.fail-safe analysis可靠性分析
el.mach.fail-safe brake故障保险制动器
el.mach.fail safe brake保安闸
auto.fail-safe brake故障保护制动器
wind.fail safe brake pressure故障保护制动压力
el.mach.fail-safe circuit故障保险电路
agric.fail-safe circuit安全电路
navig.fail-safe close valve故障保险自闭
dril.fail-safe close valve故障自动关闭阀
wind.fail-safe component故障安全组件
agric.fail-safe computer安全计算机
tech.fail-safe concept故障保险概念
auto.fail-safe construction故障保护自动保险结构
wind.fail safe control防止控制装置
tech.fail-safe control无故障控制
tech.fail-safe control失效保险控制
refrig.fail-safe control自动防止故障的控制装置
el.fail-safe design防故障安全设计
AI.fail-safe design可靠性设计
chem.fail-safe design可靠设
tech.fail-safe design可靠设计
avia.fail safe design analysis故障安全设计分析
tech.fail-safe device防止事故装置
dril.fail safe device故障保护的安全装置
el.fail-safe device故障时仍能安全运行的自动保护装置
wind.fail safe device故障自动防护装置
tech.fail-safe device安全保障装置
avia.fail-safe device自动防故障装置
wind.fail safe disc brake故障自动防护盘式制动器
el.fail safe disconnect故障保险断开
tech.fail-safe disconnect故障保险切断
tech.fail-safe equipment破损安全装置
wind.fail safe facility安全装置
wind.fail safe facility保险装置
tech.fail-safe facility故障保险设施
auto.fail-safe feature带有故障安全保护特点
auto.fail-safe function故障安全保护功能
el.fail-safe instrument安全仪器
el.fail-safe instrument故障时仍能安全测量的仪器
chem.fail-safe instrument"万无一失"的仪器
chem.fail-safe instrument事故状况下仍安全的仪器
dril.fail-safe lockout device故障自动锁闭装置
tech.fail-safe mechanism防障装置
auto.fail-safe mode故障安全模式
navig.fail-safe open valve保安自开阀
dril.fail-safe open valve故障自动开放阀
tech.fail-safe operation防障装置操作
telecom.fail-safe operation安全运行
telecom.fail-safe operation出现失效时不间断运行
el.fail-safe operation故障时安全运行
tech.fail-safe operation安全运作
el.fail-safe principle故障安全运行原则
nautic., tech.fail-safe principle故障安全原则
tech.fail-safe program不安全的程序
tech.fail-safe programme不安全的程序
auto.fail safe safety relay失效保护继电器
tech.fail-safe safety interlock故障保险防护装置
tech.fail-safe safety interlock失效保护安全联锁
tech.fail-safe stop accuracy无故障停车精度
avia.fail safe structure破损安全结构
met.fail safe system失效保险系统
telecom.fail-safe system可靠系统
tech.fail-safe system故障自动防护系统
tech.fail-safe system失效保险系统
tech.fail-safe system安全装置
el.fail-safe system防止故障系统
el.fail-safe system不出故障系统
met.fail safe system安全系统
tech.fail-safe system故障保护设备
tech.fail-safe system安全系统
el.fail-safe test工作安全性试验
tech.fail-safe test破损安全试验
auto.fail-safe wire harness故障保护安全线束
avia.fail safety可靠性
auto.fail safety个别部件发生故障时系统可靠性
auto.fail safety故障安全性
auto.fail safety故障保护
avia.fail safety破损安全
busin.fail safety安全无故障
avia.fail safety故障自动防护
avia.fail safety破损安全 (性)
chem.fail-safety design可靠性分析
auto.fail safety relay故障保护安全继电器
tech.fail soft故障自动缓和的
tech.fail soft降级进行 (系统出故障后)
tech.fail soft工作可靠但性能下降
telecom.fail soft故障检测,处理软件
tech.fail soft失效弱化
tech.fail soft无大害故障
tech.fail soft工作可靠的
tech.fail soft故障弱化
tech.fail soft有限可靠性
tech.fail-soft behaviour故障软化特性
tech.fail softly程序的软化故障
comp.fail softly个别部件发生故障时工作可靠但性能下降
cryptogr.fail-stop signature故障停止签名
cryptogr.fail-stop signature失败停止签名
tech.fail system失效保险系统
tech.fail temperature破坏温度
refrig.fail temperature失效温度
wind.fail test可靠性试验
wind.fail test故障测试
tech.fail test未通过试验
proj.manag.fail the test未通过检验
gen.fail to + inf.没能
gen.fail to + inf.忘记
China, lawfail to不能
gen.fail to + inf.没有
gen.fail to + inf.未能
China, lawfail to apply for quarantine inspection未报检
China, lawfail to be adopted by the general assembly of shareholders未经股东大会认可
sport.fail to be elected落选
China, lawfail to bring an action不起诉
China, lawfail to clamp down不予取缔
China, lawfail to collect or undercollect the tax payable不征或者少征应征税款
China, lawfail to comply with the present Law不符合本法规定
securit.fail to conform to stipulations不符合规定
China, lawfail to correct不改正
el.fail to danger故障失事
interntl.trade.fail to deliver未能交付
textilefail to deliver未能交货
securit.fail to deliver未按时交付
securit.fail to deliver证券未能交割
busin.fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated不如期交货
busin.fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated不按约定日期交货
China, lawfail to discharge不履行
China, lawfail to dispatch the police to the scene不及时出警
China, lawfail to do a good job in supervision监督不力
China, lawfail to ensure未保障
securit.fail to execute交易失败
securit.fail to execute行权失败
chem.fail to fire不发火
tech.fail to fire不发火 (发动机或者炮)
China, lawfail to fulfill未履行
China, lawfail to fulfill the requirement after rectification整改没有达到要求
China, lawfail to gain profits未能恢复盈利
tech.fail to go故障
China, lawfail to grant to不予
China, lawfail to handle appropriately处置不当
China, lawfail to have the energy efficiency label put on file未办理能源效率标识备案
agric.fail to head不结球指甘蓝类
agric.fail to head不抽穗指禾谷类
tech.fail to heal不愈合
China, lawfail to impose administrative penalty不给予行政处罚
China, lawfail to investigate into and handle不予查处
econ.fail to keep a promise未履行诺言
econ.fail to keep a promise违约
econ.fail to keep one's promise背约
textilefail to keep one's promise背约,违约
busin.fail to keep one's promise违约
textilefail to keep one's words不守诺言
econ.fail to keep one's promise违约
anim.husb.fail to lamb流产
China, lawfail to make a decision within the legal term逾期不作决定
China, lawfail to make a reconsideration decision不作出复议决定
China, lawfail to meet达不到
China, lawfail to meet a deadline耽误期限
China, lawfail to meet the conditions provided by law不符合法律规定条件
China, lawfail to meet the requirement of listing不再具备上市条件
China, lawfail to mend up within the prescribed time period逾期未改正
agric.fail to pass不通过论文
agric.fail to pass不及格考试
China, lawfail to pay the compensation within the prescribed period逾期不予赔偿
China, lawfail to pay the hire as agreed upon未按照合同约定支付租金
China, lawfail to perform the agreement不履行调解协议
securit.fail to predict预测失准
agric.fail to produce不长
agric.fail to produce不生产减产
China, lawfail to reach settlement through mediation调解不成
interntl.trade.fail to receive未能接收
auto.fail to release离合器分离不彻底故障
China, lawfail to repudiate不作否认表示 (sth.)
sport.fail to score没能得分
agric.fail to sprout不发枝
China, lawfail to state未说明
tech.fail to submit a true report不据实申报
agric.fail to tiller无分蘖指禾谷类
agric.fail to tiller不分蘖
el.mach.fail-to-safety brake保安闸
el.mach.fail tree失效树
auto.fail tree故障失效
telecom."fail" verdict"不合格"判断
econ.fail with the rent负租
interntl.trade.fail with the rent免租
busin.fail with the rent欠租
agric.fail year荒年
avia.fails to respond没有响应
securit.financial behemoths-too big to fail金融巨兽一太大而不会破产
busin.first fail初级故障
busin.first fail初次失败
busin.go fail失灵
busin.go fail出毛病
busin.go fail失败
econ.If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程
econ.If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论
econ.If they fail to pay the sum, you may charge them with trespasses如果他们不付清这笔款额,你方可控告他们侵权
econ.If they fail to pay, we shall be compelled to enforce payment through the hands of attorney如他们不付款,我们将不得不借助律师迫使他们付款
commer.If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消这一定单
commer.If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同
met.initial fail早期变形
met.initial fail早期破坏
el.mach.insulation fail rate绝缘故障率
tech.line fail detection set线路故障探测装置
securit.market deemed to fail被认为失效的市场
tech.mean time to fail失效平均时间
China, lawmediation effort fails调解不成
China, lawmediation fails调解不成
auto.miles since first fail首次故障英里数
auto.miles since last fail最近故障英里数
avia.module fail status模块故障状态
gen.never fail of非要
gen.never fail of达到
media.never fail to + inf.从未忘记
media.never fail to + inf.必定
tech.non-fail-safe unit非故障安全部件
textilepass-fail criterion合格与不合格标准
textilepass-fail criterion合格一不合格标准
textilepass-fail judgment合格与不合格判定
textilepass-fail level合格与不合格标准
tech.pneumatic electronic fail-safe system气动电子式损坏安全性系统
tech.power fail掉电
agric.power fail电源故障指电源失效、中断、掉电
tech.power fail电源断电
telecom.power fail and automatic restart电源中断并自动再启动
el.power fail detect电源故阵检测
el.power-fail input电源故障输人
dril.power fail interrupt断电
telecom.power fail logic停电保护逻辑
el.power-fail output电源故障输出
el.power fail recovery system掉电恢复系统
el.power fail recovery system电源故障恢复系统
tech.power-fail recovery system掉电恢复系统
el.power fail restart掉电再启动
el.power fail restart电源故障再启动
tech.power fail restart电源故障重新起动
tech.power fail safe电源保安装置
auto.quantity of fail item不合格项目数
tech.real-time fail实时故障
tech.rear face fail背面失效
econ.report without fail务必报告
tech.ringing fail alarm振铃信号故障报警
securit.settlement fail结算失败
railw.Sever Signal Fail服务层信号失效
avia.single-fail operative单故障工作
el.soft fail软失效
el.soft fail index软失效指数
tech.soil fail土壤破坏
gen.Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡
comp.success / fail value成败值
el.supply fail供电事故
tech.sync fail同步失效
el.synchronous power fail interrupt同步电源故障中断
mining.system fail-safe action safety technology emergency shut down system具系统失效保护作用的安全技术的应急关闭系统
busin.tell-fail lamp事故灯
busin.testing until all items fail整个产品失灵检验
econ.The agency agreement terminates if you fail to meet the minimum sales quotas你方如果不能达到最低的销售指标,本代理合同即告终止
econ.The bonds will be forfeited if the bidder fails to execute the company's instructions如投标人未能执行公司的指令,则保证金予以没收
econ.The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement承包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款
gen.The latest from Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki looks astonishing, but fails to face up sufficiently to the politics of its subject日本动画大师宫崎骏此次的新作虽令人眼前一亮,但实则缺乏对此类政治题材的深度理解
econ.The No. 1 managerial problem is that some of the managers fail to make contact with both their employees and their customers管理方面存在的首要问题是部分管理人员未与员工及其客户保持联系
avia.time of fail故障时间
avia.time of fail失效时间
tech.toe fail堤趾失效
IMF.too big to fail criterion, bank太大而不能倒闭
securit.too-big-to-fail policy太大企业难以倒闭政策
fin.too-big-to-fail problem"大到不能倒"的问题
ITtrail signal fail路径信号失效
securit.unsettled fails未结算的损失
gen.We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
econ.We shall have the right to delay shipment if the distributors fail to meet the payments如经销商无力付款,我们有权推迟发货
econ.We shall refuse to prosecute the work, if they fail to make payment on time如果他们不按时付款,我们将拒绝施工
econ.We wish to inform you that if you fail to effect payment within the stipulated time, we shall lodge a claim with you兹通知你方如不能在规定时间内付款,我方将对你方提出索赔
sport.When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。
expl.While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大
gen.without fail务必
gen.without fail必〔一〕 定
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